Teenage alcoholism. Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence of alcoholism among adolescents, the age of alcoholics is decreasing every year, - presentation Presentation on the topic of alcohol in adolescence

Teenage alcoholism is developing in a short time: 3 times faster than adults ... If a teenager at the age of 15-17, or even earlier, begins to systematically "indulge" in alcohol, then alcoholism can form in a year and a half .

The causes of teenage alcoholism are closely related to 3 aspects:

  • family problems;
  • the influence of the environment (company);
  • personal characteristics.

Family problems

Children living in complete, prosperous families, where they are loved and appreciated, pay enough attention to them, are rarely drawn to alcohol.

Teenage alcoholism almost always grows on the basis of family inaction:

  • parents set an example themselves;
  • cannot influence the behavior of their child.

Wednesday (company)

The reason for early alcoholism is not so much a craving for alcohol as the influence of the company.

The main patterns of group alcohol consumption:

  • start to drink alcohol out of curiosity ;
  • the group motive is always strong - they all try alcohol together, to keep up with the company ;
  • adolescents often do not have enough money to indulge in alcohol on a regular basis, and therefore reception can be unsystematic;
  • intoxication is accompanied by increased motor activity : they make noise, dance, aggressive reactions may occur, the result of which is the beating of bystanders, violence;
  • drinking in company often associated with early sexualization : the drunk dose helps to establish contact, get rid of complexes, and hormones take their toll.

a consequence of the introduction to alcohol of 4-5 year old children is oligophrenia: undeveloped speech, awkward movements, hygiene skills may be absent, such children (and later adults) may have difficulties with self-care

How alcohol affects the psyche of a child at different age periods

the effect of alcohol at the age of 6-7 years leads to the fact that the child becomes purposeless, will only be busy looking for entertainment, his activity is aimed only at the process, and not at the result

How alcohol affects the psyche of a child at different age periods

the consequences of alcoholism at the age of 7-11 - frequent nervous breakdowns, emotional instability, inability to build relationships with other people, sympathize with them, make friends, love

How alcohol affects the psyche of a child at different age periods

alcoholization of 12-14 year old children leads to the fact that thinking, intelligence suffers, in their mental development they lag behind their peers

How alcohol affects the psyche of a child at different age periods

regular use of alcoholic beverages at the age of 16-17 is fraught with inadequate self-esteem, straightforwardness, problems

with interpersonal adaptation.

All alcoholic "products" necessarily contain ethyl alcohol

« Ethanol - highly flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor , refers to strong drugs, causing first excitement, and then paralysis of the nervous system » .

This is what the official GOST 18300 defines - 72 p. 5.1. for ethyl alcohol in 1972. Unfortunately, this definition gradually changed its true essence, which is clearly confirmed by subsequent GOST data.

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Experts interpret the concept of child alcoholism as a manifestation of characteristic signs up to 18 years of age. Drunkenness among minors is closely related to their deviant behavior. This connection is based on the main danger of alcoholism for adolescents - it dramatically weakens self-control.

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In children, alcoholism, in contrast to adults, has a number of characteristic features: - rapid addiction to alcoholic beverages; - malignant course of the disease; - the child's taking large doses of alcohol; - the rapid development of drunkenness; - low efficiency of treatment.

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Such a terrifying phenomenon as child alcoholism began to spread in Russia in post-Soviet times, and today it is a very serious problem. If earlier young people began to show interest in alcohol around the age of 18, now among alcoholics there are children 10-12 years old, and even 3-year-olds.

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Reasons for child alcoholism: - The child's attempts to assert himself among older comrades; - The child's desire to get away from problems, such as troubles at school, quarrels with parents and misunderstanding on their part, first falling in love, misunderstandings in communication with peers, loss of something significant (for example, the death of a beloved animal); - Dependence on the street, when the family does not have the opportunity to throw out their emotions, drinking "for the company"; - Availability of free, uncontrolled money for which you can buy intoxicating drinks; - Alcoholism of parents.

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The consequences of childhood alcoholism are deterioration in health and mental abilities. With the systematic use of alcohol in children, alcohol intolerance rapidly increases and a hangover syndrome forms. The character of the child changes markedly, features of psychopathy are manifested in him - increased excitability, irascibility, aggressiveness. Or vice versa - the child becomes less active, lack of initiative, apathetic, his intellectual activity is noticeably reduced, and academic performance deteriorates.

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A young, unformed organism is a fertile ground for the development of alcoholism. Due to the immaturity of the child's central nervous system, it becomes especially vulnerable. Impaired memory, intellect, logical and abstract thinking, impaired emotional response. Drunkenness among minors is closely related to their deviant behavior. This connection is based on the main danger of alcoholism for adolescents - it dramatically weakens self-control. Most often, violent crimes are committed in a state of intoxication.

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There are several stages in the development of alcoholism: At the first, initial stage, there is a kind of adaptation (addiction) to alcohol. The duration of this period is up to 3-6 months. The second stage is characterized by the regular intake of alcoholic beverages. The dose and frequency of alcohol intake are growing. The behavior of the teenager is changing. This period lasts up to 1 year. At the third stage, mental dependence develops, which can last for several months or years. The teenager himself is an active promoter of the intake of alcoholic beverages at any time, in any quantity and of any quality. This is the initial stage of chronic alcoholism. The fourth stage is defined as the chronic stage of the disease. Formed withdrawal syndrome, mainly with a predominance of the mental component. Withdrawal is less prolonged than in adults and occurs after taking large doses of alcohol. At the fifth stage, the development of alcoholism follows the patterns described for adults. A significant difference is the rapid development of dementia (dementia). Children suffering from alcoholism quickly descend, become asocial, rude, intellectually degraded, with gross impairment of memory and emotions

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The statistics of adolescent alcoholism in Russia gives the following data: Parents introduce children to alcohol under the age of 10 in 60% of cases. Teenagers who regularly consume alcohol study unsatisfactorily (77%), satisfactory (22%) and well (1%). Teenagers who drink alcohol rarely read or do not read at all, and this despite the fact that the peak of the development of erudition comes in high school. 91% of alcohol addicted children come from disadvantaged and socially unstable families. 53% of alcohol addicted children do not receive due attention and care from their parents.

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ALCOHOLISM (alcoholism) - a biopsychosocial disease, which is based on a person's dependence on alcohol ("alcohol" in Arabic "intoxicating"), is one of the forms of deviant (deviant) behavior.

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Peculiarities of alcohol consumption in ancient Russia

In Russia, honey was the main raw material for the production of alcohol, and therefore traditional intoxicating drinks were low-degree: mead, beer, mash, and from the 10th century. and grape wine, and their reception was accompanied, as a rule, by a plentiful meal, which in total minimized the damage to health from alcohol consumption.

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Alcohol during the Muscovite period

Since 1386, grape alcohol has been imported to Russia.

In 1448-1474, the production of alcohol from raw rye began, after which it was called bread wine or vodka.

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Punishments for alcoholism

  • Russian State
    • Punishments were reduced to moral and educational measures, monetary fines.
  • Other States
    • Drunkenness was punished with severe injuries and even the death penalty
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    It was introduced by Peter the Great in 1714, whose goal was to fight against drunkenness. It was made of cast iron and weighed 6.8 kg (17 lb) excluding chains. It is considered the heaviest medal in history. She was hung around her neck in a police station as punishment for excessive drinking and was attached with a chain so that it could not be removed. According to some reports, the medal was to be worn for a week.

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    Nowadays there is an increase in adolescent alcoholism, mainly due to "beer addiction". Cases of alcohol dependence and even alcoholic psychoses are increasing in children 10-12 years old. It was found that 90% of students felt drunk by the end of school.

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    Causes of alcoholism in adolescents

    The social environment at school or on the street has a big impact on us. The desire to stand out, or vice versa, to be like everyone else, leads to the fact that in the end the whole company of teenagers begins to drink alcohol. Failures in life, inability to use free time rationally are also the reasons for adolescent alcoholism.

    Some people think it's cool, thus they want to establish themselves.

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    The age at which beer is tasted for the first time has dropped from 16 to 12-14, and teenagers prefer to drink strong varieties. And drink more, more ... Meanwhile, today doctors are seriously concerned about the increase in alcohol dependence among adolescents. According to statistics, in recent years the percentage of adolescents diagnosed with "alcoholism" in the age group 12-16 years old was 5%, 17-25 years old - 10%, and many of them first tried alcoholic beverages in childhood, at 8-9 years old ... In the mass consciousness, there is an opinion that beer is a low-alcohol and completely harmless drink. In fact, possessing a powerful diuretic effect, beer mercilessly flushes out of the body "building materials" - proteins, as well as fats, carbohydrates and trace elements, especially potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, which is a disaster for a growing person.

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    Beer alcoholism in Russia

    Today in Russia there are about 14 liters of pure alcohol per person per year, which, according to the Ministry of Health, is considered a sign of a difficult alcoholic situation. Of these, only 14% is beer consumption, and the share of hard alcoholic beverages in these statistics is more than 70% of the total. But beer consumption is gradually increasing. Now one person in Russia drinks about 43 liters of beer a year.

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    The smallest patients diagnosed with beer alcoholism are adolescents of 14 years old. They can drink up to ten bottles a day. Beer is especially dangerous for a young immature organism: beer has a detrimental effect on internal organs (heart, kidneys and liver), and can also cause problems in the development of reproductive function, which manifests itself a little later.

    Peculiarities of alcohol consumption in ancient Russia

    In Russia, honey was the main raw material for the production of alcohol, and therefore traditional intoxicating drinks were low-degree: mead, beer, mash, and from the 10th century. and grape wine, and their reception was accompanied, as a rule, by a plentiful meal, which in total minimized the damage to health from alcohol consumption.

    Alcohol during the Muscovite period

    Since 1386, grape alcohol has been imported to Russia.

    In 1448-1474, the production of alcohol from raw rye began, after which it was called bread wine or vodka.

    • Social factor: cultural and material standard of living, stress, information overload, urbanization.
    • Biological Factor: Hereditary Predisposition / according to studies, up to 30% of children whose parents abused alcohol can become potential alcoholics /.
    • Psychological factor: psychoemotional personality traits, the ability to socially adapt and resist stress.

    • The social environment at school or on the street has a big impact on us. The desire to stand out, or vice versa, to be like everyone else, leads to the fact that in the end the whole company of teenagers begins to drink alcohol. Failures in life, inability to use free time rationally are also the reasons for adolescent alcoholism.
    • Some people think it's cool, thus they want to establish themselves.

    According to the Center for Sociological Research of the Ministry of Education of Russia

    • Drink alcohol 81.8%

    minors and

    young people 11-24 years old;

    • Average age of onset

    drinking alcohol - 13 years;

    • About 40% of children for the first time

    got acquainted with alcohol

    from 11 to 14 years old.

    Why teenagers start drinking (according to opinion polls)

    The consequences of drinking alcohol:



    Spiritual in nature

    • Diseases:

    Social nature

    • CNS, CVS;
    • digestive organs, lungs, liver;
    • endocrine and reproductive systems.
    • Difficulties in relationships with family and peers;
    • Spiritual degradation: selfishness, lack of will, primitive thinking, cruelty, aggression,

    irascibility, rudeness;

    • Headaches, hypertonia.
    • Psychosis: nightmares, depression,
    • Problems in study and work (loss of memory, intelligence).
    • Asocial behavior;
    • Conflict with the law;
    • Indifference to public life;
    • Narrowness of interests.

    the feeling of anxiety, fear.

    • Inability to manifest human qualities: love, responsiveness, caring.
    • Chills, thirst, lack of appetite, trembling limbs.
    • Premature aging.
    • Death.

    Types of pressure.

    • Friends pressure ( done in a friendly manner)

    "Would you like to try?"

    • Indirect, tempting pressure. ( inviting the person to taste alcohol without direct pressure)

    "Sasha invites you to a party,

    most of the guys there will drink and smoke. "

    • The pressure of "teasers" and "nicknames" -

    “Come on, don't be a chicken (idiot, mama's boy). Try it. "

    • Heavy pressure. -

    “Come on. You'd better have a drink, or you're not my friend. "

    “Are you afraid? You're a coward!"

    • Follow these rules and save yourself and your loved ones from this addiction.
    • Try to postpone alcohol consumption, including beer, until you are physically mature. It is believed that a person reaches physical maturity when he becomes an adult, i.e. at the age of 18.
    • Take up exercise or your favorite sport or dance sport. This has threefold benefits: health benefits; you will have a great free time; you will find friends with whom you have common interests, for example, sports.

    • If thirsty, drink something non-alcoholic, even if it costs more than beer. Remember: alcohol removes water from the body, so it cannot quench your thirst. Not drinking alcoholic drinks means making a health choice. True friends should understand this and respect your choice.
    • Don't waste money on beer or other alcoholic beverages. It is better to save them and spend on something interesting, for example, on fashionable clothes, a new computer game, or on the next trip to an Internet club or a disco.
    • Don't think you're the only one who doesn't want to drink alcohol. There are many such people.

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    Purpose Raising the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents on the prevention of adolescent alcoholism.

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    Objectives: Discuss the causes of bad habits; To reveal the mechanism of addiction; Give recommendations for working with teenagers on the problem; Involve parents in preventive work to prevent alcoholism zzzz

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    Motives for drinking alcohol: - Specific defects in upbringing (negative example of parents, parents' permission to take alcohol in their presence). - Customs and traditions of the social environment (festive feasts). - Deficiencies in educational work (organization of recreation and leisure for adolescents). - Sufficiently condescending attitude in society towards the use of alcoholic beverages (plus the relative availability and cost). - Assessment of refusal to drink as a manifestation of ill will towards others. - Company pressure. - Moral immaturity of adolescents ..

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    Three stages of intoxication Stage 1 - light intoxication. Stage 2 - moderate intoxication. Stage 3 - severe intoxication.

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    Development of alcoholism: Stage 1 - initial adaptation to alcohol. Stage 2 - mastering the stereotypes of alcoholic intoxication. Stage 3 - mental dependence on alcohol. Stage 4 - physical dependence on alcohol.

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    Psychic dependence: Irritability. Excitability. Frequent mood swings. Conflictness. Aggressiveness. The daily alcohol intake increases.

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    Physical dependence: Hangover syndrome. Anxiously depressed state. Increased sweating. Small trembling in the hands. Palpitations. Tearfulness. Memory impairment.

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    Factors increasing the risk of acquaintance with alcohol: Biological: Characterological. The desire to constantly be in the center of attention of others. Features of family education: -hypothecary -hypothecary

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    Handout 1. In the fight against alcohol use in adolescents, it is necessary to act consistently: ♦ Learn everything about alcohol and the consequences of its use. ♦ Do not wait for trouble. Prevent her appearance. ♦ Be an example to your child. ♦ To teach confident refusal, to convince him of the right to say “no”. ♦ Listen to the child, hear him; support, love, and not just financially provide.