Complete mysql removal. Recovering a forgotten password for root "a. Basic system software for IT infrastructure

Recovering a forgotten password for root "a

    Stop mysqld

    Sudo service mysql stop

    Run mysqld with the parameters --skip-grant-tables --user \u003d root:

    Sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables --user \u003d root

    Connect to the MySQL server with the command:

    Mysql -u root

    Update the password for root "a:

    UPDATE mysql.user SET Password \u003d PASSWORD ("") WHERE User \u003d "root"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Now you can log in as root with a new password.

Before installing drivers, you must manually restore the list of packages

The Hardware Drivers tool needs a current list of packages before searching for and offering drivers. However, this is not immediately after installation. To set additional boot options, press any key on the initial boot screen.

Partition alignment changes may damage some systems

  In very few cases, optimal alignment causes problems.

This is due to poor cooperation between some components of the installer. To resolve this issue, run the following command after installation. Solving this problem is also a side effect of the first kernel update after installing the system. We expect this issue to be removed in the next version of the version version.

how to add / remove a user in MySQL from the console

It happens that the remote / virtual machine is installed and you need to create users / databases and give them rights, but you do not want to install phpmyadmin. Or just show off the ability to work with the mysql user from the console in front of colleagues;)

First you need to log in as root:

Desktop installer sometimes does not start

A desktop session will now start so that you can investigate the problem or try to fix it again. This question is asked because such changes cannot be automatically combined with 100% success, and it is important not to overwrite the bootloader configuration manually without warning.

However, if you decide to “leave the current installed local version”, your system will not boot from any new installed kernel. For your system to work with the current, reliable kernel, manual intervention on your part is required. If you have local changes to your bootloader configuration that you want to save, it is recommended that you proceed as follows.

Mysql -u root -p

After entering the password, we will be in the mysql console.

Create user test with localhost and password "password".

Create user "test" @ "localhost" identified by "password";

User created. To check, see the list of users:

Select user, host, password from mysql.user;

Let's create the testdb database.

Create database testdb;

Give user test full rights  to the testdb base

Make any changes to the kernel boot options in the variables listed above. Then add this option. Configuring a wireless network for domain management through the add-on module is no longer supported. Transferring network processing to an upstart means that all network devices are now processed hot. As a result, connected interfaces only load reliably when a restricted interface is created as part of the physical interface configuration; otherwise, the system may try to open the restricted interface before the available physical interfaces are available, and fail.

Grant all on testdb. * To "test" @ "localhost"

Delete user "test" @ "localhost"

drop user "test" @ "localhost"

If you created users for different hosts and want to delete all, then you need to delete them one by one through the "drop user" command with the host

Attention!  The "DROP USER" command does not automatically close all sessions opened by the user to be deleted. If a user with an open session has been deleted, then deleting will have no effect until the user closes the session. After the session is closed, the next attempt to enter the system by the user whose deleted will fail.

Change notification of available updates

These packages can be removed. Users receive security alerts daily, but users are notified only once a week about non-security updates. Users who want to be notified of the update in the previous way can restore the previous behavior using the following command.

Temporary error resolution in the new core of graphic architecture

Beware of changing the numbering of archive logs: the name of the first archive file does not end with 0, but with 1. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that a password request will appear when the system boots. This issue will be addressed in a kernel update after release.

Delete the testdb database

Drop database testdb;

P.S. Do not forget to put after each team ;

It so happens that you need to reinstall MySql server on Windows system. Naturally, for this you must first remove MySql, and then reinstall. But a simple removal from the Control Panel is not enough. Below we read how to remove MySql on Windows correctly.

Things around the new graphic architecture at the core

Perhaps this may cause other problems. On the one hand, the administrator has more control over the download, but the other does not receive reports in the event of a section failure. To use this source, you can configure your system using the command line.

The new Thunderbird doesn't have Lightning yet

This problem is known, but the solution still works. It will be added to the repository later. Installation of individual components, in my opinion, is “cleaner”, which, according to at least, allows you to select your individual versions in detail, and manually produce detailed setup.

How to remove MySql on Windows

MySql must be stopped, although this is not necessary. If you have Apache, open the Apache server panel, click the Services button, in the window that appears, find the MySql service and stop it.

Remove MySql.

1. Go to My computer and select "Add or Remove Programs"

2. In the list, look for MySQL, select it, click the "Delete" button.

Therefore, now we can move on to the definitions of virtual servers. You can do this by adding or modifying the following lines. You will modify this second file. The main treatment allowed a number of extensions that are implicitly forbidden and setting up directories to extract these extensions.

This guide is intended to help those who have problems with this. To make sure everything is installed correctly, perform a simple test. Open in any web browser, and then enter the following address. Open it and the message It works! That is, it works.

3. We wait until the end of the process and go to the directory where MySQL was installed. I had it in the folder “C: Program FilesMySQL”, delete this folder.

4. Next, go to this address “C: / Documents and Settings / All Users / Application Data /”, look again for the MySQL folder and also delete it completely. In general, I recommend doing a search inside “Documents and Settings” for the “sql” parameter and deleting all the folders that will be associated with MySql. I did just that.

This is a database editing tool. . To open it, enter the following command. Now we have to uncomment the next line, removing the semicolon. Just ask for a comment, and of course, someone will want to help. Animation effects are now disabled by default in dialog boxes and menus. Remember that you do this for your own responsibility.

When installation is complete, exit the current session or restart the system. It is quite easy to install. They say that this is the simplest graphical shell in the world 😉. Using Installed software  databases, we can create three ways.

5. Reboot the PC.

Congratulations! Now MySQL is completely removed from your computer and you can start a new installation.