Types of personal hygiene. Personal hygiene rules that are important for your health. Definition of the term "Soil Perfringens titer"

Hygiene as a science is a very broad concept, covering almost all aspects of human life. The word "hygiene" comes from the Greek hygiene s, which means "bringing health". There are a lot of definitions of Hygiene, but, perhaps, they all mean the same thing: hygiene is the science of improving and preserving a person.

Hygiene includes many sections, such as: hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, personal hygiene, communal hygiene, environmental hygiene, military hygiene, etc. Since the subject of the site is fully included in the concept of "Hygiene", then for ease of understanding in this section of the site we will cover only the topic of Personal Hygiene.

Personal hygiene - a set of rules for human behavior in everyday life and at work. In a narrow sense, hygiene is the hygienic maintenance of the body, clothing and household items. Violations of personal hygiene requirements can affect the health of both one person and very large groups of people (groups of enterprises, families, members of various communities, and even residents of entire regions).


1. Body hygiene. Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Maintaining the cleanliness of the skin is extremely important, because in addition to the protective function, it performs the following functions: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

  • Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e. slightly above normal body temperature. Up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat are released through the skin of a person per week. So that the protective properties of the skin are not violated, these secretions must be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions are created on the skin for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  • It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, bath) with application at least once a week.
  • Keep your hands and nails clean. Exposed areas of the skin are particularly prone to contamination. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from hands to mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called the disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before going to the toilet and always after the toilet, before eating and after eating, after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some of the germs.
  • Feet should be washed every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

2. Hair hygiene. normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Therefore, the procedure for washing the head must be treated responsibly.

  • The head must be washed as it gets dirty. It is impossible to say the exact number of times. The frequency of hair washing depends on various factors: hair length, hair and scalp type, nature of work, season, etc. In winter, as a rule, the head is washed more often, because the headdress does not allow the scalp to breathe, which is why sebum is released much more than usual.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. Hair can become very greasy, as hot water activates the sebaceous glands. In addition, this water helps detergents (soaps and shampoos) settle on the hair in the form of a gray coating that is difficult to wash off.
  • Be careful with the choice of hair care products (shampoos, balms, lotions, etc.). Hair absorbs water very well, and with it substances that can harm the hair, scalp and body as a whole.
  • After rinsing, it is useful to rinse the hair with cool water.
  • Dry your head after washing, preferably with a warm towel, and then let your hair dry in the air. It is undesirable to use a hair dryer, as it dries the hair very much.
  • When combing hair, the use of other people's combs is unacceptable.

3. Oral hygiene. Proper care of the oral cavity helps to keep the teeth in good condition for many years, and also helps to prevent many diseases of the internal organs.

  • You need to brush your teeth every morning and evening.
  • It is unacceptable to use another person.
  • Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating.
  • At the first signs of tooth or gum disease, contact your dentist immediately.
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a routine checkup.

4. Hygiene of underwear and clothing and footwear. An important role in personal hygiene is the cleanliness of our clothes. Clothing protects the human body from pollution, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insect ingress, and so on.

  • Underwear must be changed after each wash, i.e. everyday.
  • Socks, socks, stockings, tights are changed daily.
  • Clothes should be washed regularly.
  • It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes and shoes
  • Clothing and footwear must be suitable for climatic conditions.
  • It is advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics, and shoes made from natural materials.
  • The cut of clothes and shoes should take into account the anatomical features and correspond to the size of the person.

5. Sleeping hygiene.

  • Each family member should have their own towel and bed.
  • Bed linen must be changed weekly.
  • The bed should be comfortable.
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the sleeping area.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to change underwear for a nightgown or pajamas.
  • Try to keep pets out of bed.

And a little more about hygiene:


The state of all internal organs, systems depends not only on genetics or nutrition. This is also influenced by personal hygiene - a set of everyday rules that preserve health and strengthen it. This concept includes not only washing hands and taking a shower, but also the principles of behavior during an illness, a competent sleep schedule, and even the choice of shoes. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to a deterioration in immunity, especially in children.

Elements of personal hygiene of a person

This includes the basic rules for skin care, hair, nails, oral cavity. They are of great importance for the prevention of infections. In addition, doctors advise paying attention to the hygiene of the bed: frequent change of linen, airing, fresh nightgown, absence of pets in bed. It is especially important to observe these rules for a sick person who spreads the infection himself.

Regular showering

It is recommended to do this in the morning, in the evening to keep the body clean. From the position of hygiene, it is more important to wash before going to bed to remove the sweat and dirt accumulated during the day. In the morning, the shower is designed to restore freshness to the body, and vigor to the person. Do not do this more than 2 times a day, so as not to overdry the skin. The exception is a short shower after a workout to wash off the smell of sweat.

hand washing

This is a reliable way to prevent viral, bacterial infections. They can be picked up through contacts with other people, touching household items, and then - to the face, lips, food. Many dangerous microorganisms accumulate on hands during the day, especially if a person goes out into a public place. Washing hands with soap and water is a must after walking. At home, this should be done after visiting the toilet, playing with animals, before cooking.

Nail hygiene

After returning from the street from under them, you need to clean the dirt with any small brush. This is done while washing hands. During the evening shower, it is also recommended to clean the nails. A weekly hygienic manicure and pedicure is required, which involves removing the free edge with scissors, softening the cuticle with a special tool. This makes the nails neat, reduces the risk of brittleness, and prevents dirt from accumulating under them.

Care of teeth and gums

Use a soft brush matched with a toothpaste after every meal. Give this process at least 3 minutes. If you can't brush your teeth, use floss to remove leftover food. Visit your doctor for a preventive examination at least once every six months. Bacteria that accumulate in the tooth gaps, on the enamel, gums can get into the heart through the bloodstream, so it is important to notice the problem in the oral cavity in time.

Healthy sleep

If you do not rest for the prescribed 8 hours, the body does not have time to recover. Gradually, this undermines the immune system, it becomes vulnerable to diseases. Together with him, the nervous system suffers, which can provoke problems with internal organs. Go to bed before midnight and try to shield yourself from electronic devices 1-2 hours before that.

intimate hygiene

It is important for men to push back the foreskin every time they take a shower to wash out the secretions that have accumulated under it. For intimate hygiene, use mild soap or special gels. In a woman, the cleansing of the vagina occurs independently, therefore, only the external genitalia are washed in the shower 2 times a day. During menstruation, the scheme remains standard.

Important points of women's care:

  • During your period, change your pads and tampons every 3-4 hours. Wash your hands thoroughly before using them.
  • In case of vaginal irritation, thrush, do not wear synthetic or tight underwear - wear cotton. Use fragrance-free toilet paper.
  • Wax your bikini area regularly.

Care of clothes and shoes

A clean wardrobe is the key to your health. In the evening after returning home, clean the dirt from the shoes with a damp cloth or brush, wash the insoles every week (if they are removed). To get rid of the smell of sweat and bacteria, use special sprays.

Important requirements for clothing and footwear:

  • Comfort. Do not wear what strongly rubs, presses, presses. In narrow shoes, air exchange is disturbed, infections develop. Clothing that does not fit impairs blood flow in the tissues on which it presses, causing irritation of the skin by friction.
  • Dryness. After playing sports, change clothes, shoes, socks.
  • Freshness. Wash clothes regularly so that bacteria do not accumulate on them - this will save you from skin diseases. Shoes that can get completely wet should be washed 1-2 times a month.

Personal hygiene in case of illness

When an infection occurs, it must be prevented from spreading. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze and cough, wear a medical mask, and talk less to others. Use a separate set of dishes and linen, ventilate the room more often. Try to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene: take a shower and wash your hair, if there is no high temperature, brush your teeth. If you have a runny nose, throw away all used wipes immediately - do not save up in the room.

How to form healthy habits

When accustoming yourself or your child to personal hygiene, use these recommendations:

  • Do not hurry. During the week, work on one habit, from next Monday, add another. Let your set of rules be replenished gradually. This is especially important in children's education - the child is not able to remember everything at once, and this will cause him disappointment.
  • Make hints. Put selected personal hygiene products on a shelf in the bathroom, stick a piece of paper at the sink with a reminder to wash your hands after using the toilet, and ventilate the bedroom near the bed. Over time, prompts will not be needed: actions will become habitual.
  • Take advantage of gadgets. Set reminders on your phone or smartwatch to brush your teeth, trim your nails, or toss all your T-shirts in the laundry.

In addition to the basic rules that relate to cleanliness of the body and hair, clothes, shoes, there are several important points that improve your health. These are recommendations for behavior in the kitchen, in public places, in the office. In a separate line, doctors display tips for safety on vacation in hot countries. You need to use only bottled water or boil well poured from the tap, touch the food with completely dry hands.

Fight bad breath

This problem is one of the main signs of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or malfunctions in the body. Try freshening your breath by using a mouthwash. Visit the dentist: bad breath is often associated with cavities and gum disease. Review your diet - onions, garlic, spices, coffee also make your breath stale. Eat more raw vegetables, chew hard fruits. Drink natural yogurt, use sugar-free gum.

Ventilate and disinfect residential/office areas

In an enclosed space full of people, viruses and bacteria multiply very actively. For this reason, outbreaks of SARS and other diseases often occur in offices, schools and shopping centers. Make it a rule to ventilate the room every 3-4 hours for 5-10 minutes. In the office, wet cleaning should be carried out daily, using antiseptics, paying attention to door handles, drawers, table surfaces, cabinets. At home, this is carried out at intervals of a day.

Use hand sanitizer

An alcohol-based gel (the concentration reaches 99%) is able to help out in a situation where there is no access to water. It is much more effective than antibacterial wet wipes, quickly evaporates from the skin. Carry an antiseptic in your purse, use it in public places, but remember that it dries your hands a lot due to the aggressive composition.

Take care of your makeup

Brushes and sponges are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria. Wash makeup tools thoroughly with soap and water after each use, especially if you have applied liquid products (foundation, lipstick). It is also advisable to clean the jars themselves, tubes with cosmetics with alcohol or micellar water. Pay special attention to the spouts on which the remnants of the cream dry up, and sharpen the pencils before each use.

Get rid of sweat odor

In a healthy person, it appears with improper hygiene procedures and wearing stale clothes. Make it a rule to wear clean underwear and socks every day, do not use T-shirts and shirts for more than 2-3 days in a row. Other causes of sweat odor are alcohol abuse, infections, and hormonal imbalances. In these situations, review the diet, visit a doctor.

Wear good shoes and socks made from quality fabrics

In any artificial materials, the body sweats a lot, because there is no good air exchange, no fresh oxygen supply. Humidity rises in a closed space, harmful bacteria multiply. This not only creates an unpleasant smell, but also increases the risk of a fungal infection. Choose shoes made from natural materials (leather, suede), and cotton socks and tights.

Properly store and prepare food

If you put raw meat, fish, or seafood in the refrigerator, don't let it come into contact with other food. Keep their juices away from other foods. When cooking meat or fish, use a separate board, knife. Unprocessed animal protein often contains dangerous bacteria on the surface that can cause infection.

Wash all plant foods thoroughly. If you eat fruits or vegetables with the skin on, buy a wax remover. It is similar to dishwashing liquid, but safer for humans. Another way to kill bacteria is to scald plant food if the recipe allows it.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Personal hygiene rules that are important for your health

Hygiene(from the Greek “healing”) is a field of science, in particular medicine, that studies the influence of living conditions, work on a person and develops the prevention of various diseases; providing optimal conditions for existence; preserving health and prolonging life.

In the formation and effective provision of a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene of each person is becoming increasingly important in modern conditions.

Personal hygiene- one of the most important branches of medicine, studying and developing the principles of maintaining and strengthening health by observing hygiene requirements in everyday life and activities. Personal hygiene is the basis of a healthy lifestyle, a condition for effective primary and secondary prevention of various diseases.
In the era of scientific and technological progress, which is accompanied by chemical and physical pollution of the environment, the negative consequences of urbanization processes, personal hygiene becomes a powerful factor in the prevention of cardiovascular and other most common diseases; it allows you to effectively deal with hypokinesia, neuropsychic overstrain, significantly weakens the adverse effects of various occupational hazards and other damaging environmental factors, and improves efficiency.

The public importance of personal hygiene is determined by the fact that non-compliance with its requirements in everyday life can have an adverse effect on the health of others (passive smoking, the spread of infectious diseases and helminthiasis, deterioration of the air quality of inhabited premises, etc.).
According to many researchers, a healthy lifestyle, constant adherence to a rational daily regimen,
nutrition, the rejection of bad habits significantly increase the life expectancy of a person.

It is no coincidence that the outstanding physiologist I.P. Pavlov pointed out that the life expectancy of a modern person should be at least 100 years, and if this is not observed, then to a large extent due to our ugly attitude towards our own body.
In order to be healthy, strong, hardy, highly productive, you need to be attentive to your health. By this we should understand not the tendency to constantly listen to certain symptoms, not excessive suspiciousness, but active self-prophylaxis, which consists in observing the requirements of personal hygiene.
The complex of personal hygiene elements is very extensive, It includes: body and oral hygiene, physical culture, hardening, prevention of bad habits, hygiene of mental work, sexual life, clothes and shoes, rest and sleep, individual nutrition, etc.

Skin care consists in the following rules:
- wash every day with warm water with toilet or baby soap;
- if possible, change underwear, socks, stockings, tights or stockings as often as possible;
- if the skin is dry or itchy, lubricate it with a cream or ointment;
- do not squeeze acne, do not try to open abscesses: inflammation may begin in their place;
- noticing a rash on your body, immediately contact your parents or a medical institution;
- eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, milk; if you get enough vitamins and minerals with food, then the skin will be clean and smooth;
- avoid foods that cause you an allergic reaction;
- in cold weather, protect the skin from frostbite;
- in the forest or in the field, do not touch unfamiliar plants, as among them there may be poisonous ones that cause skin irritation;
- If you accidentally spill an acid or other chemical on yourself, wash it off immediately with soap and running water.
- if clothes made of synthetic fabrics or any other materials cause skin irritation, do not wear them.

Dental and oral care includes the following basic rules:
- protect yourself from injuries most commonly caused by sports activities and car accidents: if you play contact sports, use protective equipment such as a helmet, face mask and jaw protector; in the car, fasten your seat belt, which can save not only your life, but also your appearance, in particular, save your teeth;
Eat more foods that strengthen teeth and gums, and less of foods that weaken them (vegetables rich in fiber and calcium contribute to healthy teeth; apples, carrots and celery, which must be chewed thoroughly, not only give work to the muscles of the jaws, improve blood flow to the teeth and gums, but also clean the surface of the teeth; peanuts and other nuts, tea, sunflower seeds, cheese, olives, if consumed after meals, can prevent tooth decay by preventing the formation of an acidic environment in the mouth);
- avoid fatty, viscous and acidic foods: they can change the environment in the oral cavity and affect the composition of saliva in a way that increases the likelihood of tooth decay and erosion of enamel;
- regularly clean the interdental spaces with a special floss or toothpick, use a natural-based toothpaste;
- visit the dentist 2-3 times a year: in this case, he will detect diseases of the teeth and gums in a timely manner

Hair should be washed not according to the schedule, but as needed. At the same time, it is good to rinse them with water with vinegar, a decoction of chamomile or nettle. Very helpful head massage. You can do it before every wash. Do not be lazy to comb your hair in the morning and evening.

Cloth must correspond to the climatic conditions of the human environment, the nature of his work, have a cut that does not impede blood circulation and breathing (i.e., must be sufficiently free), and be easily cleaned of dust and dirt.

Hats must also meet hygienic requirements: be light and not tight so as not to disturb the blood circulation of the head. For cold weather, hats made of natural fur are optimal, and for the summer period - from light, light and low heat-conducting materials.

It is preferable to have shoes made of genuine leather: it is not afraid of moisture, retains heat well and provides good foot ventilation. The cut of footwear should fully take into account the anatomical and physiological features of the foot.
Compliance with these rules and requirements contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

Main article: Hygiene

Personal hygiene(individual) - a section of hygiene, which studies the issues of preserving and strengthening human health, observing hygiene rules and measures in his personal life and activities, developing and conducting hygiene education activities, promoting hygiene knowledge and a healthy lifestyle in order to improve the hygiene culture of the population. It includes questions of the hygienic maintenance of the body (skin, hair, nails, teeth), shoes and clothing, housing, the rules of rational nutrition, hardening of the body and physical culture. At the same time, some issues of personal hygiene are also dealt with by sexology (personal hygiene of the genital organs, hygiene of sexual life) and occupational hygiene (personal hygiene of workers during work).

In a broader sense, personal hygiene- this is human behavior aimed at the hygienic maintenance of the body (skin, hair, nails, teeth), shoes and clothing, housing, hardening of the body. It is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

The value of personal hygiene in human life

Hand washing is one of the ways to prevent infection with intestinal infections.

Unlike public hygiene, the purpose of which is to improve the health of the entire population or the health of the population, personal hygiene is aimed at maintaining and strengthening the individual health of a person.

Any achievements of public hygiene will not achieve their goal and will not be able to preserve the health of a person who will neglect the basics of personal hygiene (observance of the regime of work and rest, good sleep, rational nutrition, sufficient exposure to fresh air, keeping the skin, mouth, clothes, classes in hardening and physical culture, the absence of bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, etc.). Systematic inattention to the hygienic conditions of life worsens his health and reduces his working capacity.

At the same time, personal hygiene is inextricably linked with hygiene in general, including public hygiene. Thus, non-compliance with the requirements of personal hygiene in everyday life, especially by representatives of certain professions, has an adverse effect on the health of others (passive smoking, the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and helminthiases, poisoning, etc.).

Hygiene of the human body

Tupfer used as an ear cleaner

Hygienic body care should be done daily.

Personal hygiene of the organs of vision

Personal hygiene of the hearing organs

Hearing hygiene

Personal oral hygiene

Dental floss

Oral hygiene is a means of preventing dental caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, bad breath (halitosis) and other dental diseases. It includes both daily cleaning and professional cleaning performed by a dentist (oral sanitation).

Hygienic care of the oral cavity should be carried out at least 2 times a day (after breakfast and dinner). Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste (toothpowder). Brush your teeth with vertical brush strokes. It is required to change the brush as it wears out, but at least every 3-4 months. Be sure to use dental floss to clean the sides of the teeth between them. The toothbrush must be individual. Other dental products are also used, such as mouth rinses, dental wipes, toothpicks.

As a prophylaxis for deodorizing the oral cavity after eating, removing food debris and normalizing pH, you can use sugar-free chewing gum; for a greater effect, dentists recommend using medical or functional chewing gums with xylitol and functional additives. Rinse your mouth after every meal.


Personal skin care

Human skin emits sweat and sebum, polluted by dust. Normally, harmless microorganisms, the natural human microflora, live on human skin. When contaminated, the skin loses its protective properties and pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply on it, and sweat and sebum, decomposing, begin to exude odors. A considerable number of microorganisms accumulate under the nails. Therefore, it is recommended to take a daily hygienic shower, cut your nails regularly short. Through dirty hands, you can become infected with intestinal infections and helminthiasis, in order to avoid this, it is imperative to wash your hands with soap after returning home from the street, after visiting the toilet, before eating. It is necessary to wash your feet daily before going to bed, followed by a thorough wiping them with a towel.

Hair washing is carried out at least 1-2 times a week. Shampoo is used to wash hair and head. Combs, shaving accessories must be individual.

Hygiene measures also include the use of protective gloves, clothing, footwear, creams to protect the skin from burns, frostbite, injuries (scratches, abrasions, bruises, splinters, etc.), aggressive chemical, poisonous and infectious substances.

Personal hygiene of the genitals and perineum

Gynecological swab female urinal

Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene of the genitals can lead to diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, colpitis, bartholinitis, candidiasis - in girls and women, urethritis, balanitis, balanoposthitis - in boys and men. Due to the fact that the skin of the genital organs produces smegma and it accumulates, it is necessary to wash regularly. Washing of infants is performed after the act of defecation or urination. In order to avoid infection with sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to use only individual personal hygiene products (towel, washcloth, razors). After each act of defecation, you must use toilet paper, or wash yourself.

In girls, women

Wiping and washing the external genital organs of girls, girls and women must be done from front to back, in order to avoid the introduction of infection from the anus to the vulva. Wash off daily with warm water. You should not often wash yourself with soap, as it leads to dryness of the vulvar mucosa and disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina, as it has an alkaline reaction. If it is impossible to wash away, wet (hygienic) wipes should be used, it is also desirable to use them after each act of urination. During menstruation, appropriate personal hygiene items are used (sanitary napkin, gynecological tampon, menstrual cup, etc.).

Hygiene of sleep and rest

It is necessary to observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen. The duration of a night's sleep should be at least 7 hours, in order to avoid sleep deprivation. Be sure to observe the regime of work and rest, take breaks for rest during the working day, use weekly days off and annual holidays.

Hygienic rules of rational nutrition

  • Compliance with the diet: the frequency of meals (for an adult - at least 3 times a day), the correct distribution of the diet by time during the day (no more than 50% after 18.00);
  • Balanced nutrition according to the nutrient composition during the day: the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - 1: 1.2: 4.6;
  • Energy adequacy of nutrition: compliance with calorie intake throughout the day, depending on physical activity, gender, age and other factors (with a moderate load for an adult - an average of about 2850 kcal);
  • Compliance with food safety requirements: washing fruits and vegetables before eating, observing the shelf life and shelf life of food products;
  • Compliance with the drinking regime;
  • Sufficient intake of vitamins, microelements, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids with food.

healthy eating

Sexual hygiene

female condom

It is aimed at preventing the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, including phthiriasis, preventing somatic diseases of the human reproductive system, maintaining sexual health.

Avoid promiscuity. During sexual intercourse, if pregnancy and the birth of a child are not planned, contraceptives should be used. In the case of casual sexual contacts, it is imperative to use condoms, then for washing, and for women for douching, use antiseptics (such as miramistin, chlorhexidine, etc.) for the purpose of individual prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. An annual preventive examination for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B is recommended, even in the absence of symptoms, periodic preventive examinations by a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist / andrologist (for men).

Personal hygiene of clothes and shoes

Clothing protects a person from cold, snow, rain, excessive solar radiation, protects the skin from various pollution and harmful effects. Clothing should correspond to weather conditions, fit freely to the body, do not restrict movement, do not squeeze the skin. Fabrics made from natural fibers (cotton, linen, wool, etc.) are preferable, as they are more breathable and vapor-permeable, and absorb sweat better. When choosing shoes, it is necessary to take into account the length and width of the foot, the circumference of the lower leg, since large sizes can lead to abrasions, and small ones to frostbite and deformities of the legs. Shoes must be individual. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of clothes, especially underwear and socks, wash or change them in a timely manner.

Hygienic rules for maintaining a home

The dwelling should be ventilated at least once a day, wet cleaning should be carried out at least once a week.

Personal hygiene of workers during work

Personal hygiene of catering and water workers

Special requirements are imposed on the observance of the rules of personal hygiene by public catering workers (canteens, cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, enterprises for the production and processing, storage, transportation of food, both ready-made and raw materials with semi-finished products) and water supply. This is due to the fact that non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by this category of workers can lead to mass diseases and poisoning among the population.

All persons employed must undergo a complete medical examination.

Personal hygiene of medical personnel

latex glove

The peculiarities of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by medical workers are due to the fact that, on the one hand, they are in direct contact with the weakened sick body of patients, on the other hand, some patients suffer from infectious diseases, the need for contact with biological fluids and secretions of patients. Thus, the personal hygiene of medical workers includes more extensive measures aimed at preventing infection (poisoning, injury) of patients and the prevention of infection with infectious diseases, the impact of other harmful factors when working with medical equipment on the medical workers themselves.

Personal hygiene for hairdressers

Personal hygiene of workers with harmful working conditions

Disposable respirator Suits for protection against ionizing radiation

Harmful working conditions may include industrial noise, dust, aerosols, vapors of toxic substances, microorganisms, allergens, low and high temperatures, electromagnetic (microwave, laser) and ionizing radiation, etc.

Despite the technical measures aimed at hygienic regulation of working conditions, it is sometimes impossible to completely eliminate the impact of harmful factors on workers in certain industries and professions. Therefore, personal protective equipment is additionally applied and measures are prescribed to reduce such impacts.

So, for individual protection against dust (coal, asbestos, construction, etc.), masks and respirators, glasses, ear plugs, thick work clothes, washing in showers are used.

To protect against noise and vibration for personal protection, special rubber mats, gloves, ear plugs, headphones, headsets are used. It is required to comply with the regime (limitation of contact time or exposure to a harmful factor).

Personal hygiene of the patient



Ancient Roman statue. Goddess of health Hygieia, daughter of the god of healing Asclepius Hygieia as imagined by the artist Gustav Klimt

Hygiene(Greek hygieinós, healthy) - a branch of medicine that studies the impact of living and working conditions on human health and develops measures (sanitary norms and rules) aimed at preventing diseases, ensuring optimal living conditions, strengthening health and prolonging life; medical science ( hygiene), which studies the influence of environmental factors on human health, its performance and life expectancy, develops standards, requirements and sanitary measures aimed at improving the settlements, living conditions and activities of people.

As a result, hygiene has two objects of study - environmental factors and the reaction of the body, and uses the knowledge and methods of physics, chemistry, biology, geography and other sciences that study the environment, and medical disciplines such as physiology, anatomy and pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical medicine, etc., and also uses statistical and analytical methods of such sciences as mathematics, economics, sociology.

Environmental factors are diverse and are divided into:

The applied section of hygiene, aimed at developing measures for optimization and prevention, is called sanitation. These measures are implemented in a complex: architectural and planning, sanitary and technical, medical and preventive, organizational and planning, sanitary and legislative, and other areas.

The result of the sanitary-legislative direction are the existing hygienic standards - the maximum permissible concentration (MPC), the maximum permissible level (MPL), and others. In fact, it is hygiene that ensures the safety of the existence of the individual, preventing the impact of harmful factors.


The name "hygiene" (ὑγίεια - "health", other Greek ὑγιεινή - "healthy") came from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of health Hygiea (other Greek Ὑγιεία, Ὑγεία), daughter of the ancient Greek god of healing - Asclepius.

The history of the emergence and development of hygiene

Cicero's saying "Salus populi suprema lex esto" ("Let the good of the people be the supreme law")
displayed on the reverse side of the commemorative medal of Rospotrebnadzor "90 years of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia"

Great Cloaca - a diagram of a part of the ancient sewage system on the map of Ancient Rome The aqueduct in Segovia is a land segment of the multi-kilometer water supply system of Ancient Rome, I century BC. e. (length-728 m, height-28 m)

Attempts to create rules for a healthy life are found in legislation, religious prescriptions and in the everyday habits of most peoples since time immemorial. But, at the same time, hygiene as a science has been formed recently. In the development of hygiene as a science and an applied medical discipline, several periods can be distinguished, which were influenced by the social and economic conditions of each period.

First period ( ancient) - in ancient times (Egypt, Judea, Greece and Rome). It is interesting only for scattered historical facts. This period is characterized by the practical orientation of hygiene. The Mosaic legislation already contains rules for individual prevention (dietary regimen, sexual hygiene, isolation of contagious patients, etc.), control over the implementation of such rules was accordingly assigned to the priests. In Greece, the emphasis was mainly in the field of physical culture, the strengthening of physical strength and beauty, and the rules of diet. This direction in the development of hygiene can be traced in the writings of Hippocrates (456-356 BC). So in the treatise "On Air, Water and Soil", an assessment is made of the influence of these factors on health. At the same time, in Greece, there are prerequisites for the emergence of sanitary measures that are no longer personal hygiene and are aimed at improving the health of entire population groups. For example, sanitary facilities were built in cities for water supply and sewage disposal. Rome went even further, their aqueducts for water supply, sewers for the removal of garbage can rightfully be considered an engineering marvel at that time. Attempts were made to conduct sanitary supervision of construction, food products, even tried to introduce the positions of sanitary officials. The Slavic tribes also observed elements of prevention, so they fumigated with herbs, burned clothes and buildings after the death of the sick, created outposts during epidemics, it was recommended to build settlements on elevated places, dry, protected from the wind, with enough water.

Flea cap - an integral element of the wardrobe of the Middle Ages

After this period, during the Middle Ages, hygiene stopped its development. Epidemics and pandemics of plague, smallpox, typhus, influenza, syphilis that devastated countries nullified the then poorly developed hygienic achievements. The low standard of living and life, social inequalities and endless wars contributed to the development of epidemics and pandemics. This was facilitated by the extremely low level of sanitary culture and education. The extremely low level of life led to the massive development of skin, venereal and eye diseases. Public sanitation and sanitary facilities during this period were practically absent in the cities. For example, in the 18th century there were pastures for cattle in the center of Berlin; in Paris, sewage was poured into the street, and when they began to fight it in the second half of the 17th century, it became a curiosity that was captured in poems and medals, there were no closets in palaces and public places, washing and towels began to come into use only with XVIII century, bed and underwear was a rarity. Individual dishes appeared in the 16th century, forks - only in the 17th century.

But, during this period of general decline in Europe, in Asia (Khorezm, Bukhara, Samarkand), sciences, including medicine, developed. So in the ruins of cities, elements of improvement, water supply and sewerage were found. In the works of Abu Ali Ibn Sina "The Canon of Medicine" there are instructions on the hygiene of the home, clothing, nutrition of children and the elderly, health protection rules and other hygiene recommendations. In Russia in the X-XI centuries, they paid attention to the improvement of cities (water supply and sewerage systems were in Novgorod in the XI century, in Moscow since the XVII century), food sanitation and sanitation in the troops. In the 16th century, under Ivan the Terrible, “Domostroy” was published, which also contains instructions for maintaining the cleanliness of dwellings, washing dishes, and dietary rules. ABC books, Svyatoslav's Izbornik are published with advice on personal hygiene and disease prevention. In 1581, the Apothecary Chamber was created, on the basis of which the Apothecary Order was subsequently created. Since 1654, after the plague epidemic, they began to officially count the dead.

Second period ( modern) the development of hygiene begins at the beginning of the 18th century, with the development of industry and capitalism, the growth of cities in Europe. At this time, the formation of hygiene as a science takes place, and sanitary measures are also being introduced. This period can be divided into three distinct phases:

  • First stage ( empirical ) characterizes hygiene as a science that studies and applies interventions of a state and administrative nature regarding the health of an individual. It is inextricably linked with the era of "enlightened absolutism". The emphasis was on personal hygiene. There have been studies in the field of diet. So in the works Ch. Hufeland - "Makrobiotik oder die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlangern" different goals from medical medicine are already being set: “to give a person a long life”, and not just “to restore health in case of its violation”. J. Frank in his "System einer vollstandigen medizinischen Polizei" contributed to the development of state supervision, the so-called "medical police". The level of development of the natural sciences at this stage allowed only empirical observations and conclusions to be drawn. The main methods of practical application of hygiene at this stage were personal influences and persuasion. In Russia, Peter I instills a sanitary culture. Instead of the Pharmaceutical Order, he created the Medical Office, issued decrees on the protection of the health of the population and troops, and organized supervision of the sanitary regime in the barracks, food and water supply to the troops.
Water-closet - the greatest invention of the 19th century Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
  • Second phase ( experimental ) is characterized by the formation and development of public hygiene.
Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901)

The middle of the 19th century is characterized by industrial growth, liberalism and democracy. Biological, physical and chemical sciences begin to develop rapidly, which makes it possible to apply experimental methods and study the environment. At this stage, hygiene, already as a scientific discipline, studies environmental factors (climate, water, soil, air, food and nutrition, clothing, etc.), their impact on the health of large groups of the population, promotes sanitary and health-improving measures. A significant contribution to the development of all areas of hygiene was made by laboratory research by Max Pettenkofer and his students. They developed a number of norms for the hygienic assessment of environmental factors, which are still used today. The discovery of microorganisms, their study by Pasteur, Lister, Koch, Mechnikov gave a powerful impetus to the development of hygiene.

Matvei Yakovlevich Mudrov (1776-1831)

The discovery of infectious diseases contributed to the strengthening and promotion of hygienic and sanitary measures in the fight against them, as a result of which a new branch of hygiene arose - epidemiology (at that time it still belonged to hygiene). A medical topographic survey of the area was introduced into practice. Statistical analysis began to be applied and statistical methods were developed to link morbidity and mortality with various environmental factors. Thus, the work of Quetelet led to the emergence of another branch of hygiene - sanitary (medical) statistics. The strengthening and development of practical hygiene during this period was facilitated by new epidemics that brought serious economic damage.

During the outbreak of cholera that occurred in 1854 in the vicinity of Broad Street (now Broadwick Street) in the London district of Soho, thanks to the methodical actions of Dr. John Snow, the source of the epidemic was identified - polluted water from the standpipe. Snow's research served as an impetus for the development of epidemiology and the improvement of water supply and sanitation systems.

So in England, for the first time, the accumulated scientific achievements of hygiene began to be widely applied. The establishment of the causes of the epidemic and their connection with various factors led to the legislative consolidation of sanitary measures. During this period, water pipes, water purification, floating sewerage, sewage treatment and disinfection were introduced. This led to a rapid recovery of the population, a decrease in mortality from intestinal infections within entire regions and countries. New areas of hygiene have arisen - hygiene of the home, food, work. Thus, this stage in the development of hygiene is characterized by a focus on improving the health of the masses of the population.

Alexey Petrovich Dobroslavin (1842-1889) - the first professor of hygiene in Russia

During this period, a considerable contribution to the development of sciences, including medicine and hygienic knowledge, was made by M. V. Lomonosov, who created the university and published his work “Discourses on the reproduction and preservation of the Russian people”. M. Ya. Mudrov also had a significant influence, making a great contribution to the medical and sanitary support of the troops. Examples of his lectures: “On hygiene and diseases common in active troops, as well as the treatment of diseases in camps and hospitals, the most common”, “On the benefits and objects of military hygiene or the science of maintaining the health of military personnel”, “Instruction to ordinary people how to protect themselves from cholera." N. I. Pirogov also paid attention to the hygienic aspects of medicine.

“I believe in hygiene. This is where the true progress of our science lies. The future belongs to preventive medicine. This science will bring undoubted benefits to mankind.
N. I. Pirogov

Fedor Fedorovich Erisman (1842-1915)

The founders of scientific hygiene in Russia were A.P. Dobroslavin and F.F. Erisman. Both were students of Pettenkofer. Dobroslavin, being a teacher at the Imperial Military Medical Academy, also contributed to the development of military hygiene. In 1883, a hygienic laboratory was opened at the academy. Thanks to Erisman, at first a laboratory was organized, and later, in 1890, the Hygienic Institute of the Imperial Moscow University was opened. In 1891, the first city sanitary station was opened in Moscow. During these years, thanks to the followers and students of Dobroslavin and Erisman, hygiene education was introduced to all Russian universities and hygiene laboratories were set up at them. Prior to this, areas of knowledge related to hygiene were attached to other disciplines: pharmacology, obstetrics, therapy. And together with forensic medicine, it was taught until 1917 in the form of the discipline " Hygiene and medical police» and course « deanery court". On September 15, 1922, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the Decree "On the sanitary authorities of the Republic", which created the sanitary and epidemiological service, established its structure and main tasks. This day is considered the day of formation of service in Russia. This Decree introduced the positions of sanitary doctors " on general sanitation», « epidemic case" and " health statistics", as well as the position" sanitary assistant". " sanitary and epidemic subdivisions" and " sanitary councils in provincial and district cities. The main tasks are: " sanitary protection of water, air and soil», « sanitary protection of dwellings», « food safety», « organization of anti-epidemic measures», « organizing the fight against social diseases», « children's health", "sanitary statistics», « health education», « participation in the issues of sanitary protection of labor and the general organization of medical and sanitary affairs”, it is prescribed about the need for a preventive direction of work for medical doctors (county, zemstvo, military doctors). In 1925, at the Military Medical Academy, the Institute of Preventive Knowledge was created as part of the departments of general, social and military hygiene, and bacteriology.

“... the development of the sanitary direction in medicine is extremely important ...”
“... the doctor must not only treat the sick, but also prevent diseases, and that, in fact, this is the ideal side of his vocation, the best and most useful side of his practical activity ...”

(“A Public Guide to Disease Prevention and Health Preservation” - F. F. Erisman)

On December 23, 1933, the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR No. 85 / SNK of the USSR No. 2740 "On the organization of the State Sanitary Inspectorate" was issued, which, in addition to organizational issues, indicates the obligatory implementation by organizations, institutions and citizens on the territory of the USSR of the established sanitary and hygienic rules and norms, for violation of them, the chief sanitary inspectors of the Union republics are given the right to initiate criminal prosecutions, impose fines and take administrative measures, and bring violators to justice.

A 1939 drawing showing how the bacteria that causes typhoid fever enters a well
  • Third stage ( social ) is characterized by the emergence of social hygiene
Main article: Social hygiene and healthcare organization

Branches and sections of hygiene

Hygiene includes the following main independent branches and sections[ * ]:

  • General hygiene(environmental hygiene) - a section of hygiene, which studies the general issues of the influence of environmental factors on human health, develops methods for their study, preventive measures against their negative effects on the human body, adopts hygienic standards and requirements, and takes preventive and anti-epidemic measures.
  • Communal hygiene- the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of the influence of the environment of settlements on a person are studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out, hygienic standards and requirements are adopted to ensure the preservation of health and favorable living conditions for the population.
  • Food hygiene(obsolete food) - the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of quality and safety of food and prepared food, their significance and impact on the human body are studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out, and hygiene standards and requirements are adopted, recommendations for the manufacture, storage and use of food products.
  • Nutrition is a branch of food hygiene that deals with the study of food, nutrition, food, nutrients and other components in the composition of products, their action and interaction, their consumption, assimilation, expenditure and excretion from the body, their role in maintaining health or in the development of diseases . The scope of this science also includes human eating behavior, the choice of food products, their processing and storage, food law and a number of other issues.
  • Dietology (as a related discipline) is a medical science, consisting at the junction of food hygiene, nutrition and gastroenterology. a field of knowledge that studies nutrition, including a sick person. Dietetics is aimed at the rationalization and individualization of nutrition, but first of all - at ensuring food safety. Due to the fact that the individualization of nutrition is carried out with the help of strictly organized nutrition systems - “diets”, dietology got its name.
  • Radiation hygiene- the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of the significance and influence of ionizing radiation on the body of personnel working with sources of ionizing radiation and the public are studied, preventive measures are developed and carried out, and hygienic standards and radiation safety requirements are adopted.
  • Occupational health(obsolete professional) - the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of the impact of labor processes and factors of the production environment on a person are studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out, hygienic standards and requirements are adopted to ensure favorable working conditions.
  • occupational pathologies (occupational diseases) is a discipline at the intersection of occupational health, internal diseases and communal hygiene. When hygienically assessing the working conditions of computer operators, attention is paid to the ergonomics of the workplace, EM fields, local and general illumination, microclimate, working hours, the content of harmful impurities in the air, etc.
  • Hygiene of children and adolescents- the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of the influence of environmental conditions are studied, taking into account the age characteristics of the child and adolescent organism, the processes of education and upbringing, preventive measures are developed and hygiene standards and requirements are adopted in order to strengthen their health and normal development.
  • military hygiene- the branch of hygiene and military medicine, in which the issues of maintaining, improving the health and working capacity of personnel are studied, in everyday life, during everyday life and in wartime, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out and hygienic standards and requirements are adopted taking into account the peculiarities life and life in the Armed Forces. It includes practically all branches and sections of hygiene, but regarding military personnel and civilian personnel. Preventive measures for military personnel on duty in the silo affect such aspects of their service as living conditions in closed isolated underground structures (work, rest, food, drink, ionizing radiation, vapors of rocket fuel components in the air, anthropogenic pollution, etc.), as well as living conditions outside the service, for their proper rest between duties
    • naval hygiene - a section of military hygiene, in which questions are studied, taking into account the peculiarities of the conditions of activity and life on ships and naval bases of the Navy.
  • Sports hygiene(hygiene of physical exercises and sports) - a branch of hygiene in which the issues of the influence of environmental conditions on the health-improving and sports effect of physical exercises are studied, recommendations are developed to improve the physical education of the population, training and the lifestyle of athletes, preventive measures are developed and hygiene standards are adopted and requirements for the placement, construction and maintenance of places for physical culture and sports.
  • Transport hygiene- hygiene industry, in which the issues of the influence of working conditions of workers and the conditions of travel of passengers of aviation, road, water, railway transport are studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out, hygiene standards and requirements for vehicles and facilities are adopted, aimed at ensuring optimal working conditions , maintaining the health and performance of employees, creating hygienic conditions and comfort for passengers.
    • aviation and space hygiene - a section of transport hygiene, aviation and space medicine, which deals with the influence of flight conditions on the body of the flight crew and passengers of air transport, conditions for training, flights, living in zero gravity and confined space of astronauts, and measures to prevent harmful effects;
    • railway hygiene - section of transport hygiene, which deals with the influence of working and living conditions of railway and subway workers, as well as the conditions for the passage of passengers, and measures to prevent harmful effects;
    • ship hygiene - a section of transport hygiene, which deals with the influence of working and living conditions for the crews of sea and river vessels, the conditions for passengers to stay on them and measures to prevent harmful effects.
  • Village hygiene(obsolete rural) - the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of the influence of conditions of agricultural work and life in rural settlements are studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out, hygiene standards and requirements for agricultural production, improvement and sanitary condition of rural settlements are adopted.
  • Hospital hygiene- the branch of hygiene, in which the issues of ensuring optimal conditions for patients in medical institutions and favorable working conditions for medical personnel are being studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are being developed and carried out, hygiene standards and requirements are being adopted.
  • Spa hygiene- the branch of hygiene, in which issues of ensuring favorable environmental conditions for resorts and recreational areas are studied, preventive and anti-epidemic measures are developed and carried out, hygiene standards and requirements are adopted in order to protect natural healing factors.
  • Sanitary toxicology.
  • Sanitary microbiology- a section of hygiene and microbiology, which studies the sanitary and microbiological state of environmental objects, food products and drinks, and develops sanitary and microbiological standards and methods for indicating pathogenic microorganisms in various objects and products.
  • Psychohygiene- hygiene section,[ source unspecified 970 days] studying the mental well-being of a person.

It is also subdivided according to events:

Cafeteria Personal Care Station, Shanghai, China
  • Personal hygiene(individual) - a section of hygiene, which studies the issues of preserving and strengthening human health, observing hygiene rules and measures in his personal life and activities, developing and conducting hygiene education activities, promoting hygiene knowledge and a healthy lifestyle in order to improve the hygiene culture of the population. It includes questions of the hygienic maintenance of the body (skin, hair, nails, teeth), shoes and clothing, housing, the rules of rational nutrition, hardening of the body and physical culture. At the same time, some issues of personal hygiene are also dealt with by sexology (personal hygiene of the genital organs, hygiene of sexual life) and occupational health (personal hygiene of workers during work).
  • public hygiene- a set of medical and non-medical measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health within groups of people, populations.

The main tasks of hygiene

  • study of the influence of the external environment on the state of health and working capacity of people. At the same time, the external environment should be understood as the whole complex complex of natural, social, domestic, industrial and other factors.
  • scientific substantiation and development of hygienic standards, rules and measures to improve the environment and eliminate harmful factors;
  • scientific substantiation and development of hygienic standards, rules and measures to increase the body's resistance to possible harmful environmental influences in order to improve health and physical development, increase efficiency.
  • promotion of hygienic knowledge and a healthy lifestyle (for example, such as rational nutrition, exercise, hardening, a properly organized work and rest regimen, compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene).

Hygiene and ecology

Hygiene is closely interconnected with the general ecology and human ecology. Often hygiene and human ecology are concerned with general issues (for example, demographic issues). But there is a significant difference - ecology does not study an individual and does not develop measures to improve his life and health. It should also be noted that Russian environmental standards - MPE and MPD, are currently calculated on the basis of hygienic standards - MPC.

Outstanding hygienists

  • Ramazzini, Bernardino(1633-1714) - Italian doctor, the main work is devoted to occupational diseases - De Morbis Artificum Diatriba ("Diseases of Workers")
  • Erisman Fedor Fedorovich(1842-1915) - Russian-Swiss hygienist, pioneer of hygiene in Russia; creator of the fundamental principles of public health, food hygiene, school and professional hygiene, sanitary statistics
  • Dmitry Petrovich Nikolsky(1855-1918) - Russian physician, who was the first in the Russian Empire to teach a course in occupational health and first aid in case of accidents at work.
  • Levitsky Vyacheslav Alexandrovich(1867-1936) - an outstanding hygienist and organizer of sanitary affairs, professor, in 1922 he published the work "Mental Labor and Fatigue", and in 1923 he organized and edited the journal "Labor Hygiene".
  • Semashko Nikolai Alexandrovich(1874-1949) - doctor, outstanding hygienist, one of the organizers of the healthcare system in the USSR, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and the RSFSR Academy of Medical Sciences, founder of social hygiene as an independent discipline. He founded the country's first department of social hygiene. As the People's Commissar of Health, N. A. Semashko did a lot for the adoption of legislation on the protection of water sources, water supply and sewerage of cities, food hygiene, labor, etc. The author of many scientific papers on various sections of hygiene and, in particular, "Essays on the theory of the organization of Soviet health care" .
  • Michelle Levy(1809-1872) - French hygienist, general of the medical service. President of the Paris Medical Academy (1857).
  • Letavet August Andreevich(1893-1984) - hygienist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1946 (after the explosion of the first nuclear bomb), being director of the Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases, he organized a biophysical department dealing with radiation hygiene.

The science

Scientific hygienic support in Russia is provided by a system of institutes:

Methods used in hygienic research are combined into two main groups:

  • methods that study the hygienic state of environmental factors;
  • methods that evaluate the reaction of the human body to the impact of a particular external factor.

The system of sanitary legislation, control and supervision

Sanitary legislation includes certain provisions included in the Constitution of Russia, international legal acts, laws of Russia (including the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code), sanitary and epidemiological rules (SP), sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN), hygienic standards (GN), technical regulations , state standards (GOST), radioactive safety standards (NRB), building codes and regulations (SNiP), etc. State control and supervision in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, social and hygienic monitoring are assigned by the Decree of the Government of Russia to Rospotrebnadzor. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision in certain industries with especially dangerous working conditions is entrusted by the Decree of the President of Russia to the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia). State sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, at defense and defense production facilities, security and other special purposes is carried out by bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service subordinate to them.

The international cooperation

International cooperation is being developed with the assistance of specialized UN agencies in a number of projects of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Labor Organization (ILO), UNESCO, the UN Children's Fund UNICEF, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO ), as well as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Lecture number 27. Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is one of the most important sections of hygiene, which studies and develops the principles of maintaining and strengthening health by observing hygiene requirements in everyday individual life and activities.

Personal hygiene is the basis of a healthy lifestyle, a condition for effective primary and secondary prevention of various diseases.

Compliance with personal hygiene rules increases life expectancy by an average of 7-10 years, non-compliance leads to a decrease in efficiency, a decrease in active longevity, an increase in morbidity and a reduction in life expectancy, and can have an adverse effect on the health of people around.

Elements of personal hygiene:

1. dental and oral hygiene.

2. body and skin hygiene.

3. Physical culture

4. Hardening

5. Occupational and rest hygiene

6. Sleep hygiene

7. Clothing hygiene.

8. Shoe hygiene.

9. personal food hygiene.

10. Prevention of bad habits.

11. Sexual hygiene.

Hygiene of teeth and oral cavity.

Teeth are of great physiological, hygienic and aesthetic importance. To prevent diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, oral hygiene products should be used.

Oral hygiene products:

1. Toothbrushes

2. Toothpicks

4. Toothpastes.

5. Dental elixirs

6. Deodorants for the oral cavity

8. Teeth whitening products, etc.

All these funds must be harmless, subject to mandatory certification.


Consists of a handle and a head. On the head are tufts of bristles. The length of the working surface is 25-30 mm, the width is 7.5-11 mm, the height of the bristles is 10-12 mm. The head of the brush should have a slightly curved shape, corresponding to the arched arrangement of the teeth.

Brushes are made from synthetic fibers (nylon, perlon, polyurethane).

The production of brushes with natural bristles (horse, pig) has been discontinued due to disadvantages (for example: the head is difficult to keep clean).

Degrees of hardness:

1. very soft

3. medium hardness

4. hard

5. very tough

Most people need medium hard brushes.

Teeth cleaning principles:

1. Start cleaning from the same dentition.

2. Follow a specific cleaning sequence.

3. Cleaning should take place at the same pace.

Approximately 300-400 paired movements of the toothbrush along the axis of the tooth in the form of scraping sweeping movements, part of the gum should be captured.

Duration 2.5-3 minutes at least.

Most authors are inclined to believe that it is necessary to brush your teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, but a number of authors believe that it is necessary to brush your teeth after each meal, while other authors argue that it is enough to brush your teeth only in the morning.

Before use, a new brush must be washed with hot water and soap, lathered and left until morning. Rinse before use, do not boil.

After cleaning - wash with soap and water, lather and rinse or leave until the next cleaning.

Toothbrush should be changed every 3 months.


To remove food debris and soft plaque from the lateral surfaces of the teeth.

1. Wooden (disposable)

2. Plastic (reusable)

Teeth cleaning is carried out similarly to toothbrushes.

It is better to give preference to triangular-shaped wooden toothpicks.

Floss (dental floss).

Similar to toothpicks, they remove food debris and plaque from hard-to-reach places.

Less traumatic than toothpicks.

After every meal.


They clean teeth, gums, interdental spaces, tongue, soft plaque, mucus, dental plaque partially, prevent microbial contamination of the oral cavity.

The composition of the toothpaste includes abrasive, moisturizing, binding, foaming, surfactants, preservatives, flavoring fillers, water and therapeutic and prophylactic elements.

Types of toothpastes:

1. Hygienic.

Only cleansing and refreshing action (deodorant).

Used by people with intact teeth and periodontium.

2. Therapeutic and prophylactic.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the teeth, periodontal and oral mucosa.


Ingredients: fluorine, calcium, phosphorus.


Extract of medicinal plants, enzymes, vitamins, etc.

3. Combined.


Chemically precipitated chalk and fragrance.

Just a cleansing action. The disadvantage is a lot of abrasiveness. Compared to toothpaste, it is inconvenient, not hygienic, contraindicated in diseases of the teeth and periodontium.

Dental elixir.

For rinsing the mouth after brushing your teeth or eating. Cleansing, refreshing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, tanning, mild analgesic, antiseptic effect.

Ingredients: water-alcohol solution and aromatic oils (menthol, vanillin), antiseptic, may be biologically active preparations.

1. Hygienic (deodorization).

2. treatment and prophylactic.



rinse time 2-2.5 min.

Body and skin hygiene.

The total surface area of ​​the skin of an adult is approximately 1.5 m2.

The skin protects a person from adverse weather conditions (physical factors), from chemical factors, participates in gas exchange and heat exchange of the body with the external environment, removes metabolic products, water vapor, sweat, fat, releases bactericidal substances, and synthesizes vitamin D.

All these functions depend on the purity of the skin.

With poor care, dust, dirt accumulate on the skin, the water ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands close, organic substances are released through the skin, decompose, and volatile substances (malodorous substances) with an unpleasant odor appear. Fungi and bacteria multiply on the skin. Cutaneous respiration decreases by 10-15%. Underwear and bed linen are heavily soiled, their hygienic properties deteriorate. The end result is skin disease.

When washing with warm water, dirt, sweat, fat, dead cells are removed from the skin, blood vessels expand, the stratum corneum swells, softens, the release and absorption of various substances is facilitated, and metabolism improves.

It is better to use soft water for washing, as hard water dries out the skin, makes it rough and sensitive to inflammation.

Soaps and modern detergents are used to more effectively remove contaminants.


Obtained by processing animals and hydrogenated fats with alkalis.

1. Alkaline

2. Neutral

3. Oversaturated (overfat).

Toilet soap should not contain more than 0.05% free alkali.

Excess alkali can cause skin degreasing and dryness.

The effectiveness of washing with soap depends on the initial volume of foam, the amount of fatty acids, free alkali, sodium chloride. Long-term storage of soap leads to a decrease in foaming, therefore, washing efficiency decreases.

Optimally - an oval shape, weighing 40-150 gr.

Modern detergents.

Composition depending on the purpose: dyes, fragrance, therapeutic and prophylactic and disinfectants.


The ability to create a neutral or acidic reaction, approaching the pH of the skin, due to which it less often causes degreasing and dryness of the skin.

Maintaining the cleanliness of the body is carried out by washing the body, changing clothes.

At least 4-5 times a week.


1. Steam ("Russian").

The first mode - stoves - heaters.

Temperature 65-70°С, humidity 75-80%

The second mode is when steam is supplied from the boiler room.

Temperature 42-45°С, humidity 100%

2. Dry fat (“Finnish saunas”)

Temperature 100°С, humidity 15-20%

Baths have a positive effect on the whole body. Skin vessels and pores expand, perspiration increases, toxins are removed, the level of bacterial contamination of the skin decreases, and its bactericidal properties improve.

Hypodynamia and its consequences.

In modern conditions, people are deprived of active motor activity. The circle of professions requiring intellectual work has grown, living conditions have changed. All this creates the prerequisites for a sedentary lifestyle - a hypodynamic lifestyle.


1. Muscles become flabby, weak, the heart muscle quickly gets tired at the slightest load, conditions are created for the growth of inactive adipose and connective tissue. Mental and physical performance decreases, fatigue is noted, body resistance decreases, diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, respiratory and digestive organs are noted, diseases of the spine, and metabolic disorders are noted.

Physical exercises (various forms of movements) serve as active means to compensate for the insufficiency of physical activity.

4 types of exercise:

1. gymnastics

Systematic physical education exercises have a versatile beneficial effect on the state of health and physical development of people of different ages and sexes.

Physical exercise:

1. Increase the body's defenses (immunity)

2. Muscle fibers brought into an active state extract nutrients and oxygen from the abundantly flowing blood more energetically and utilize them more fully. Muscle fibers thicken, muscle mass and its strength increase. The heart muscle works harder. Increased flexibility of the spine. Improves coordination and dexterity. Positive effect on the respiratory system.

3. increases the volume of the chest and VC.

4. Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, increases the secretory and motor functions of the stomach and intestines, reduces congestion in the abdominal cavity.

Physical exercises perform nervous regulation of motor and vegetative functions, accelerates vegetative reactions. In mental workers, they reduce neuropsychic stress, stimulate hematopoietic function, increase the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, increase efficiency, and improve well-being. Cultivate willpower.


This is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of physical environmental factors through the systematic dosed exposure to these factors.


1. The body's defenses increase

2. Allows you to quickly and painlessly adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions

3. It educates a person's character, develops will, perseverance, patience, forms a psychological make-up of a person.

Hardening principles:
1. Graduality

2. Systematic

3. Complexity

4. Accounting for individual characteristics

5. Self-control.

Means of hardening:

The sun.

Sunbathing increases metabolism, improves skin nutrition, excretion of sweat and metabolic products, slightly increases body temperature, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system (mood, performance), improves heart and lung function, has a beneficial effect on blood composition, and increases overall tone.

Take sun baths at 9-11 o'clock. (morning) and 17-19 (evening)


First sun bath for adults 5-10 min. Then 5-10 minutes are added daily. The maximum time spent in the sun on average for an adult is 1 hour, for young healthy people 1.5-2 hours.

For children, the first solar treatment is 3-5 min. 3-5 minutes are added daily, the maximum time is 30-40 minutes.

At the end of sunbathing, you must take a shower and sit in the shade.

Sunbathing is taken after a light breakfast or 1.5-2 hours after a meal.

With proper observance of the technique, good health is noted, improvement in appetite, sleep, and working capacity increase.

With improper sunbathing, lethargy, fatigue, palpitations, painful sensations on the skin, headache, dizziness, and nausea occur.

Improper use of sunbathing can lead to a decrease in the body's defenses.


Hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart and blood diseases, tuberculosis, the last months of pregnancy, benign and malignant tumors.

water procedures.

At the first moment, the vessels of the skin narrow, the blood is forced out to the internal organs. Then the blood with great force enters the skin vessels, they expand. There is a feeling of warmth, freshness, cheerfulness. In a short period of time, a large amount of blood moves, which makes the heart work more energetically, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tissue improves, blood circulation and respiration improves, the tone of the nervous system and immunity increase, metabolism and skin nutrition improve.

1. Cold (t

2. Cool (t=20-33°С)

3. Indifferent (t=34-35°С)

4. Warm (t=36-40°С)

5. Hot (t>40°С)

Water procedures should be carried out at an air temperature of at least 17-20 ° C.


1. Rubbing.

The initial water temperature should not be lower than 33-34°C. Every 3-4 days the water temperature is reduced by 1-2°C and brought to 18-20°C.

It is prescribed for people with poor health.

Wipe the upper half of the body with a sponge, dry it, then wipe the lower half of the body and dry it.

2. Pouring.

Initial temperature = 33-34°C, every 3-4 days lower by 1-2°C to 15°C.

3. Washing the feet.

Initial temperature 26-28°C. Every 3-4 days reduce by 1-2°C to 12-15°C.

4. Gargling.

Morning and evening.

Initial temperature 23-25°C. Every 3-4 days, reduce by 1-2 ° C, gradually bring to the temperature of tap water.

5. Bathing.

The swimming season opens at a water temperature of at least 18-20°C and ends at a water temperature of 14-45°C.

The duration of stay in the water depends on the water temperature, meteorological conditions, the degree of hardening of a person.

The first procedure lasts 4-5 minutes, gradually increasing to 20 and > minutes.

Sea bathing has a strong effect (combines thermal and mechanical effects).

Air baths.

Favorable effect on well-being, metabolism, blood circulation, tone of the nervous system, activity of physiological processes.

Air excites the apparatus of heat regulation, favors the excretory ability of the skin, improves the composition of the blood.

When inhaling fresh air, the combustion of metabolic products (in particular, cholesterol) increases.

1. Cold (t air = 6-14 ° C)

2. Cool (t air = 14-20 ° С)

3. Indifferent (t air = 20-22°С)

4. Warm (t air = 22-30 ° С)


1. Open air.

The initial air temperature is 18-22°C. The duration of the first procedure is 10-15 minutes, after 2-3-4 days the exposure time is increased for children by 2-3 minutes, for adults by 5-10 minutes and gradually adjusted to the time spent in air up to 1 hour and > (maximum 2 hours ).

Having reached the habit of cool air, they move on to cold.

2. Indoors.

The air temperature is reduced by opening a window or window.

The temperature is gradually reduced by 1-2°C to 7-15°C.

Duration 10-20 min.

It is better to use air baths not in a prone position, but in motion.


Acute febrile illnesses, exacerbations of rheumatism, chronic joint disease, acute neuritis and myositis.

023. Personal hygiene is:

1. Preservation and promotion of health by observing the norms and rules of hygiene in a person's daily life.

2. Compliance with the rules for body care, i.e. cleanliness of the skin, hair, oral cavity.

3. Compliance with hygiene requirements for housing, place of work.

4. Absence of bad habits. 024. "Humus" is: 1. Coarse-grained, easily permeable, non-contaminated soil with optimal mechanical composition and the best water-air properties.

2. Dark, rich in organic matter mass of complex composition, slowly decomposes, does not rot, does not emit unpleasant odors, does not contain pathogenic microorganisms.

3. A natural formation formed as a result of the transformation of the surface layers of the lithosphere under the action of water, air and living organisms.

025. Definition of the concept "Perfringens-titer of soil":

1. The total number of bacteria in 1 g of soil.

2. The smallest amount of soil in grams in which E. coli is found.

3. The smallest amount of soil in grams in which Clostridium perfringens is found.

026. Definition of the concept "Sanitary number of soil":

1. Ratio in mg of humus to total organic nitrogen per 100 g of absolutely dry soil.

3. The ratio of the weight of water held by the soil to the weight of the soil itself, expressed as a percentage.

4. The total number of bacteria in 1 g of soil.

5. The smallest amount of soil in grams in which E. coli is found.

027. What contribution to the general structure of factors that shape health does lifestyle:

028. As a natural scientific basis for human ecology, the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky about:

1. Biosphere. 2. Noosphere.

3. Troposphere

4. Hydrosphere

029. Definition of the concept "Soil porosity":

1. Ratio in mg of humus nitrogen to total organic nitrogen per 100 g of absolutely dry soil.

2. The ratio of the pore volume of the soil to the volume of the soil as a whole, expressed as a percentage.

3. The total number of bacteria in 1 g of soil.

4. The ratio of the weight of water held by the soil to the weight of the soil itself, expressed as a percentage.

030. "Healthy soil" should be:

1. Coarse-grained, wet, with high porosity.

2. Coarse-grained, dry, with low porosity.

3. Fine-grained, wet, with high porosity.

4. Fine-grained, dry, low porosity.

031. "Healthy soil" is:

1. Coarse-grained, easily permeable, non-contaminated soil with an optimal mechanical composition and the best water-air properties.

2. Dark, organic-rich mass of complex chemical composition, slowly decomposes, does not rot, does not emit unpleasant odors, and does not contain pathogenic microorganisms.

3. A natural formation formed as a result of the transformation of the surface layers of the lithosphere under the influence of water, air and living organisms.

032. The ratio of inflow and exhaust in operating rooms:

1. The inflow prevails over the exhaust by at least 20%.

2. Exhaust at least 20% prevails over the inflow.

3. The supply air volume corresponds to the exhaust air volume.

033. There must be ventilation in the infectious diseases department:

1. Mechanical supply.

2. Supply and exhaust with a predominance of inflow.

Z. Supply and exhaust with a predominance of exhaust, natural through.

4. It can be any, depending on the design features of the building.

034. Permissible microclimate indicators for the wards of the therapeutic department:

1. Air temperature 20˚С, relative humidity 30-60%, air movement 0.2 m/s.

2. Air temperature 24˚C, relative humidity 75%, air movement 0.4 m/s.

3. Air temperature 25˚С, relative humidity 25%, air movement 0.5 m/s.

4. Air temperature 18˚С, relative humidity 30%, air mobility 0.l m/s.

035. The maximum content of carbon dioxide in the air of hospital wards:

036. Signs for recognition of heliometeopathic reactions:

1. Coincidence of the deterioration of the patient's well-being with a change in the weather complex, the multiplicity of cases of simultaneous deterioration in the well-being of patients in the same periods, the frequency of deterioration of the patient's condition in similar weather situations, an abundance of complaints, the short duration of disturbances in the body.

2. Increased blood pressure, changes in the cellular composition of the blood, headaches.

3. Anemia, tachycardia, glomerulonephritis, tinnitus, dizziness.

4. Impaired lung function, edema, joint pain.

A person grows and lives in society, so it is necessary to reckon with generally accepted norms. For example, with such as: rules of conduct, etiquette, hygiene. Compliance with the norms allows a person to live a full life, while the implementation, for example, helps to strengthen and maintain one's health.

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is one of the sections of general hygiene, the study of which is aimed at maintaining and strengthening human health. The implementation of hygiene procedures destroys the microbes present, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of disease.

Sections of personal hygiene

Personal hygiene considers sections such as hygiene:

  • human body and skin;
  • oral cavity;
  • sleep and rest - properly organized sleep and its timely alternation with difficulty;
  • nutrition;
  • shoes and clothes.

Hygiene items

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is a set of rules, the observance of which will help maintain and prolong health. For hygiene procedures, you need to have individual items. These include:

  • towel;
  • soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Toothbrush;
  • razor;
  • manicure set;
  • hairbrush;
  • facial skin care complex: cream, lotion, tonic, scrub, mask;
  • clipper;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • deodorants, antiperspirants.

The use of the presented items helps a person to easily carry out hygiene procedures that are aimed at keeping the body clean, which will help to avoid possible diseases.

Personal hygiene requirements

Consider the basic principles of each area of ​​​​personal hygiene.

Body hygiene:

  1. Timely shower. In the summer, this procedure must be performed daily. The result will be a reduction in germs and harmful microorganisms on the human body, which will reduce the risk of disease.
  2. Hands and nails must be kept clean. Pay special attention to the nails, as a large number of harmful microbes can accumulate under them.
  3. Keep feet clean, wash daily.

Hair hygiene:

  1. Wash hair when dirty. In this case, it is not recommended to use hot water, since there is a possibility of increased sebum secretion of the head, which will lead to poor rinsing of the shampoo from the hair.
  2. Choose hair products according to your hair type.
  3. At the end of washing, rinse your hair in cool water.
  4. Do not use a hair dryer.
  5. If necessary, make a hair mask.
  6. Have your own hairbrush.
  • A toothbrush is an individual item for everyone.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Visit the dentist once every six months.

Hygiene of underwear, clothes, shoes:

  • keep clothes and shoes clean;
  • change underwear daily;
  • do not give anyone your personal clothes and do not use someone else's;
  • dress according to weather conditions;
  • choose clothes from high-quality natural fabrics.

Bed hygiene:

  • change bed linen in a timely manner;
  • have clothes for sleep;
  • the bedroom should have clean and fresh air;
  • maintain an optimal humidity regime;
  • the bed should be comfortable and comfortable.

Child hygiene

The personal hygiene of the child is laid by the parents. At first, adults perform all hygiene procedures for the baby themselves, and as they grow older, the child begins to do them on their own.

When a child becomes a teenager, he should already follow the basic principles of hygiene automatically: wash his face, brush his teeth in the morning and evening, wash himself, keep his clothes and shoes clean. However, you need to know that there is personal hygiene. What's happened? These are the principles that must be adhered to in order to strengthen and maintain your health.

These include:

  • properly organized classes and recreation;
  • a full night's sleep, at least 9 hours;
  • sports;
  • balanced diet.

Differences between hygiene of children and hygiene of adolescents

The hygiene of adolescents is slightly different from that of children, as changes occur in the body at this age. Boys and girls grow up, they begin to show masculine and feminine characteristics, respectively. Therefore, parents should take the time to explain to the child what changes will occur in him and how this will affect personal hygiene.

In girls, pay attention to the appearance of the first menstruation and explain how to properly hygiene the genitals.

Principles of personal hygiene in adolescents

The child attends school, studies a lot, uses a personal computer. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to Parents should limit the time spent at the computer, tablet, TV, monitor the level of lighting during the child's classes.

Since the personal hygiene of a person is aimed at preserving and maintaining his health, one of the main components of this direction is proper nutrition. Parents should supervise the teenager so that he does not consume harmful foods, while monitoring the presence of good nutrition at least three times a day.

We can distinguish the following basic principles of a healthy diet for a teenager:

  • eating at least three times a day;
  • use fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • avoid snacking, eating chips, fast foods, crackers;
  • limit the intake of flour and sweets;
  • control the intake of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances for the body.

Personal hygiene is the responsibility of every person. In adolescence, there are changes in the usual hygiene procedures. At this age, the hormonal background changes, which causes the appearance of acne on the face in both boys and girls. Therefore, the personal hygiene of adolescents should include proper facial skin care: the use of lotions, tonics, masks, scrubs and other cosmetics that are selected individually for the skin type.

Boys begin to grow hair on their faces, so parents should buy a teen a safe razor and teach them how to use it so as not to damage the skin of the face. Pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs of boys and girls.


Personal hygiene of a person plays a big role in determining his place in society. To achieve success, one must not only have good knowledge, but also observe personal hygiene: keep the body and clothes clean, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, have proper rest and perform the physical activities necessary to maintain health.

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is a set of rules, following which a person prolongs his life and improves health. Appearance shows how each individual adheres to the principles of hygiene. Neat clothes, shoes, healthy complexion, clean skin, athletic figure - are the key to a successful and long life.