Fresh, dried, dried cranberries - calories. Calorie content of cranberries and its effect on the body The value of cranberries

Many small red berries scattered in ruby ​​drops over the dark green of marsh moss or the untouched whiteness of the first snow - the inhabitants of the northern regions of our country are familiar with this picture. This is what cranberries look like - one of the most useful and delicious berries known to mankind for a long time.

The spectrum of application of cranberries is unusually wide - from traditional medicine to haute cuisine, from the pharmaceutical industry to grandmother's desserts.

The benefits of cranberries

The high content of vitamins and minerals in cranberries makes this berry one of the most popular traditional medicines. The huge amount of vitamin C - and there is more of it in cranberries than in an orange or even lemon - makes the berry a leader among the means of fighting colds. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins, especially thiamine, riboflavin and folic acid.

The benzoic acid contained in the berry enhances the effect of antibiotics on the body, and therefore it is useful to eat cranberries with active treatment. The berry juice contains antibacterial components, and then can be actively used for various skin diseases - dermatitis, dermatoses, burns, wounds, suppurations and others, helping to cleanse and heal wounds.

Another useful component of cranberries is pectin. Once in the body, it binds harmful substances, forming insoluble compounds, and thus removes them from the body. It is due to this property that cranberries are used as an anti-radiation agent.

Cranberry harm

The main negative quality of cranberries, which can cause quite serious problems, is the high content of various acids in it. This negatively affects the condition of the stomach, and therefore the use of cranberries is prohibited for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum. Eating berries can cause some discomfort in people suffering from liver disease, but this is quite rare.

Cranberries and diets

The low calorie content of cranberries, together with their unique sour taste, make them an indispensable component of any diet. Cranberries can be used as an independent dish or in sauces and gravies. In addition, decoctions and fruit compotes perfectly tone up and give strength. So cranberry fruit drinks are recommended for active lifestyle, sports or chronic fatigue.

The chemical composition of cranberries

The nutritional value Vitamins Macronutrients Trace elements
Calorie content 26 kcal Vitamin PP 0.2 mg Calcium 14.0 mg Iron 0.6 mg
Protein 0.5 g Vitamin B1 0.02 mg Magnesium 15.0 mg Copper ~
Fats 0.0 g Vitamin B2 0.02 mg Sodium 1.0 mg Manganese ~
Carbohydrates 6.8 g Vitamin B6 0.08 mg Potassium 119.0 mg Zinc ~
Cellulose 4.6 g Vitamin B9 1.0 μg Phosphorus 11.0 mg Fluorine ~
Water 88.9 g Vitamin C 15.0 mg
Saturated fatty acids 0.0 g Vitamin E 1.0 mg
Ash 0.3 g
Mono- and disaccharides 3.7 g

On 100 g product accounts for:

Cranberries are not only delicious but also healthy. In North America, cranberries are used to make traditional sauces and a variety of Thanksgiving desserts. Cranberries are distinguished from other berries not only by their sour, special taste, but also by their high content of vitamins, which are powerful antioxidants.

Cranberries contain about 5% sugars (mainly fructose and glucose). It also contains organic acids - citric, malic and benzoic, and the latter is inherently conservative, due to which it is possible to store cranberries without processing, simply pouring boiled water over the berries. Cranberries also contain macro and microelements, tannins and pectin substances.

Due to the high content of vitamins, phytonutrients and many other beneficial substances, cranberries are considered to be much more effective than many vitamin complexes in tablets, and in addition, nutrients from delicious gifts of nature, unlike chemical derivatives, are much easier to digest and ideally balanced.

Cranberries in the form of berries or extracts are widely used as an antipyretic and antiscorbutic agent, as well as to increase the effectiveness of taking sulfonamides and antibiotics.

Cranberry improves digestion and appetite, stimulates the production of pancreatic and gastric juice. Due to this, with regular use of cranberries, an improvement is observed in patients with gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, as well as in inflammation of the pancreas. Cranberries are also recommended as a diuretic and bactericidal agent and for pyelonephritis.

Cranberry syrup or juice is good to drink in case of fever, heat, various inflammatory diseases, and of course, cranberry drinks perfectly quench thirst. Cranberries with honey are very useful for patients with rheumatism, drinking diseases, etc.

Cranberry juice, fruit drink or jam, are especially useful in spring and winter, when the immune system is most weakened and it needs support, in addition, at the same time, the risk of developing vitamin deficiencies is greatest.

Cranberry, due to its composition, can effectively resist various infections and inflammatory processes, due to which it is used in the treatment of diseases of the gums, stomach and urinary infections. Disease-causing bacteria are removed from the body due to proanthocyanidin. Fresh cranberries are recommended for use for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, cancer.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Cranberry is a berry, the fruit of an evergreen creeping shrub common on moist, often swampy soils of the Northern Hemisphere. Its English name "Сranberry" cranberry got thanks to its flowers, which resemble the neck and head of a crane. Red berries can be spherical, ellipsoidal or ovoid, with a pronounced sour taste and fresh smell.

The most extensive plantations for growing cranberries are in the USA and Canada, cranberries are cultivated in the Scandinavian countries, Belarus, and Karelia. Some types of cranberries have an air chamber inside the berries, so they do not drown in water, which greatly facilitates harvesting. The plantation area is filled with water, the water foams with special combines, while ripe berries are torn off and they can be collected from the surface of the water.

Calorie content of cranberries

The calorie content of cranberries is 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The beneficial properties of cranberries literally extend to the entire body. Cranberry reduces the development of carious processes, the berry has been used for a long time as a natural remedy against scurvy. Cranberries contain indigestible dietary fiber that gently cleanses the intestines and helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants, ursolic acid, which is responsible for the stable growth of muscle tissue (calorizator). Cranberry has the ability to slow down the development of atherosclerosis and is a uroseptic, the only berry indicated for cystitis. Cranberries contain substances that prevent the attachment of E. coli to the walls of the bladder (which is the cause of the development of cystitis). The use of cranberries is recommended for any infectious diseases of the urinary system. Cranberry is rich, contains vitamins, lowers blood sugar, promotes comfortable weight loss.

Cranberry harm

Excessive consumption of fresh cranberries can negatively affect the condition of the tooth enamel, it is not recommended for those who are diagnosed with stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. The red color of the berries makes cranberries a food that can cause allergic reactions. Cranberries have antiseptic and antiviral effects, berries are used for colds and as a preventive measure during seasonal colds.

Selecting and storing cranberries

When buying cranberries, you should pay attention to the dryness and intactness of the berries, the absence of signs of rotting and the presence of mold, fresh cranberries should not be caked. The frozen berry should be poured without forming one or more lumps. Fresh cranberries can be poured with clean cold water and kept in this state for a month at room temperature and up to six months in a cool place (cellar). Ripe fresh cranberries are frozen, laid out in one layer on a flat surface, then poured into bags or plastic containers. Frozen berries retain their taste and useful properties for 12-20 months.

Evgeny Shumarin

Reading time: 7 minutes


Cranberry is a shrub with branches creeping along the ground. Belongs to the Heather family. The fruit of the cranberry is a large spherical berry with a deep red color. Europeans considered Russia to be the birthplace of cranberries, but Americans dispute this claim. The berry grows in swamps and swampy shores of reservoirs, as well as in the damp coniferous forests of the northern regions of the planet.

Cranberry varieties

Cranberries, or "northern lemon", have been cultivated since the first half of the 19th century. At this time, special attention was paid to large-fruited varieties. Since the end of the last century, breeders have begun to develop new varieties of marsh cranberries. Currently, there are over 20 varieties of cranberries.

Let's name the most common ones:

Nutritional value, calorie content and composition of cranberries

Cranberries are very low in calories, even among berries. In 100 grams of cranberries there are only 28 kcal, and in a glass - just over 40. And this is not surprising, because cranberries are almost 90% water and contain very little carbohydrates.

Nutritional value of 100 g of cranberries:

  • 88.9 g of water.
  • 3.7 g carbohydrates.
  • 0.5 g of proteins.
  • 0.2 g fat.

Composition of cranberries (in 100 g):


  • 15 mg vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
  • 0.3 mg vitamin PP (niacin).
  • 1 mcg vitamin B9 (folic acid).
  • 0.02 mg vitamin B1 (thiamine).
  • 1 mg vitamin E (tocopherol).
  • 0.08 mg vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
  • 0.02 mg vitamin B2 (riboflavin).


  • 119 mg of potassium.
  • 0.6 mg iron.
  • 14 mg calcium.
  • 11 mg phosphorus.
  • 15 mg magnesium.
  • 1 mg sodium.

The benefits and harms of cranberries

Useful properties of cranberries:

  1. Cranberries are able to remove salts of heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. In addition, it prevents the development of cancer. For this reason, cranberries are especially recommended for residents of ecologically unfavorable regions and people employed in hazardous industries.
  2. Berries have a positive effect on the system. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, giving them elasticity, which prevents blood clots.
  3. Cranberry juice helps in removing kidney stones.
  4. Compresses from cranberries crushed into gruel relieve headaches.
  5. Mashed berries are used to treat abrasions and burns, and cranberry juice is used for dermatitis and fungal diseases.

Cranberry harm

  • Cranberries can cause severe allergies, so people prone to it should use the berry with great care.
  • Cranberries are not recommended for acidity and peptic ulcer disease. With these diseases, cranberries can be consumed only in the form of juice diluted with water.
  • Due to the high acid content, fresh berries should not be eaten on an empty stomach. They are best used as a dessert or processed.

Cranberries in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics and athletes

For pregnant women cranberries are extremely healthy. It has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, eliminates edema and improves immunity. In addition, berries and cranberry juice improve blood circulation in the uterus, which is undoubtedly beneficial for the fetus.
Nursing mothers should refrain from eating cranberries, as they can cause severe allergies in the baby.

For children giving cranberries in any form under three years is also not recommended.

A diabetics very helpful. First, it contains a minimal amount of glucose. Secondly, it normalizes hormonal levels, thanks to ursolic acid. You can eat cranberries a glass a day, taking into account bread units.

Cranberries are no less useful and athletes ... It will supply the body with the necessary amount of vitamins. If you need to lose weight before the competition, cranberries, as a dietary product, are the best fit as a component of a dietary food.

How to choose, harvest, consume and store cranberries?

  • Collecting cranberries begins in mid-October and continues until snow falls. When collecting, you can use a plastic handheld harvester, but it is better to pick each berry separately.
  • In a cool dry place, fresh cranberries can be stored for up to 10 days, and in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
  • If you rinse the freshly harvested cranberries with cold water, and then put them in jars, pour them with cooled boiling water, they will be stored in the refrigerator for a whole year.
  • If you buy cranberries on the market, then first of all you should pay attention to the appearance of the berries. Fresh berries should be shiny and firm to the touch. In addition, they should be colored intense red. Dried, shriveled berries with a brownish or faded color cannot be bought.
  • Cranberries can be dried and frozen. Dried cranberries can retain their beneficial properties for three years, frozen - for a year.

What dishes can you cook with cranberries?

Cranberry Diet

It is not recommended to arrange a mono-diet on cranberries, but nutritionists advise to spend cranberry fasting days. Their goal is to cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid. Along the way, you can get rid of 1-2 kilograms of excess weight. The maximum duration of the cranberry diet is 3 days. At this time, you need to drink only water and cranberry juice diluted with water. The number of the latter should be equal to 8 glasses. Solid foods are not recommended with this diet. If you feel very hungry, you can eat some fruit. Before and after the unloading diet, you need to limit the intake of fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods.

A more gentle diet option is to include cranberries, cranberry juice and fruit drinks in the daily menu, which should consist of low-calorie foods. I must say that long-term, with proper nutrition, will bring even more effect than a strict mono-diet. In addition, the first option can seriously affect health.

The cranberry is an evergreen plant that grows mainly in the northern regions. She prefers a temperate climate, but is also able to withstand harsh conditions. The bright red berries remain on the branches even in frost and fully retain their nutritional value. The calorie content of cranberries is low, it has a sour taste, which gives the dishes made from it a special charm. The benefits of this berry are known almost everywhere, even where it is not found. And this is not surprising, since these fruits are a real source of nutrients.

About calorie content

Cranberries are known not only for their rich content of biologically active substances in their composition, but also for their low calorie content. However, the energy value of 100 g of berries will differ depending on how they were prepared:

  • the calorie content of fresh cranberries is only 46.4 kcal;
  • slightly less frozen - only 18 kcal;
  • dried fruits are the most high-calorie - about 308 kcal.

Given these indications, it is safe to say that for those who want to lose weight, it is better to include natural or frozen berries in their diet. The amount should be minimized or eliminated. Such fruits are completely devoid of dietary abilities, since their pulp is a very nutritious medium.

On a note! When drawing up a dietary menu, one should take into account the fact that the calorie content is about 11 times higher than that of fresh and frozen!

About the benefits

And even after learning how many calories are in cranberries, one cannot consider it only from this position. After all, she is not only able to become the main additive to a diet aimed at losing weight, but also a very useful ingredient. This product is recognized as a real healer, who is able to simply provide proper prevention at home, and, if necessary, cure many diseases.
Thanks to the set of substances that make up the composition, cranberries exhibit the following properties:

  • anti-scurvy;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiviral.

Thus, this bright red berry shows itself well in the treatment of sore throats and pharyngitis, eliminating inflammation and destroying pathogens.

In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the bladder and kidneys. Cranberry preparations have a mild diuretic effect, prevent the formation of stones and stimulate digestion.

A sour berry will be extremely beneficial for high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol in the blood. It also helps in the field of dermatology: with its help you can get rid of allergic rashes, psoriasis and promote hair growth.

About losing weight with cranberries

As we found out, the calorie content of fresh cranberries is 26 kcal. Thus, a 100-gram handful contains only 1% of the daily value. It is for this reason that this berry is often used in the field of nutrition.

There is even a cranberry diet, which is based on the simplest diet:

  • breakfast - fruit drink;
  • lunch - before meals, fruit drink or a handful of berries;
  • dinner - before meals, fruit drink or a handful of berries.

On a note! However, cranberries alone cannot contribute to rapid weight loss. The menu should be balanced and at the same time without fatty and fried foods!

Calorie content of cranberry dishes

A huge number of different drinks and dishes are prepared from cranberries that can be used in your menu. However, not all of them will be low in calories. Let's find out the nutritional value of the most popular ones (per 100 g):

  • juice - 46.4 kcal;
  • fruit drink - 27.7 kcal;
  • compote - 13.7 kcal;
  • homemade jelly 54 kcal;
  • store jelly - 64 kcal;
  • smoothies (with sugar and mineral water) - 21.2 kcal;
  • jam - 250 kcal;
  • pie - 390 kcal;
  • sauce - 151 kcal.

For whom is the cranberry menu not suitable?

The cranberry itself, exactly like the dishes made from it, are not recommended for use when:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines with high acidity;
  • tendency to heartburn;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!