The adapted educational program is based on. The concept of an adapted educational program and educational and methodological support for the educational process for students with disabilities. Types of universal training

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

Examination of AOP for children with ABS Senior Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type" Spark "S. Kyzyl-Ozack" Nohrina S.M.

2 Slide

Slide description:

Regulations on the procedure for developing, approving and implementing AOP (AOOP) for children with OVD. Order, enshrining the responsibility of all participants in the educational process as part of the development of AOOP, AOP.

3 Slide

Slide description:

1. Creation of an expert group 2. Speaking of technical examination of AOP 3.Reography examination of structural elements: Examination of the target section of the examination of the meaningful section of the examination of the organizational section 4. Expert conclusion Stages:

4 Slide

Slide description:

Examination of the target section includes: Explanatory note of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with APV Purpose and the task of correctional and developing work; Planned results of the development of AOP form and criteria for monitoring the results of the development of AOP approximate programs

5 Slide

Slide description:

Examination of the meaningful section The content of educational activities on the development of educational areas and the expected results; The correctional component discloses the organization of correctional and developing work, the educational component contains conditions for the interaction of educators and specialists with a child with an ARS calendar and thematic planning; Interaction with families of pupils

6 Slide

Slide description:

Examination of the Organizational section Description of the Material and Technical Support of AOP Description of the Security Methodological Materials Description of the Provision of Training and Education Features of the Organization of the Developing Survey Features of the organization of traditional events, holidays, activities Complex-thematic planning of the educational process; lexical topics; Pedagogical diagnosis and monitoring of the dynamics of the child's development.

7 Slide

Slide description:

Expert sheet for estimation of an adapted educational program Evaluation system 0-1 score 0-1-2 points 0 points - the absence of component 0 points - component is not expressed 1 point - the presence of component 1 points - the component is expressed weakly (not enough) 2 points - the component is fully expressed Section AOP Indicator Evaluation in points Assessment of the Commission The meaningful educational area "Socio-Communicative Development" (for three components: educational, correctional, educational. Goals and objectives, expected results. Conditions of interaction of educators and specialists) 0-1-2 Educational Region "Cognitive Development "(in three components: educational, correction, educational. Goals and objectives, expected results. Conditions of interaction of educators and specialists) 0-1-2 Educational area" Speech development "(for three components: educational, correction, educational. Goals and Tasks, expected results. Conditions for the interaction of educators and specialists TOV) 0-1-2 Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" (for three components: educational, correctional, educational. Goals and objectives, expected results. Conditions for the interaction of educators and specialists.) 0-1-2 Educational Region "Physical Development" (for three components: educational, corrective, educational. Goals and objectives, expected results. Conditions for the interaction of educators and specialists) 0-1-2 Features of interaction with Families of pupils 0-1 Total (amount of component points) Section AOP Indicator Evaluation in points Evaluation of the Commission Target Objective of the implementation of AOP 0-1 Problems of implementation AOP 0-1 Principles of AOP formation 0-1 Approaches to the formation of AOP 0-1 Individual characteristics of the pupil 0 -1 Age Features of the pupil with OVD 0-1 Planned results of the development of AOP 0-1 Intermediate results of AOP 0-1 forms and criteria for monitoring the results of the development of AOP 0-1 Exemplary programs based on which AOP is developed 0-1 Total (the amount of component scores )

8 Slide

By development

Adapted educational program

Primary general education of students with

Restricted Health

Explanatory note 3.

Characteristics of requirements

Federal state educational

Standard of primary general education

Students with limited

Health opportunities 5.

Regulatory and legal framework

Receiving education by children

With disabilities,

Including disabilities

In educational organizations 11

Component composition structure

adapted educational program 14

Structure adapted primary

Educational program

(Adapted educational program)

Primary general education (AOP NOO) (AOP NOO) 15

Structure of a special individual development program (SIPR) 28

List of abbreviations and designations 29

Literature 30.

Explanatory note

The concept of an adapted educational program appeared for the first time in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of 2012, this is due to the fact that for the first time in the domestic history, the introduction of special federal state educational standards of education (SFGOS) for children with ABS has been legally envisaged. FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation": "In order to ensure the realization of the right to education students with disabilities, federal state educational standards of education of these persons are established or included in federal state educational standards Special requirements" (Article 11, clause 6).

The methodological support of the educational process should be focused on the full and effective education of education by all students of an educational institution that implements inclusive practice.

The program-methodical support of the inclusive educational process is reflected in the three documents - a program of correctional work, which is an integral part of the main educational program, developed by the educational organization based on the recommended list of general education programs, an adapted main educational program, an adapted educational program developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

In accordance with paragraph 19.8. GEF primary education Correctional work program in an educational institutionit should be aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development of children with disabilities and / or disabilities and assisting the children of this category in the development of the main educational program of primary general education and should provide:

Identifying the special educational needs of children with disabilities due to the disadvantages in their physical and (or) mental development;

Implementation of individually oriented psychological and medical and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission);

The possibility of developing children with disabilities for the health of the main educational program of primary general education and their integration in an educational institution.

The Correction Program provides for the creation of special training conditions and education, allowing to take into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities through the individualization of the educational process.

In a letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2011 N 03-255 "On the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education" is given an explanation that the standard takes into account the educational needs of children with disabilities. In the main educational program of primary and basic general education, which should be developed in an educational institution based on GEF, one can lay out all the specific features of children with disabilities: an increase in learning time; Correctional work program; Special propedeutic sections aimed at preparing students for the development of the main educational program; Special material and technical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, etc.

Adapted main educational program- Educational program adapted to teach certain categories of persons with disabilities, including disabilities, i.e. Educational program of special (correctional) educational institutions I-VIII species (FZ, Art.2, P.P. 28).

Adapted educational program- This is an educational program adapted to teach a child with ABS (including with disabilities), is developed on the basis of the main general educational program, taking into account the adapted main educational program and in accordance with the psychophysical features and the special educational needs of the category of persons with ABS.

In determining the adapted educational program, the key point is the concept of "educational program" is a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and in cases provided for by this Federal Law, the forms of certification, which is presented as a curriculum , calendar learning graphics, working programs of training items, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as estimated and methodical materials.

For the implementation of an inclusive educational process, it is necessary to apply adequate opportunities and needs of educational modern technologies, methods, techniques, forms of training work work (as part of the development of AOP), as well as adaptation of the content of educational material, the allocation of the necessary and sufficient for development of the child with ABS, adapting existing or Development of the necessary educational and didactic materials, etc. An important component is to create conditions for adaptation of children with disabilities in the group of peers, the school community, the organization of lessons, extracurricular and extracurricular activities using interactive forms of children's activities, the organization of additional education programs aimed at disclosure The creative potential of each child, the implementation of its need for self-expression, participating in class, schools, as well as the use of adequate opportunities for children's ways to assess their academic achievements, educational and unacceptable products Activity.

As part of the implementation of the adapted educational program, the educational institution must be provided with satisfying special educational needs of children with ABS textbooks, including textbooks with electronic applications, which are their component that meets educational and methodical literature and materials on all educational subjects of the main educational program. Educational institution, escort specialists should have access to printed and electronic educational resources (EOR), including electronic educational resources intended for children with ABS. The library of an educational institution should be staffed by common and specialized for children with public areas with printed educational resources and EOR on all training subjects of the curriculum, as well as to have additional literature fund. The additional literature fund should include children's artistic and popular literature, reference bibliographic and periodicals, accompanying the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education. The library of the educational institution, where children with ABS are studying, should be staffed by scientific and methodological literature on special psychology and correctional (special) pedagogy, printed educational resources and EOR, including the formation of "academic" knowledge and life competence of a child with ABS, and also have a fund Additional literature on topical issues of training and education of different categories of children with APV, studying in this school. This additional fund should include scientific and methodological literature, reference and bibliographic and periodicals, accompanying the teaching of the child with ABS.

Characteristics of requirements

Federal State Educational Standard

primary general education

with disabilities

The option of AOOP (AOP) is determined on the basis of the recommendations of the PMPC, the opinions of parents and (if there is a learning disability) IPR.

Option requirements of standard




Achieving planned results

Deaf children with hearing aids or implants that reach the level of development in the school (including speech) close to the school (including speech) to communicate with hearing peers (understand the oral speech to them), their own speech is intelligible ( understandable)

Deaf children who do not reach the time of development to the school (including speech) close to the age norm, which do not have additional health restrictions that impede the preparation of NWO in the conditions that take into account their general and special educational needs associated, in t. h., with mastering verbal speech, life competencies.

education is fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of hearing peers

5 years for children who have received pre-school education

6 years for children who have not received pre-school education

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Deaf students with mild mental retardation (intellectual violations)

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Deaf children having other severe multiple developmental disorders (TMNR): mental backwardness in moderate, severe or deep degree, which can be combined with violations, ODA, disorders of the autistic spectrum, emotional-volitional sphere and to be varying severity, be complicated by current somatic diseases and mental disorders

education that in content and final achievements does not correlate for the time the completion of school learning with the content and final achievements of deaf peers do not have additional restrictions on health capabilities

The hearing impaired and late approximate students with auditory apparatus and (or) implants that reach the development level of development (including speech) close to school, have a positive experience of communicating with hearing peers (understand the oral speech to them), their own speech is intelligible (understandable others)

education is fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of hearing peers

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Low-impaired and late approximate students with hearing aids and (or) implants that do not reach the development of the level of development (including speech) close to the School of Development, which do not have additional health restrictions that impede the preparation of NEO in the conditions that take into account their common and special educational needs associated, incl., with the mastering of verbal speech, life competencies.

education is fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of hearing peers

I compartment 4 years old

II branch 5-6 years

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Low-impaired and late approximate students with hearing aids and (or) implants with light mental retardation (intellectual violations)

Education, which is due to the content and final achievements incomparable by the time of completion of school learning with the content and final achievements without restrictions

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Blind children with auditory apparatus or implants that reach the level of development in the school (including compensatory ways of activity) close to age norm

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Blind children who do not reach the development level of development (including compensatory ways of activity) close to age norm, but who do not have additional health restrictions that impede the preparation of NEO in the conditions that take into account their general and special educational needs, related to Including, with orientation in space, life competencies.

education fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of students who do not have restrictions on health capabilities

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Blind students with mild mental retardation (intellectual violations)

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Blind children having other heavy multiple developmental disorders (TMND): mental backwardness in moderate, severe or deep degree, which can be combined with hearing impairments, stern, disorders of the autistic spectrum, the emotional-volitional sphere and to be of varying severity, be complicated by current somatic diseases and mental disorders

Education, which in content and final achievements does not relate to the time of completion of school learning with the content and final achievements of blind peers that have no additional restrictions on health capabilities

Defined upon completion of training in SIPR

The visually impaired, which reach the level of development to school (including compensatory ways of activity) of a close age norm.

education fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of students who do not have restrictions on health capabilities

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Visually impaired students who do not reach the development level of the level of development (including compensatory ways of activity) of a close age rate that do not have additional health restrictions that prevent the production of NWO in the conditions that take into account their common and special educational needs that are related to, with the mastery of verbal speech, life competencies.

I Department - For students with easy underdevelopment of speech, II Department - for students with deep underdevelopment of speech

education fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of students who do not have restrictions on health capabilities

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Visually impaired with mild mental retardation (intellectual violations)

Education that in content and final achievements does not relate to the time of the completion of school learning with the content and final achievements of visually impaired peers that have no additional restrictions on health capabilities

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Studying with phonetic and phonumatic or phonetic underdevelopment of speech (discharge, easy degree of disorder of dysarthria, stuttering, rinolalia), students with general underdevelopment of speech I-IV speech development levels of various genesis, which have violations of all components of the language, children with reading and writing

Students with TNR, to overcome speech disorders of which special pedagogical conditions are required, special, systematic targeted corrective impact:

I Department - students with Alalia, Alfazia, Rinolalia, Dysarthria, Stuttering, having ORC and violations of reading and letters that impede training in general education organizations

II Department - students with a severe degree of gravity in the normal development of speech.

education is fully appropriate according to the final achievements by the time the education of peers to the formation of peers with normal speech development

I Department for 5 years

II branch 4 years

Studying nodes who have reached the level of development in the school, close to the age norm, have a positive experience of communicating with peers.

Educational nodes who have reached the time of development to the school, close to age norm, which have positive experience with peers, but having the features of psychophysical development, impeding the process of mastering knowledge that need special conditions for obtaining education

Education comparable to the formation of healthy peers

It is prolonged taking into account the psychophysical possibilities and the individual features of the development of children from the node, which are determined by the standard.

Learning from noda and light mental retardation (intellectual violations)

Education, which in content and final achievements does not meet the requirements for the final achievements of healthy peers at all stages of training and by the time of the completion of school education

Prolonged clutch time

Students having severe multiple developmental disorders (TMND). In the structure of the TMNR - mental retardation in moderate, severe or deep degree, which is combined with motor disorders, and in some cases with sensory, emotional-volitional spheres, as well as somatic disorders

Education, which in content and final achievements does not meet the requirements for the final achievements of peers from a node that do not have additional restrictions

Students with SPRs who have reached the time of psychophysiological development, close to the School of Psychophysiological Development. This category of children should have sustainable forms of adaptive behavior.

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Students with CPRs, which are characterized by a level of development are somewhat below the age norm, the backlog may manifest itself in general or locally in separate functions (slow-down pace or uneven formation of cognitive activity), to some extent, impellent learning school standards and school adaptation as a whole.

education is fully comparable in final achievements by the time the education of students who do not have restrictions on health capabilities

Defined upon completion of training in elementary school

Regulatory and legal framework for obtaining education by children

With disabilities of health, including

With disabilities, in educational organizations

International Documents:

    "The Convention on Combating Education Discrimination" adopted on December 14, 1960 by the United Nations General Conference on Education, Science in Culture (UNESCO)

    "Declaration of the UN General Assembly on the rights of mentally retarded persons" was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 1971.

    "UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" - proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 3447 (XXX) of December 9, 1975

    The "World Action Program for Disabled" - adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution 37/52 of December 3, 1982

    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child "was adopted by General Assembly by the UN General Assembly of November 20, 1989, ratified by the Resolution of the USSR Supreme Soviet of June 13, 1990.

    "Standard rules for equal opportunities for disabled people" - adopted by General Assembly resolution 48/96 of December 20, 1993

    "Salamannskaya Declaration of Principles, Policy and Practical Activities in the Formation of Persons with Special Needs", Salamanca, Spain, June 7-10, 1994

    "The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" - Adopted by General Assembly resolution 61/106 of December 13, 2006

    "Implementation of the World Program for Disabled Program: Achievement of the Millennium Development Development Goals on persons with disabilities - Assolution adopted by the UN General Assembly No. 62/127 of December 18, 2007

Federal Documents:

1. "On Education in the Russian Federation" - the Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012.

2. "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and recognition of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "- the Law of the Russian Federation of 2.07.2013 No. 185- FZ.

3. "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" - the Law of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (with add-ons and changes)

5. "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation" - the Law of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 1998 and approved by the Federation Council on July 9, 1998, (as amended July 20, 2000, August 22, December 21, 2004 ., 26, June 30, 2007)

6. National Education Initiative "Our New School" (approved President of the Russian Dmitry Medvedev February 4, 2010, PR-271)

7. "On ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons" - Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 3, 2012 N 46-FZ

8. "On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science" - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599

9. "On the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017" - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761

Government documents:

1. "The concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" - the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-p

2. "On the plan of priority events until 2014 on the implementation of the most important provisions of the National Action Strategy for Children for 2012-2017" - the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2012 No. 1916-p,

3. "On the concept of the Federal Target Program for Education Development for 2011-2015" - the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2011 N 163-p

4. "On the State Program of the Russian Federation" Affordable Wednesday "for 2011-2015" - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2011 №175

Departmental documents:

    "Regulations on the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission" - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2013 N 1082

    "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education" - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013 N 1014.

    "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic general education programs - educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education" - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013 N 1015

    "On the psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC) of an educational institution) - a letter to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 27.03.2000 No. 27/901-6)

    "On the creation of conditions for education with children with disabilities and disabled children - a letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2008 No. Af-150/06

    "On approval of a single qualifying reference book of Russian experts, specialists and employees, the section" Qualification characteristics of the posts of educators "- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 593 of August 14, 2009

    "On approval and enforcement of the federal state educational standard of primary general education" - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373

  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1599 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for students with mental retardation (intellectual violations)"
  2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1598 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Primary General Education Student with Disabilities"

    Order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region dated 09.07.2015 No. 308-D on the approval of the quality of the provision of public services (works) provided by state institutions of the Sverdlovsk Region in education for 2015

    Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region Order Order 06/25/2015 No. 283-D on approval of the procedure for organizing psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general educational programs, development and social adaptation, in organizations engaged in educational activities located in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region

    Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region Order 23.01.2015 No. 40-D on approval of the Plan of measures for the organization of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in the development of basic general educational programs, development and social adaptation in the educational organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region for 2015 year

    Comprehensive plan for the organization of inclusive education of 10.04.2015 No. 01-01-55 / 95 Accepted at the meeting of the heads of state government officials (correctional) general educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region on June 26, 2013

    Order of the Ministry of Education of 12.05.2012 No. 282-and On approval of the Agreement between the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region and Municipal Education in the Sverdlovsk Region on granting subsidies from the budget of the Sverdlovsk region to the budgets of municipalities in the Sverdlovsk Region to carry out activities for the formation of the network of basic educational institutions that implement educational programs in the Sverdlovsk region General education providing joint training of persons with disabilities and persons who do not have violations of development at the expense of a subsidy received from the federal budget in 2012

Component composition of the structure of the adapted educational program

Structural units of AOP.

Their characteristics

Title leaf of AOP.

Name of educational institution

Program haruing line (indicating the date of the implementation of the protocol of the methodological association)

Program's claims by the Director of the Educational Institution (indicating the date and number of the order)

The name of the adapted educational program without specifying the category of persons with OVD.

FULL NAME of the teacher (s), which developed (them) and implementing (their) program (it is possible to indicate work experience, category)

Parallel / class in which the program is studied.

Expert (by decision of the teacher or manual OU)

Year of the program

Explanatory note of AOP

The purpose and task of AOP.

Features of the class in which this AOP will be implemented. If the teacher is known about the individual features of a particular student / students, it also is indicated (only for inclusive classes)

The list of educational and methodological and software used to achieve the planned results of the development of the purpose and tasks of AOP.

The number of academic hours on which AOP is calculated.

Characteristic for AOP forms of organization of activity of students with APV

Specific for AOP forms of control of the development of students with APT content (current, intermediate, final)

Basic requirements for the results of the implementation of AOP

Subsection: "The student will learn" (obligatory minimum of content) "The student will get the opportunity" (maximum volume of the training course)

MetaPremend result


AOP control and measuring materials system

Test materials, texts of test work, questions for credit work.

The number of controlling materials

Criteria for evaluating verification work

STRUCTUREAdapted primary

Educational program (adapted educational program) initial

General education (AOP NOO) (AOP NOO)

    Target section:

    Explanatory note

    Planned results of the development of educational with APT AOP

    Program for the formation of universal educational actions for students

    Programs of individual learning items, correctioning courses and extracurricular activities

    The program of spiritual and moral development, education of students with ABS upon receipt of NOO

    Program for the formation of ecological culture, healthy and safe lifestyle

    Correctional work program

    The program of extracurricular activities.

    Organizational section:

    Training Plan NOO (subject and correctional and educational areas, directions of extracurricular activities).

    System of special conditions for the implementation of AOP NOO (p. 2.9.11 of Standard): personnel conditions, financial and economic conditions, material and technical conditions

Target section

An explanatory note must contain:

    regulatory acts and teaching documents, on the basis of which AOP has been developed.

eg:This educational program is based on:

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 №273-F3;

Federal state educational standard of primary general education for children with disabilities;

Regulatory and methodological documentation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of education;

Exemplary adapted primary educational program of primary general education based on GEF for children with severe speech disorders;

charter of the educational organization.

    the purpose of the implementation of AOP.

for example: the purpose of the adapted program for children with severe speech disorders: Organization of targeted systematic work to improve the quality of education and the development of intellectual, communicative and creative abilities of children with disabilities.

Tasks AOP NOO:

      actualization of cognitive activity of students based on the correction of deficiencies of emotional and social development;

      development and introduction of multi-level didactic materials and textbooks for individual independent work at the lesson and outside of all courses of the school program;

      development of the communicative sphere of children with TNR by the development of speech culture and behaviors;

      the formation of more adequate self-assessment and educational motivation of children with TNR;

      introduction into the practice of the educational process of valeologic activity measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the mental and physical health of students;

      improving the professional level of teachers through participation in the work of seminars, conferences, master classes;

      organization and provision of individual system assistance to parents raising students with TNRs aimed at improving their resource opportunities in adapting and socializing students with TNRs.

    principles and approaches to the formation of AOP NOO.

eg:The basis of AOP NOO for children with TNR Maou number ... laid differentiated and activity approaches.

The use of a differentiated approach provides students with the opportunity to realize individual development potential.

The activity approach in Maou number is based on the recognition that the development of the personality of students with the TNR of younger school age is determined by the nature of the organization available to them (subject to practical and educational). The main means of implementing an activity approach is to study as the process of organizing cognitive and objective and practical activities of students, providing the mastering of education.

The implementation of the activity approach provides:

    giving the results of education socially and personally significant;

    durable assimilation of learning knowledge and experience of various activities and behavior, the possibility of their independent promotion in the educational areas studied;

    a significant increase in motivation and interest in the teachings, the acquisition of new experience and behavior;

    providing conditions for general cultural and personal development on the basis of the formation of universal training actions that provide not only successful assimilation of the system of scientific knowledge, skills and skills (academic results), which make it possible to continue their education at the next step, but also of life competence, which makes up the basis of social success.

The basis of AOP for children with TNR MAO number is laid the following principles:

The principles of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education (humanistic nature of education, the unity of educational space in the Russian Federation, the secular nature of education, the public accessibility, the adaptability of the education system to the levels and features of the development and training of students and students, etc.);

The principle of accounting for the typological and individual educational needs of students;

Principle of the correctional orientation of the educational process;

The principle of the educational process of the educational process, orienting it on the development of the personality of the study and expanding its "zone of the nearest development", taking into account the special educational needs;

Ontogenetic principle;

The principle of continuity suggests the initial general education in the design of the primary general education program, which ensures the continuity of the education of students with severe violations of speech;

The principle of the integrity of the content of education, since the basis of the structure of the content of education is not the concept of the subject, A - "Educational Region

The principle of activity on the formation of activities, it provides the possibility of mastering students with severe violations of speech by all kinds of subject-hand-practical activities, methods and receptions of cognitive and educational activities, communicative activities and regulatory behavior;

The principle of transferred learned knowledge, skills, and skills and relations formed in the context of an educational situation, in various life situations, which will ensure the readiness of the studying for independent orientation and active activities in the real world;

The principle of cooperation with family.

    the overall characteristics of the program.

eg: Adapted primary educational program of primary general education for children with severe speech disorders (hereinafter referred to as TNR) is compiled onthe basis of an exemplary adapted main educational program of primary general education for children with tnr(option 5.2), which is addressed to studying with severe speech violations with a level of development is somewhat below the age norm; The backlog is manifested in general or locally in separate functions (slow motion or uneven formation of cognitive activity). Arbitration, self-control, self-regulation in the behavior and activity of such students, as a rule, are not formed enough. Students with TNR are noted the shortcomings of attention, memory, perception, cognitive processes, mental performance and focusing activities. The learningability is satisfactory, but often selective and unstable, depending on the level of complexity and subjective attractiveness of the activity, as well as from the actual emotional state, which leads to difficulties of mastering school standards and rules, as well as, school deadaption in general.

    psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with ABS.

    a description of the special educational needs of students with APV

Planned results of the development of educational with APT AOP

As a result of study all without exceptionat the stage of primary general education, graduates will be formed personal, Regulatory, Cognitiveand communicativeuniversal learning actions as the basis of the ability to learn.

    The system of assessing the achievements of the planned results of the development of AOP NOO.

The features of the evaluation system are:

    a comprehensive approach to the assessment of the results of education (assessment of subject, meta-concrete and personal results of general education);

    the use of planned results of the development of basic educational programs as a substantive and criteria assessment base;

    evaluation of the success of the development of the content of individual training subjects on the basis of an activity approach, manifested in the ability to fulfill educational and educational and educational tasks;

    assessment of the dynamics of educational achievements of students;

    a combination of external and internal assessment as a mechanism to ensure the quality of education;

    the use of personalized procedures for the final assessment and certification of students and inconsonted procedures for assessing the state and the development trends of the education system;

    level approach to the development of planned results, tools and their representation;

    the use of a storage system of estimation (portfolio) characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievements;

    use along with standardized written or oral work of such forms and assessment methods, such as projects, practical work, creative work, self-analysis, self-esteem, observation, etc.

Evaluation of personal results

The object of assessing personal results The universal training actions are formed in students, included in three main blocks:

    self-determination- the formation of the internal position of the study - the adoption and mastering of the new social role of the student; The formation of the foundations of the Russian civil identity identity as a sense of pride in their homeland, the people, history and awareness of their ethnicity; Development of self-esteem and ability to adequately evaluate oneself and their achievements, see the strengths and weaknesses of their personality;

    measiacy form- search and establishing personal meaning (i.e. "meanings for themselves") teaching study based on a sustainable system of educational and social motives; Understanding the boundaries of Togo, "What I know", and "what I don't know", "ignorance" and the desire to overcome this gap;

    moral and ethical orientation -knowledge of major moral norms and orientation on their implementation on the basis of understanding their social necessities; the ability to moral decentration - taking into account the positions, motives and interests of the participants of the moral dilemma in its resolution; The development of ethical feelings is shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior.

Basic content assessment of personal results at the stage of primary general education are built around the rating:

    the formation of the internal position of the student, which is reflected in the emotionally positive attitude of the educational organization;

    orientation to the informative moments of the educational process - the lessons, knowledge of the new, mastering the skills and new competencies, the nature of educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates - and the orientation on the sample of the behavior of the "good student" as an example for imitation;

    the formation of the fundamentals of civil identity is a sense of pride for their homeland, knowledge of significant for the Fatherland of historical events; love for her region, awareness of their nationality, respect for the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the world; development of confidence and ability to understand and empathize the feelings of other people;

    the formation of self-assessment, including the awareness of its opportunities in the teaching, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for their success / failure in teaching; the ability to see their advantages and disadvantages, respect yourself and believe in success;

    formation of the motivation of training activities, including social, educational and educational and external motives, curiosity and interest in new content and ways to solve problems, acquire new knowledge and skills, motivating the achievement of the result, aspire to improve their abilities;

    knowledge of moral norms and formation of moral and ethical judgments, the ability to solve moral problems on the basis of decentration (coordination of different points of view on the solution of moral dilemma); The ability to evaluate their actions and actions of other people in terms of compliance / disruption of the moral norm.

The assessment of personal results is carried out, firstly, during external non-substituted monitoring studies School professionals and with the necessary competence in the field of psychological and medical and pedagogical diagnostics of personality development. The second method of assessing the personal results of students used in the educational program is an assessment person's personal progress via portfolioconducive to the formation of the cultural culture trained with the TNR culture, logic, ability to analyze, summarize, systematize, classify.

Another form of assessing the personal results of the student is the assessment of the individual progress of the personal development of students who need special support. This task is solved in the process of systematic monitoring of the course of the psychic development of the child on the basis of ideas about the regulatory content and age periodization of development - in the form of age-psychological counseling. Such an assessment is carried out at the request of parents (legal representatives) of students or at the request of teachers (or administration of an educational institution) with the consent of parents (legal representatives) and is being conducted by OPPC or a psychologist with special professional training in the field of age psychology.

Personal results of graduates at the stage of primary general education in full compliance with the requirements of the standard are not subject to the final assessment, because Assessment of personality student results reflects the effectiveness of the educational and educational activities of the school.

Evaluation of metap looms ensures an assessment of universal learning actions of students (regulatory, communicative, cognitive), i.e., such mental actions of students who are aimed at analyzing their cognitive activity and management of it. These include:

    the ability of the student accept and maintain a training goal and tasks; independently convert the practical task in the cognitive; the ability to plan their own activities in accordance with the task and conditions of its implementation and to look for the means of its implementation; The ability to control and evaluate their actions to make adjustments to their implementation on the basis of the assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors, to show the initiative and independence in training;

    the ability to exercise information search, collecting and allocating essential information from various information sources;

    the ability to use iconic symbolic tools for creating models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and educational and practical tasks;

    the ability to implement logical comparison operations, analysis, generalizations, classifications for transitional features, establish analogy, assigning to known concepts;

    the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers in solving training problems, to make responsibility for the results of their actions.

The achievement of metap looms is ensured by the main components of the educational process - training items presented in the mandatory part of the curriculum.

Basic the content of the assessment of metap loom results at the stage of primary general education is built around the ability to learn. The assessment of metap looms is carried out during the various procedures such as the solution of the tasks of creative and search nature, educational design, final testing, comprehensive work on the interdisciplinary basis, monitoring the formation of basic training skills.

Assessment of subject results

The achievement of subject results is ensured by the main training items. Therefore, the object of assessing subject results is the ability of students to solve educational and educational and educational and practical tasks.

Evaluation of the achievement of subject results is carried out both during the current and intermediate assessment and in the course of the final test work. The results of the accumulated assessment obtained during the current and intermediate estimation are recorded in the form of an achievement portfolio and are taken into account when determining the final assessment. The subject of the final assessment of the development of the student's main educational program of primary general education is the achievement of subject and meta-valuable results of the initial general education necessary to continue education.

The main tool of the final assessment is the final comprehensive work - a system of tasks of various levels of difficulty reading, Russian language, mathematics and the world around.

In the educational process, the assessment of subject results is carried out with the help of diagnostic work (intermediate and final) aimed at determining the level of learning theme. The results of the results of the final work are monitored - in the Russian language, mathematics - and the final integrated work on the interpresentative basis.

Forms of the presentation of educational results:

    tabel performance on subjects (indicating the requirements for marking places);

    the texts of the final diagnostic test works, dictations and the analysis of their execution of students (information about the elements and levels of the knowledge being checked - knowledge, understanding, application, systematization);

    oral assessment of the success of the results, the formulation of the causes of failures and recommendations to eliminate gaps in subjects on subjects;

    the results of psychological and pedagogical studies illustrating the dynamics of the development of individual intelligent and personal qualities of the student, Wood.

According to the results of the assessment, which is formed on the basis of materials of the achievement portfolio, conclusions are made about:

1) formed at the student universal and subject means of action, as well as support system of knowledgeproviding him with the possibility of continuing education in the main school;

2) Formation Formations skills learn, understood as an ability to self-organization in order to formulate and solve educational and educational and practical tasks;

3) individual progress In the main areas of development of the personality-motivational, cognitive, emotional, volitional and self-regulation.

    Program for the formation of universal educational actions for students

Under the "universal learning action" we understand Ability to learn, i.e. The ability of students to self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assigning new social experience.

Functions of universal training actions:

    ensuring the possibilities of students independently carry out the activities of the teaching, to put educational goals, search and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

    creating conditions for the correction of personality development and its self-realization based on readiness for continuing education; Ensuring the successful learning of knowledge, the formation of skills, skills and competencies in any subject area.

Universal nature of educational actions manifests itself in the fact that they are competent, meta-delimited character; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all levels of the educational process; There are at the heart of the organization and regulation of any student activity regardless of its special and substantive content.

Universal learning activities provide stages of learning and the formation of educational psychological abilities.

Types of universal training actions

As part of the main types of universal training actions that meet the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: personal , regulative (comprising self-regulation), informative and communicative .

Personal Universal Actions:

Students will be formed:

    orientation to understand the reasons for success in training activities;

    self-esteem ability;

    a sense of involvement with the life of their people and the Motherland, awareness of ethnicity;

    orientation in the moral content of both own actions and actions of other people;

    regulation of behavior in accordance with the disgraced moral norms and ethnic requirements;

    orientation on a healthy lifestyle;

    understanding the feelings of other people and the ability to empathize them, expressing in concrete actions;

    aesthetic feeling based on the acquaintance with artistic culture;

    cognitive motivation of teachings;

Regulatory Universal Actions:

the student will learn:

    to hold the purpose of educational and extracurricular activities;

    take into account the guidelines given by the teacher, when mastering a new educational material;

    use studied rules, ways of action, properties of objects when performing training assignments and in cognitive activity;

    independently plan their own learning activities and the actions necessary for solving educational tasks;

    exercise final and step-by-step control of the results and using ways to control the results;

    make the necessary adjustments to their own actions on the results of the self-test;

    compare the results of their own activities with the assessment of its comrades, the teacher;

    adequately perceive the argued criticism of errors and take into account it in the work on the errors.

Cognitive universal actions:

the student will learn:

    search for the necessary information to perform learning tasks (in textbook reference materials, in children's encyclopedias);

    navigate in the appropriate age dictionaries and reference books;

    use iconic and symbolic tools, including schemes for solving educational tasks;

    complement ready-made information objects (tables, schemes, tests);

    find, characterize, analyze, compare, classify concepts;

    to carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole of parts;

    classify, summarize, systematize the studied material according to plan, on the table;

    allocate essential information from readable texts;

    build a speech statement with a standpoint of information transfer, accessible to understand the listener.

Communicative universal actions:

the student will learn:

    own a dialogue form of speech;

    take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions when working in a pair;

    negotiate and come to a general decision;

    form your own opinion and position;

    ask questions, specifying incomprehensible in the statement;

    the ability to establish contact and adequately use speech tool to solve communicative tasks.

The program for the formation of universal training actions is aimed at ensuring an activity approach, which is based on the standard, and is designed to promote the implementation of the developmental potential of primary general education, the development of a system of universal training actions serving as an invariant basis of the educational process of students and ensuring the ability to learn, the ability to self-development and self-improvement. The result of the formation of universal educational actions will be the development of educational specific objectives and skills within the framework of individual disciplines, as well as conscious, active assigning new social experience. At the same time, knowledge, skills and skills are considered as derived from the respective species of targeted actions if they are formed, apply and persist in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves. The quality of knowledge assimilation is determined by the diversity and the nature of the types of universal action.

The program for the formation of universal training actions for the initial general education of students:

    establishes the value guidelines of primary general education;

    determines the concept, function, composition and characteristics of universal training actions in the younger school age;

    identifies the connection of universal academic actions with the content of educational items;

    defines the conditions that ensure the continuity of the formation program from students of universal academic actions when moving from preschool to primary and basic general education.

    Programs of individual learning items, correctioning courses and extracurricular activities

Each program should contain an explanatory note, the overall characteristics of the training pedmet / correction course, a description of the place of the study subject / correction course in the curriculum, a description of the value guidelines, personal, metropolitan and subject results of the development of a specific study subject / correction course (depending on the AOP version of NOO ), the content of the learning subject / correction course, thematic planning, the description of logistical support.

    The program of spiritual and moral development, the upbringing of students with ABS upon receipt of NOO.

Spiritual-moral education - Pedagogically organized process of assimilation and adoption by students with Basic national values, mastering the system of universal values \u200b\u200band cultural, spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof the multinational people of the Russian Federation.

Spiritually - moral development - carried out in the process of socialization to consistent expansion and strengthening of the value-semantic personality sphere, the formation of a person's ability to evaluate and consciously build on the basis of traditional moral norms and moral ideals attitude towards themselves, other people, society, the state, the Fatherland, the world as a whole.

The program of spiritual and moral education and development of students with ABS should be aimed at raising a citizen and a patriot in each child, to disclose the abilities and talents of students, prepare them for life and successful socialization and integration into modern society. The program is implemented by the educational organization in constant cooperation and close cooperation with the families of students, with other subjects of socialization - social partners of the school.

The program of spiritual and moral education should include the goal, tasks, the main directions of work, the list of planned results of education, forms of organization of work.

eg: Common goal It is social and pedagogical support and the introduction of Russian society students to the basic national values, universal values \u200b\u200bin the context of the formation of moral feelings, moral consciousness and behavior.

Tasks of spiritual and moral development and upbringing students at the stage of primary general education:

In the field of personal culture formation:

    the formation of initial moral norms, the development of creative potential in educational and game, subject-productive, socio-oriented activities based on moral installations;

    the formation of the basics of the moral identity identity (conscience) - the ability to formulate their own moral obligations, to carry out moral self-control, require the fulfillment of moral norms, to give a moral assessment of their own and foreign actions;

    adoption of educational basic national values, spiritual traditions;

    formation of independence of students in any life situations;

    development of hard work, the formation of the need for teaching, ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the result;

In the field of social culture formation:

    upbringing the value attitude towards the Motherland, to its national language and culture, to traditional Russian religions;

    the formation of patriotism and citizenship;

    the formation of tolerance and the foundations of the culture of inter-ethnic communication;

    development of communicative communication skills with teachers, parents, peers and older generation.

In the field of family culture formation:

    formation of a valid attitude towards parents, conscious, caring attitude towards elder and younger;

    formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bfamily values \u200b\u200band respect for them;

    acquaintance with the cultural and historical and ethnic traditions of the Russian family.

Main directions:

    Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness.

Values : moral choice; Life and meaning of life; Justice, mercy, honesty, dignity, respect for parents, respect for human dignity, equality, responsibility and sense of duty; Care and help, morality, honesty, generosity, care for younger and elders, freedom of conscience and faith, tolerance, idea of \u200b\u200bfaith, spiritual culture.

    Educating hardworking, creative attitude towards teaching, work, life.

Values: Respect for work; creativity and creation, the desire for knowledge, purposefulness and perseverance; Purity, hard work.

    Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of a person.

Values: Love for Russia, to their people, their land; Ministry to your fatherland; Constitutional state; Civil society; Laws right-order; Freedom personal and national; confidence in people; Institutions of the state and civil society.

    Education of the value attitude towards nature environmental education).

Values : Native land, reserved nature, planet Earth, environmental consciousness.

    Education of the value attitude towards the beautiful, formation of ideas about aesthetic ideals and values \u200b\u200b(aesthetic education).

Values: beauty, harmony, human spiritual world, aesthetic development, self-expression in creativity and art.

    Program for the formation of ecological culture, healthy and fair-free lifestyle

The program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle is a comprehensive program for the formation of knowledge, installations, personal landmarks and behaviors, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health as one of the value components that promote the cognitive and emotional development of the child, achieving the planned development results. adapted main educational program of primary general education for children with OVD.

The program for the formation of an environmental culture should include the goal, tasks, main directions of work, a list of planned results of education, forms of work organization.

eg:Contents of the program

1Block. Healthy infrastructure

Task: Creating conditions for the implementation of the program

The effectiveness of this block depends on the activities of the administration of the educational organization.


The composition of the employees of the health-saving infrastructure



2 block. Rational organization of the urgent and extracurricular activities of students.

Task: Improving the effectiveness of the educational process, decreased excessive functional voltage and fatigue, creating conditions for removing overload, normal alternation of labor and recreation.

Planned Result:

    compliance with hygienic standards and requirements for the organization and the volume of educational and extracurricular load (performance of homework, classes in circles and sports sections) students; use of methods and methods of training, adequate to age capabilities and features of students;

    strict adherence to all requirements for the use of technical training, including computers and audiovisual funds;

    individualization of training (accounting for individual features of development: the pace of development and the pace of activity), work on individual primary general education programs

The effectiveness of the implementation of 2 block depends on the activities of all subjects of the educational process.

Can be represented as a table.

3 block. Organization of physical recovery work

Task: Ensuring the rational organization of the motor regime of students, normal physical development and motor preparedness of students of all ages, improving the adaptive capabilities of the body, preservation and strengthening the health of students and the formation of health culture.

Planned Result:

    effective work with students of all health groups (in physical education lessons, in sections, for walks);

    rational organization of the lessons of physical culture and activity of an active-moving nature at the stage of primary general education;

    organization of active movements (dynamic pause) after the 2nd and 4th lessons;

    fizkultminthki in lessons contributing to emotional unloading and improving motor activity;

    organization of the work of sports sections and creating conditions for their effective functioning;

    regular holding of sports and recreation activities, corrective classes (days of sports, competitions, hiking, etc.).

Can be represented as a table.

4. Block Implementation of additional educational programs

Task: to introduce additional education programs for the formation of a value attitude towards health and healthy lifestyle as separate educational modules or components included in the educational process.

Planned Result:

The implementation of this block depends on the administration of the educational institution, teachers of primary classes, teachers - psychologists.

Can be represented as a table.

5. Block. Educational work with parents

(legal representatives)

Tasks: Organize Pedagogical Enlightenment Parents

Planned Result:

    formation of public opinion of parents focused on a healthy lifestyle;

    the creation of a favorable educational environment in the family that contributes to the improvement of interpersonal relationships, an increase in family responsibility for the health, physical, emotional, mental and moral development of schoolchildren.

The implementation of this block depends on all subjects of the educational process.

Can be represented as a table.

6. Block. Managing the implementation of a healthy and safe lifestyle program.

Task: Control of the implementation of a program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, improving the quality of the educational process, interaction with parents, teachers.

The planned result: identification of existing deviations in the implementation of the program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

The implementation of this block depends on the administration of the educational institution

Can be represented as a table.

    Correctional work program

The program should contain a list, content and plan for the implementation of activities, a system of comprehensive psychological and medical and pedagogical examination, adjusting correctional events.

for example: the planned results of the correctional work with students with severe violations of speech on the level of primary general education:

Satisfying the special educational needs of children with severe speech disorders:

    successfully adapts to an educational institution;

    manifests cognitive activity;

    knows how to express its emotional state, make volitional efforts to solve the tasks;

    has a formed learning motivation;

    oriented on moral norms of behavior and their implementation;

    cooperation with the participants of the educational process.

Correction of negative trends in student development:

    differentiates information of various modality;

    relates objects in accordance with their properties;

    oriented in spatial and temporal representations;

    owns meals to memorize, save and play information;

    performs major mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification);

    adequately refers to the educational process;

    works on the algorithm, in accordance with the established rules;

    controls its activities;

    adequately takes an assessment of adult and peers;

    understands its own emotions and feelings, as well as emotions and feelings of other people;

    controls its emotions, owns the skills of self-regulation and self-control;

    owns affiliate and group cooperation skills;

    build a monologic statement, owns a dialogical form of speech;

    uses non-verbal interaction skills;

    expresses his thoughts and feelings depending on the situation, uses the forms of speech etiquette;

    uses speech tools to effectively solve a variety of communicative tasks.

Speech Development, Correction of Speech Violations:

    proponently pronounces and knows how to differentiate all speech sounds;

    owns ideas about the sound composition of the word and performs all kinds of language analysis;

    it has sufficient vocabulary in the studied lexical topics, it seals synonyms and antonyms, uses all parts of speech in the process of communication;

    builds complex syntax structures.

    The program of extracurricular activities.

The extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are a concept that combines all types of schoolchildren's activities (except for educational), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their upbringing and socialization. The educational organization independently develops and approves the program of extracurricular activities.

Structure of a special individual development program

    General information about learning.

    Characteristic, which includes an assessment of the development of the student at the time of the program and the defining priority directions of education and training of the student.

    Individual curriculum

    Terms of implementation of need for care and supervision

    List of specialists involved in the development and implementation of SIPR

    List of possible tasks, events and forms of cooperation between the organization and family of training

    List of necessary technical means and didactic materials

    Means of monitoring and evaluation of the dynamics of training.

List of abbreviations and designations

GEF - Federal State Educational Standard

Noo - primary general education

AOO - adapted main educational program

AOP -adapted educational program

Children with OVD - Children with disabilities: Deaf, weighted, Looking, blind, weak, weak, with severe violations of speech, with impaired musculoskeletal system, with a delay in mental development, with an autistic spectrum disorders, with complex defects.

ZPR - impaired mental function

TNR - severe speech disorders

TMNR - severe multiple development disorders

BUT YES - disorders of the musculoskeletal system

PMPK - Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission

PMPK - Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Consilium

YPRES - Individual rehabilitation program

U / O (intellectual disorders) - mental retardation

SIPR - Special Individual Development Program

North-legal acts

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" №273-ФЗ dated December 29, 2012;

    Federal State Educational Standard of the Primary General Education / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from October 6, 2009 No. 373, registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 22, 2009, registration N 15785;

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education Education with Limited Health Opportunities / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from December 16, 2014 No. 1598, registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2015, registration N 35847;

    Federal State Educational Standard Education Education with Mental Nativehood (Intellectual Violations) / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from December 19, 2014 No. 1599, registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2016, registration N 35850;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 09/22/2011 No. 2357 "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education;

    The Law of the Sverdlovsk region of July 15, 2013 No. 78-OZ "On Education in the Sverdlovsk Region";

    Order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region No. 500-and d d December 31, 2010 "On the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education in general educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk Region";


    Afanasyev Yu.A., Eremina A.A., Morgacheva E.N. Opportunities for adaptation of general education material for teaching children with impaired intellectual development. - M.: Rudn, 2008.

    The activities of the teacher, the subject teacher, the class teacher, with the inclusion of students with disabilities and disabled children in educational space: Methodical materials for teachers, subject teachers, class managers of educational organizations (Series: "Inclusive education of children with disabilities, children with disabilities Health opportunities in general education organizations ") / O.G. Prikhodko and more .. - M.: GBOU VPO MGPU, 2014. - 227 p.

    ACTIVITIES OF THE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION When incorporating students with disabilities and children with disabilities in educational space: Methodical materials for educational organizations / S.V. Lalehina; E.N.Kuttegov; I.Yu. Sunko, E.V. Samsonova. - M.: GBOU VPO MGPU, 2014. - 147 p.

    Inclusive education. Desktop Book of the teacher working with children with OVD.- M.: Vlados, 2011.

    Integrated and inclusive training in an educational institution. Innovative experience. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012

    Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology: Modern Methodological Approaches (Collective Monograph) / Ed. N.M.Nazarova, T.G. Bogdanova. M.: MHPU, 2013.

    Special pedagogy. In 3 volumes. Ed. N.M.Nazarova. Volume 2. General Basics of Special Pedagogy. M.: Academy, 2008.

    Special psychology / ed. IN AND. Lubovsky. M.: Academy, 2011.

Explanatory note

The entry into force of the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" requires an introduction to the activities of a general education institution (working with studying with disabilities) of a new direction - the development of an adapted educational program (hereinafter referred to as the program).

This situation led to the real need to create methodological support, organizational documents defining the structure and content of the program.

This "order" is intended to help specialists in the development of an adapted educational program for different categories of students with disabilities with the health capabilities of general educational institutions of all levels.

The "order" introduces the structure of an adapted educational program, the mechanisms of its development, the procedures for the translation of the study with disabilities for training on the program, with the organization of final and intermediate control.


Adaptation of the general education program is carried out taking into account the recommendations of the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission, the individual program of rehabilitation of the disabled person and includes the following activities:

analysis and selection of content;

change of structure and time frames;

the use of different forms, methods and techniques for organizing training activities.

  1. Analysis of the requirements of the State Educational Standard, the content of exemplary programs, including children with disabilities.
  2. Accounting for the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of persons with ABS (according to the documents submitted by the parents).
  3. Designing the necessary structural components of an adapted educational program.
  4. Determining the temporary borders of the AOP development. When designing AOP, the segment covered by the implementation of the program content is indicated.
  5. Clear formulation of the goal of AOP.
  6. Defining the circle of tasks specifying the purpose of the adapted educational program.
  7. Determination of the content of AOP. The design of the AOP content should include a meaningful filling of educational, corrective and educational components.
  1. Planning forms of implementing AOP.

The implementation of AOP may be carried out using various forms, including using remote technologies and e-learning.

  1. Planning participation in the implementation of AOP of various specialists (educators, psychologist, social teacher, teacher of additional education, etc.). Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of inclusion in the implementation of AOP parents (legal representatives) of a study with HSA, or a group of students with APV with similar developmental impairments.
  2. . Determining forms and criteria for monitoring the results of the development of an adapted educational program.

The criteria of the interim and final assessment of the effectiveness of the development of AOP should be envisaged.

  1. When solving the issue of translating a student with ABS as not past intermediate certification, it is necessary to be guided:

paragraph 20 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 08/30/2013 No. 01015 on approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic general education programs - educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education;

clause 9 of Article 58 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 №273-ФЗ.

  1. The decision on the transfer of a student with APV on AOP is made on the basis of the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission and with the consent of the written statement of parents (legal representatives).
  2. The Pedagogical Council of the General Education annually approves AOP for students with HSA and (or) group of students with ABS.

2. Structure of an adapted educational program

2.1. Component composition of the structure of AOP for studying with APV:

2.2.1. Title page;

2.2.2. An explanatory note in which a brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with ABS, describing the characteristics of their psychophysical development. Based on the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goal and task of learning on subject or subjects for the current period is formulated.

In an explanatory note, you must specify the approximate programs on the basis of which AOP has been prepared, as well as substantiate varying if the number of hours is redistributed to the study of certain sections and the change in the sequence of studying themes and others.

2.2.3. Contents of the program. The component of the structure of the AOP, which reveals its content in three blocks: educational, correction and educational. Designing of each of the three blocks should go taking into account the development of subject, meta-subhead and personal results of the development of educational AOP

the educational component of AOP discloses the content of education by years of training, the expected results of subject achievements, the form of assessing the subject achievements of students with ABS;

the correctional component, sets out the directions of correctional work with the student (students), its techniques, methods and forms. In the correctional block, a teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist, teacher psychologist should be provided.

the educational component contains a description of the techniques, methods and forms of work implemented in the urgent and after-hours.

2.2.4. Basic requirements for the results of the implementation of AOP.

In this section, AOP should relate to the goal and the task of the program with its planned results, as well as to specifically formulate the results of the implementation of the program at the level of the dynamics of the mental and psychological development of students (students) and the level of formation of key competencies. These requirements are the basis for the implementation of the interim and final assessment of the effectiveness of AOP. Requirements for the results of the program implementation can not be allocated to a special section, and to design them in parallel with the description of the content of the program within the components indicated above.

2.2.5. The system of control and measuring materials includes test materials, texts of test work, questions for intermediate and final certification, includes criteria for evaluating verification work.

3. Terms of implementation of an adapted educational program

3.1. The implementation of AOP should provide for the creation in the educational organization of special conditions that must be applicable to a specific category of persons with ABS.

3.2. When implementing AOP, it is necessary to create conditions:

accounting for the characteristics of the child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in a special organization of the correctional-pedagogical process, in the application of special methods and training, compensation and correction of developmental disorders (information and methodological, technical);

the implementation of the correctional-pedagogical process by teachers and teachers-psychologists of relevant qualifications, his psychological support by special psychologists;

provision of medical, psychological and pedagogical and social assistance learning with APV;

attracting parents in the correctional pedagogical process.

3.3. The realization of AOP in the educational organization should be attracted by tutors, teachers, defectologists, logo paced teachers, psychology teachers.

Appendix No. 1.

Concepts for the development of AOP

education - activities aimed at the development of the individual, the creation of conditions for self-determination and socialization of students on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band the rules adopted in the Company and the norms of behavior in the interests of man, family, society and the state;

education - A single targeted process of upbringing and learning, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of man, family, society and state, as well as a combination of acquired knowledge, skills, skills, value installations, experience and competence of certain volume and complexity in order to intellectual, spiritually -nual, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfying his educational needs and interests;

educational activities - activities to implement educational programs;

educational organization - a non-profit organization exercising on the basis of a license educational activities as the main type of activity in accordance with the objectives of which such an organization was created;

educational program - complex of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and in cases provided for in this Federal Law, forms of certification;

adapted educational program - educational program, adapted for learning persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of development violations and social adaptation of these persons;

sample basic educational program - educational and methodological documentation (approximate curriculum, approximate calendar learning schedule, exemplary working programs of training items, courses, disciplines (modules), other components), which defines the recommended volume and content of the formation of a certain level and (or) of a certain direction, planned development results educational program, exemplary conditions of educational activities, including approximate calculations of the normative costs of the provision of public services for the implementation of the educational program;

training - a targeted process of organizing the activities of students in mastering knowledge, skills, skills and competence, acquisition of experience, development of abilities, acquaintance of experience in the use of knowledge in everyday life and the formation of educational motivation to obtain education throughout life;

syllabus - a document that defines a list, laboriousness, sequence and distribution of training subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practices, other types of training activities and, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law, the forms of interim certification of students;

federal State Educational Standard (GEF) - a consumption of mandatory requirements for the formation of a certain level and (or) to the profession, specialty and direction of training, approved by the federal executive authority, carrying out functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education;

learning with disabilities - an individual with disadvantages in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission and prevent education without creating special conditions;

organization of Educationstudents with disabilities assumes both joint education with other student and education in separate classes, groups or in individual organizations carrying out educational activities;

under special conditions for obtaining educational education - with disabilities of health are understood as the terms of training, education and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of training and education, special textbooks, training aids and didactic materials, special technical means of teaching collective and individual use, the provision of assistant services ( Assistant), providing students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, ensuring access to the buildings of organizations engaged in educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult to develop educational programs learners with disabilities;

features of the organization of educational activities for students - with limited health capabilities are determined by the federal executive body, which performs functions to develop public policies and regulatory management in the field of education, together with the federal executive authority, carrying out functions of the development of public policy and regulatory regulation in the field of social protection of the population

Component composition of the structure of AOP

Structural units of AOP.

Their characteristics

Title leaf of AOP.

Name of educational institution

Program haruing line (indicating the date of the implementation of the protocol of the methodological association)

Program's claims by the Director of the Educational Institution (indicating the date and number of the order)

The name of the adapted educational program without specifying the category of persons with OVD.

FULL NAME of the teacher (s), which developed (them) and implementing (their) program (it is possible to indicate work experience, category)

Parallel / class in which the program is studied.

Expert (by decision of the teacher or manual OU)

Year of the program

Explanatory note of AOP

The purpose and task of AOP.

Features of the class in which this AOP will be implemented. If the teacher is known about the individual characteristics of a particular student / students, it is also indicated.

The list of educational and methodological and software used to achieve the planned results of the development of the purpose and tasks of AOP.

The number of academic hours on which AOP is calculated.

Characteristic for AOP forms of organization of activity of students with APV

Specific for AOP forms of control of the development of students with APT content (current, intermediate, final)

Basic requirements for the results of the implementation of AOP

System of control and measuring materials

Supplementary result: "The student will learn" (mandatory submissions) "The student will get the opportunity" (Mamaximal volume of the training course)

Testing materials, texts of test work, questions for credit work.


AOP control and measuring materials system

Test materials, texts of test work, questions for credit work.

Persons with the disorders of the autistic spectrum;

Persons with complex defects.

Concept adapted educational programs and educational support educational process for students with limited possibilities of health.

Children with disabilities are children, whose health status prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of training and upbringing. A group of schoolchildren with OVD is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined primarily by the fact that it includes children with different impairment of development: impairment of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with pronounced disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, with delay and comprehensive developmental impairment. Thus, the most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the psyche and the health of each child.

The goals of school education that state the state, society and family, in addition to acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills, are the disclosure and development of the child's capacity, creating favorable conditions for the realization of its natural abilities.

Organization of teaching children with ABS together with other student - inclusive education - Must be carried out on AOO or OOP OO in accordance with an individual curriculum reflecting the organization of psychological and pedagogical care and a program of correctional work . The position of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the problem of the coexistence of two approaches to the organization of children's education with ABS is set forth in a letter dated June 7, 2013 No. IL-535/07.

Adapted Secondary Program (AOOP) - This is an educational program adapted to teach persons with ABS, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

The concept of "adapted educational program" appeared for the first time in 273 - FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" 2012. This is due to the fact that for the first time in the domestic history, the introduction of GEF for children with OVI is legally envisaged.

The adapted educational program is aimed at overcoming the inconsistency between the process of learning children with ABS on educational programs of a certain level of education and the real possibilities of the child, based on the structure of its disease, cognitive needs and interests.

Four options are offered, which are systemic characteristics of the requirements for the level of the final result of the formation, the structure of the educational program, the conditions for obtaining education in the outlined range of educational needs and the possibilities of children with ABS.

Requirements for the structure of the AOOC studying with ABS.

When developing AOOP, it is necessary to consider that this document is a local regulatory act describing the content of education and the mechanism of implementing GEF for children with HSA. All the main provisions of GEFs for children with ABS should be reflected in the AOP of the educational institution.

The standard of students with ABS takes into account their age, typological and individual characteristics, special educational needs.

The standard of students with ABS is based on activity and differentiated approaches.

The AOOP NOO for students with ABS is independently developed in accordance with the standard and taking into account the exemplary AOOP, and is approved by the Organization, and for students with disabilities, with disabilities, is complemented by the individual disabled rehabilitation program (IPR) in terms of creating special conditions for obtaining education.

Based on the standard, an organization can develop in accordance with the specifics of its educational activity one or more options of AOP NOO, taking into account the special educational needs of students with ABS.


1. Target section:

explanatory note;

the planned results of the development of students of the AOOP

the system of assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of AOP NOO.

The explanatory note is prescribed by the special educational needs of students with ABS and the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students.

2. Content section:

wood formation program for students (depending on the AOOP version

Noo - basic training actions) at the level of NOO;

programs of individual training items, correctioning courses

areas and courses of extracurricular activities;

program of spiritual and moral development, upbringing students on steps

Noo (depending on the version of the AOOP NOO - moral development, upbringing

studying at the level of NOO);

program of forming an environmental culture, healthy and safe image


correctional work program;

the program of extracurricular activities.

The substantive section is prescribed by the direction and content of the program of correctional work.

3. Organizational department:

educational plan of NOO, including subject and correctional and developing

areas, directions of extracurricular activities;

system of special conditions for the implementation of AOOP NOO in accordance with

standard requirements.

The organizational section is prescribed by the obligatory subjects of the curriculum and training items corresponding to GEF NOO. In accordance with GEF, the NOO students with ABS on the correctional work is given at least 5 hours a week per student depending on its needs.

In addition to these sections, the School AOP may have additional sections that take into account the specific features and capabilities of the region and school. For example, as additional sections, the program will include a program passport, basic concepts, a detailed characteristic of the contingent of students in various parameters that are important for further training organization (for example, the specific features of the contingent on various concomitant diseases requiring substantial medical support, or a large number of children -Invilides for which the rehabilitation program is envisaged), etc.

Educational and methodical support of the educational process of educational with disabilities.

AOP NOO includes a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in educational relations. The ratio of parts is determined differentially depending on the AOP version of the AOOP and amounts to: 80% and 20%, 70% and 30% or 60% and 40%).The curriculum provides the introduction and implementation of the requirements of the standard, determines the total load and the maximum volume of the audit load of the students, the composition and structure of mandatory substantive and correctional and developing areas in classes (years of study). Aoop NOO may include both one and several curricula. Forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of educational and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the AOP NEO determines the organization. Educational plansprovide the possibility of teaching and studying the state language of the Russian Federation, state languages \u200b\u200bof the republics of the Russian Federation and the native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well asset the number of classes assigned to their study by grades (years) of training. The curriculum includes subject areas depending on the options of AOP NOO.The number of training sessions on subject areas for 4 school years cannot be more than 3039 hours, in 5 school years - more than 3821 hours, for 6 school years - more than 4603 hours.The obligatory element of the curriculum structure is the "correctional-developing area", implemented through the content of the correction courses. AOOP NOO is implemented by the organization through the organization of the urgent and extracurricular activities. Part of the curriculum, formed by the participants of educational relations, includes hours on extracurricular activities (10 hours per week), designed to implement the directions of extracurricular activities (not more than 5 hours per week), and hours on a correctional and developing area (at least 5 hours per week ).

To ensure that the individual features and needs of each studying in this local regulatory act of the educational organization may include a list of individual rights of students and their parents, which must be implemented in the formation of a document, and procedures for identifying, fixing educational requests for students in different formats - individual Curriculum in the framework of the educational program of the educational organization, an individual choice within the framework of individual training items, courses, species, directions of educational activities, etc.

Organization of correctional work.

Correctional and developing areais an obligatory part of extracurricular activities and is represented by front and individual correctional and developing activities (speech therapy and psychocorrectional) and rhythm aimed at the correction of defect and the formation of personality adaptation skills in modern life conditions. The choice of correctional and developing courses for individual and group classes, their quantitative relationship, the content can be carried out by the organization independently, based on the psychophysical features of students on the basis of the recommendations of the PMPC and the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled. Correctional and educational classes can be carried out individually and group form. The time settled on extracurricular activities is not taken into account when determining the maximum permissible weekly load of students, but is taken into account when determining the volume of financing directed to the implementation of AOPA NOO. The distribution of the watches provided for extracurricular activities is carried out as follows: the weekly load is 10 hours, of which 7 hours are given to the conduct of correctional classes.

Tutorials, workbooks and didactic materials

When mastering the first and second options of the Program, children with ABS are trained in basic textbooks for normally developing peers with special, which take into account special educational needs, applications, didactic materials, workbooks, etc. on paper and / or electronic media providing the implementation of the Correction Program, aimed at developing the vital competence of students with APV and special support for the development of the main educational program. In options, three and four students with ABS are mastering the adapted basic educational program on special, taking into account the features of their psychophysiological development and special educational needs, textbooks in a complex with specialized applications, doedactic materials, workbooks, etc. on paper and / or electronic media. The subject matter of special textbooks, their methodical apparatus, text and illustrative row should be specific, since it is designed to take into account the prolongation of the dates of learning, the orientation of the child's existing compensation for disrupting (or combined violations) of development, a special focus on the general and speech development of students in the methods used and teaching techniques through educational materials.

The choice of training methods in each individual case is due to the learning objectives, the content of the training, the initial level of knowledge, skills, skills, the level of training teachers, methodological and logistical support, the peculiarities of the perception of information by studying, the presence of time for training, etc.

Selection and development of training materials should be carried out in view of providing this material in various forms, in particular, so that students with impaired hearing have received information visually, with violations of vision - audio (for example, using speech synthesizers) or with typhoict information devices.

When organizing extracurricular activities of students, network interaction capabilities are used (for example, with the participation of organizations of additional education of children, cultural and sports organizations). During the holiday period to continue extracurricular activities, the possibilities of organizing recreation of children and their recovery, thematic camping shifts, summer schools created on the basis of general education organizations and organizations of additional education of children are used. Tasks and events implemented in extracurricular activities are included in a special individual educational program.

The AOOP studying with the CPR can be implemented in different forms: both in conjunction with other student and in certain classes, groups or in individual organizations.

First option

The child receives an education comparable to the formation of healthy peers, while in their environment and in the same calendar terms, while the environment and the child's workplace should be organized in accordance with the peculiarities of his health restrictions. The inability to fully master the individual subject of the school program is not an obstacle to choosing or continuing to master the child with the OVI of the first version of GEF.

Second option

The child receives education, in a more prolonged time, in a peer environment with similar health problems. Wednesday and workplace are organized in accordance with the composition of class students. The second version of the standard is different from the first strengthening of attention to the formation of a full-fledged life competence, the use of knowledge gained in everyday life.

Third option

It is envisaged for children with OVIs that are not capable of mastering the level of primary general education even in prolonged terms and in the presence of special training conditions. This option is focused on children with moderate mental retardation or children with multiple developmental impairment. The child receives primary education, according to the level of the child's capabilities with moderate mental retardation in the group of children with similar educational needs.

Fourth option (individual level of finite results of school education)This version of the standard is provided for children, to the present time actually recognized by the "undelable". The child receives primary education, the level of which is determined exclusively by its individual capabilities, sharply limited health. Mandatory and only possible is an individual main educational program. Isolation is excluded from the educational system and closure in conditions of the house or institution of social protection.


1. Due to the peculiarities of the contingent of students in each case, an educational organization has the opportunity to organize training of students on the curriculum, an individual plan, the implementation of which can imply a variety of participation of parents (legal representatives) of the child, attracting third-party organizations in the implementation of network interaction, other possibilities Improving the conditions to achieve the best results of training schoolchildren with ABS and their adaptation in the lives of modern society.

2. As indicated in the GEF NEO OBS and is specified in the AOOP, the training of children begins in the 1st grade. The tasks of this period of learning include the current diagnosis of the state of the child, designed to clarify the features of its educational needs and then make a responsible decision on the recommendation of one or another AOOP version. Another task is to adapt the child to the training conditions, its preparation for the implementation of a new educational activity for a child, the withdrawal of problems due to pedagogical deprivation and the lack of due experience in the educational process in preschool childhood.

3. In the first grade, students with ABS, as well as other students, learn from an urgent system. At the end of the first class, a dynamic assessment of the individual achievements of the child in the field of subject and personal learning results is carried out. As materials for the preparation of analytical documents, the productive works of children, monitoring materials of their activities in classes and free activities, analysis of the state of their training activities, etc., collected, for example, in a "child achievement portfolio" or other convenient for analysis complex. Based on the analysis of the teacher, surveys and observations of the Specialists of the Support Group, the parent is made with whom the parent is familiar with the alleged prospects of the schoolboy. Joint discussion by representatives of the educational organization and parents' prospects forms a strategy for further training. The decision to translate to another training option, re-learning in the first class is issued on the basis of the recommendation of the PMPC after the child survey and the analysis of the documents submitted by the school.

4. The situation described above is the situation of changes to the recommended and selected parents earlier than the child's learning option: translation from learning on GEF NOO for training on or vice versa, as well as from one AOP version to another. For example, changing the recommended learning option - from the third to the second. It may also be associated with a decrease in the level of educational opportunities of the child, including due to an additional disease that arose or in other cases, and, as a result, the change in the recommended learning version (for example, from the second version on the third according to GEF NOO OVD).


Specialized electronic applications to the textbook (didactic visual materials, workbooks, training aids, etc.) must be focused on expanding and supplementing the content of the textbook material, as well as ensuring productive, interactive, entertaining activities of the studying. Along with the printed form, a special tutorial for students with ABS can be performed in electronic form. The basis of learning for blind children is a braille system. The use of blind learning tactile and visual-tactile perceptions requires the equipment of educational activities by non-standard didactic material and special means of visibility, allowing to expand the accessibility framework for educational and other information. The blind studying in training activities uses special textbooks and notebooks necessary for development, as well as letters and reading relief-point fonts on the L. Braille system, special measuring instruments, didactic manuals: a) in relief execution (pictures, paintings, tables, schemes ); b) with flavors that make up the blind object of knowledge; c) Substituer items of really existing objects of living and inanimate nature, surrounding (stuffed, layouts, etc.) for the active use of touch. Due to the large cubic volume (statement of information with relief-point font), as a result, textbooks for the blind are difficult to endure, they are constantly in the classroom, which also regulates the requirements for the subject-spatial organization of the class.

The technical means of teaching blind students, focused on their special educational needs, include: a personal computer equipped with a braille string and speech access tools; various types of optical correction (electronic magnifiers, remote loupes, pocket magnifiers, etc.); reading books; Braille printer; Specially typewriters typing with relief-point font; Typhlothechnic devices: a) for drawing and drawing and their options, b) for mathematics, c) for writing on the L. Braille; Device "Landmark"; Instruments and equipment for training with spatial orienteering and socio-household orientation (canes, compasses, hours, dosimeter, etc.).

For visually impaired students, textbooks and workbooks with increased fonts or special magnifying agents are needed.

There is a prerequisite for the provision of a deaf and weast-impaired student of individual modern electroacoustic and sound-drying equipment.

It is advisable to equip the educational process with additional technical means providing optimal conditions for perception of oral speech at an elevated level of noise. Among them, communication systems, video and audio systems, technical means for the formation of the pronunciation side of oral speech, including allowing the child to carry out visual control over the characteristics of their own speech.

All adults involved in the process of education, adults should have unlimited access to organizational techniques or a special resource center in an educational institution, where you can prepare the necessary individualized materials to implement the main educational program and supporting.

Consultation for teachers

"What is an adapted program.

adapted child program

with OVD or a disabled child. "

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") established: "... The content of education and the conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities (hereinafter referred to) determined by the adapted educational program, and for people with disabilities, also in accordance with the individual program of disabled rehabilitation. "

An adapted educational program (hereinafter referred to as AOP) is an educational program adapted for learning people with disabilities (persons with hearing impairment, vision,musculoskeletal system, with speech impairment, intelligence, autistic spectrum disorders), children with disabilities taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

AOP is aimed at overcoming the inconsistency between the process of learning children-disabled children with severe violations, musculoskeletal system, as well as somatic diseases (subject to the safety of the intellectual sphere) on educational programs of a certain level of education and the real possibilities of the child, based on the structure of its disease, cognitive Needs and interests.

In this regard, to obtain general education, children with ABS in general education organizations should develop the relevant adapted main general educational programs (individual documents), taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities.

About an individual approach in compiling an adapted program

If the group has a combined orientation, that is, along with ordinary children there are also children with APV, it is necessary, of course, to consider each child individually,for each writing an adapted educational program.

Need not to forget aboutchildren's disabled. For them, be sure

compiled individual educational program. There are no discrepancies here.

Main documentwhich contains hygiene requirements for the organization of this work - these are new "sanitary and epidemiological rules, regulations and requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of pre-school educational organizations, approved. By the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05/15/2013 No. 26 (hereinafter referred to as Sanpin; the beginning of the action of the document - 07/30/2013). In which they say: "The educational organization should create conditions for children with disabilities, children with disabilities in case of their stay in the institution ...". Sanpine norms apply to all preschool institutions, regardless of their species, organizational and legal forms of ownership.

The adapted program is one of the most topical questions, since for the pre-school education systemthere are no federal guidelines for its preparation, as long as they exist only in the context of primary general education. Therefore, the compilation of the adapted program causes difficulties. Possible output is the use of Methodological materials for the introduction of GEF in primary general education. For example, on The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia posted projects of adapted major educational programs for children with various developmental impairment. In addition, there are GEFs to, in which the structure of the main educational program of preschool education and the recommended content of the sections is prescribed. These documents should be relying when drawing up adapted programs, there are no other recommendations today.

How not to confuse the concepts of "adapted educational program" and "adapted main educational program"?

There are two concepts:"Adapted educational program" and "Adapted basic educational program." It is important to understand the following:

If in the group one child with OVD (or with any single health restriction), then the kindergarten works on the main educational program, and for this child is writtenadapted educational program.

If in kindergarten isgroup with similar violations (for example, this is a compensation group for children with speech impairment, vision or musculoskeletal system, etc.), then for a whole group of children is writtenadapted main educational program.

That is, these are two different programs. Heads need to determine the contingent of children and in accordance with the peculiarities of the contingent develop programs. At the moment, our institution is visited by 3 disabled children (Himban, Bogdanova Christina, Stravel Sava). Children do not have visible disorders and developmental deviations, their intellectual area is preserved, which freely allows them to be together to be brought up and learning in groups with children who do not have violations in development.

Since the receipt of children with ABS in the institution, with their families should be carried out close work on the developed and operating"Algorithm Action with children with disabilities and disabled children visiting a pre-school educational institution "

    At the initial stage A primary meeting with the family is held with the aim of dating and collecting information about the development of the child, clarifying the educational request from parents.

The work with children of this category includes employees of the educational institution, administration and specialists Dow: Head, Deputy Head of AHR, Deputy. head According to VMR, health care workers, educators, teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapists, physical culture instructor, musical leaders who contribute to the creation of conditions and a favorable microclimate in the DOU, to facilitate the adaptation of children with HSS and children with disabilities, their successful socialization.

Implementindividual approach For children when organizing an educational process.Educators and specialists Conduct conversations with parents, consultations, give recommendations, tips for optimal development and adaptation of children in society, as well as assisting all family members raising these children.

Administration, In turn, concludes contracts on the relationship between DW and parents (legal representatives), and further contributes to the creation of special conditions involving the formation of an adapted educational environment.

Headman Conducts control over the adaptation of children with HSOs and children with disabilities to DOW conditions, tracks the state of their health, well-being during the day, the timeliness of the reception of drugs, according to the conclusion and recommendations of attending doctors during the stay of these children in Dow. He advises educators and parents (legal representatives), gives recommendations on the implementation of an individual approach to children in line with the diagnosis of nutrition, organizing regime processes in kindergarten and at home.

    The next step is carried outin-depth psychological and pedagogical examination All areas of the activities of children of this category, emotional-volitional sphere, higher mental functions, speech development, intellectual development. The results of this survey are taken out on the PMPC institution in order to determine the further educational route.

    Next, organizational work on design, development and approval is carried out.educational program for a child with APV or a disabled child . Given the age and individual characteristics of the child, the medical records, the recommendations of the PMPC Dow, the expectations of the parents, the goals and objectives of the individual educational program are clearly formulated (the need to add or change the curriculum is discussed, the form of education, the mode of visiting classes, both subgroups and individual , additional types of psychological and pedagogical support, the definition of intermediate and outcome results, etc.).

    Next, teachers and specialists DOU are developedindividual educational routes on the basis of the developed educational program for a particular child with an ATS or a disabled child, taking into account the general education program DOU. These individual educational routes include the content of the main sections of the basic program, as well as correction directions for a particular child recommended by specialists of the institution.

Since the optimal version of the development and implementation of an individual educational program for the pupil is one year, its adjustment is carried out on the basis of the results of the interim diagnostics conducted in December of the current school year. Based on the analysis of intermediate diagnostics, changes and adjustments are made to an individual educational program for a particular child with APP or a disabled child.

    At the end of the school year, according to the results of the implementation of the individual educational program, within the framework of the psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC) is heldanalysis of the final diagnosis of various areas of child development , Adjustments are justified, the recommendations are formulated in order to ensure continuity in the process of individual support of the child with ATS or a child-disabled person in specialists at the next stage of its upbringing and training. Also heldfinal meeting with parents (legal representatives) To determine further forms of working with the child, teachers and specialists, recommendations, advice, consultations, memos are given.

As mentioned earlier, at the moment, our pre-school institution is visited by 3 disabled children. According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" Part 11 of Art. 79."The educational organization should create conditions for children with disabilities, disabled children in the event of their stay in the institution." The administration of the establishments should be created by special conditions at the expense of the fiscal allocations of the federal budget, which involve the formation of an adapted educationalbaleless medium, there are means for training and education, as well as for timely correction of violations in the development of children, taking into account the structure of their violations:

Equipment for the development of general mobility;

Equipment and toys for development: hand skills; tactile, visual and auditory perception; thinking, speech and language;

Toys to support social and emotional development;

Equipment for games with water and bulk materials;

Materials for visual creativity;

Phonoteka, musical toys;

Fiction for children and parents.

The procedure for the development and adjustment of individual educational programs for children with ABS or disabled children is held in the framework of the PMPC establishment.

What to rely on when drawing up an adapted program?

Unfortunately, now there are no designed, for example, for children with violations of violations or for children with SRR programs, relevant GEF and modern requirements. All of them are written in the canons who acted before the introduction of GEF. An exception may beprogram N.V. Nishcheva, which is posted in the navigator of educational programs of pre-school education on the Firo website.

However, this does not mean that teachers cannot rely on proven programs that have been tested in the pre-school education system. They can use any program, but adjusting it by taking what the GEF corresponds to. That is, in essence, it is the creation of your own program, but with a possible support for the already existing one. Which specifically to make adjustments - depends on the contingent of children.

Therefore, give a general recommendation "take this program and work on it. »It is impossible. Probably, you need to look at the work of educational organizations that already have some experience in this. For example, you can seeprogram for children with ONR TB File and G.V. Chirkina, for children with violations of vision -l.I. program Plaksina. I would not say that this is a recommendation, I simply call the program known in the pre-school education system for children with various violations The educational program is being developed by the administration, teachers and specialists of the DOU and is approved by the head. Individual educational program for a child with APV or a child - a disabled person in the institution has such a structure:

1. Title page which includes the name of the institution, the appointment of the program, the term of implementation, the address of the program (surname, the name of the pupil, the year of study), the head of the approval by the head, coordination with the parents. If necessary, the program must be agreed with the Chairman of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Consilium. On the title page, you can specify a specialist or teachers who are responsible for the implementation of an individual program.

2. Explanatory note, which sets out information about the child: age, group, social environment, interests; expectations of parents; diagnosis; Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child with a list of formed skills and skills and those that are not formed to properly. Based on the data of independent psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goal is formulated and the task of accompanying the child to a certain time interval. The explanatory note indicates the main general educational programs, on the basis of which an individual educational program has been developed, and variation is also justified if the number of hours is redistributed to the study of certain sections and the change in the sequence of studying themes and others.

3. Individual curriculum . It is possible to vary inside the content of an individual program by strengthening individual topics. Variation at the level of maintenance of an individual educational program is carried out by redeveloping the number of hours in the structural units of the program; changes in the sequence of studying individual sections of the program, some of those; Increase the volume of integrated classes within the individual program.

4. Contents of the program.

Includes three main components or blocks:

Educational component which discloses the content of education in a certain year of training (interim planned results) with the inclusion of calendar-thematic planning, criteria for estimating achievements on educational regions of IDR.The educational component is required if an individual curriculum includes an individual program .

Correctional component , in which the directions of correctional work with pupils, techniques, methods and forms are set out. The correctional block includes partitions of specialists QU: teacher-speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, instructor in physical culture, musical leader, an educator who has the opportunity to implement techniques and methods of correctional work with a pupil during direct-educational activities and in free activities.

Educational component Contains the conditions for interactions of educators and specialists with a child with ABS or a disabled child, as well as with parents in the process of psychological and pedagogical support

Conclusion and recommendations. In this section, it is formulated justifying the introduction of adjustments based on the results of interim diagnostics and the conclusion of the implementation of the individual program as a whole when discussing this issue in the framework of the final psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation at the end of the school year. Recommendations are formulated in order to ensure continuity in the process of individual support of a child with disabilities and a child-disabled child with specialists in the next stage of his training.

When preparing this material, references were used: