Life is more important than the meaning of life. What is the meaning of life and how to find it? Why it is so important to find the meaning of life

"Always dream and strive for more than you know that you can achieve. Do not work to be better than your predecessors or contemporaries. Try to be better than yourself. "
William Falkner

What is the sense of life? One of the eternal rhetorical issues to which cannot be united for all responses. Since the meaning in life for each individual: someone sees it in creating a strong big family, someone is ready to put their lives on the career altar, someone does not see the meaning of its existence without art ... This list can be continued infinitely. However, maybe there is something that could see the meaning of further existence every person, something that will be relevant at all times and, if not for everyone, then at least for most people? Maybe the true meaning of life is self-development? That is, no sense in achieving the ultimate goal, but in a constant process of personality improvement? This article just tell about life with meaning - what is the secret?

What makes a person move on? What makes it better and contributes to achieving the highest level in any spheres? In the modern world, very much attention is paid to self-development, engaged in which the individual can succeed, both in personal relationships and in labor or mastering any kind of art. So maybe it's true, the meaning of life is self-development?

Or is it just a tool in achieving the living goals? One thing can be said absolutely accurate - the importance of self-development is not overvalued, because only developing can be achieved by the finest feeling in the light of absolute harmony, with itself, with loved ones, with the outside world.

Features of self-development

"The person is like a plane. The plane can ride both on the ground, but to prove that he is a plane, he should rise into the air. Also we: if you do not rise above yourself, no one can guess what we can fly. "
Victor Frank

It has long been known that a person uses far from all potential capabilities of his brain. About some of them, perhaps, humanity does not even know. It is difficult to even imagine what new discoveries have accomplished humanity, subject to the involvement of all intellectual resources. Perhaps it would be a 100% acting cure for cancer, the poverty and hunger were eradicated ... Utopia. May be. And maybe - the projection of the world future in the case when most people stop ignoring self-development and will understand the globality of its need.

After all, if each person decides all efforts to disclose its potential and increase knowledge and skills, the world will get rich in new great professionals and experts in all areas.

Many people believe that all the necessary information is given in schools and universities, so self-development is a useless and inexpoxy process. Therefore, the thesis "The meaning of life is self-development" for such people is absolutely incomprehensible and unacceptable.

This approval is rooted incorrectly for three reasons:

  1. Self-development needs to be engaged in keeping up with the times. Any spheres of vital activity are not on the spot, otherwise we would still have worn the skins of the dead animals and prepared food on the outdoor fire. Modern world develops very quickly, new discoveries are made in any area, innovations are introduced and changes that contribute to the development and positive changes in the world.
  2. Self-development needs to be engaged in achieving success in life. A successful person - first of all, this is a modern man, quickly grasping everything on the fly, able to adapt to various life situations. Success is not only a six-digit account in a jar or country villa. A successful person is engaged in his favorite case, which brings him not only profit, and pleasure, lives in comfort and comfort and completely satisfied with his life.
  3. Self-development must be engaged in being a versatile developed person. As Moliere wrote, "how nice to know that you found out something!". New knowledge is a wonderful source of energy and excellent food for the mind of any person. After all, the intellectually tarted, erudite and pleasant person can not be alone, the surrounding people always stretch to him.
    What do we get in the end? Self-development is necessary for a person in order to live a successful full and happy life, moving around the career ladder and rotating in society worthy people. It is also necessary to develop your potential to achieve sincere equilibrium, because the person who can realize all his plans and implement mental impulses into reality. Therefore, to a certain extent, it would be quite reasonable to argue that self-development plays the last role in search of the meaning of life. The statement that the meaning of life is self-development requires a small adjustment. Rather, the final results of self-development may in the aggregate to be the meaning of the life of the individual.


"The meaning of life is not a star and not a chemical element: it is impossible to open it in the finished form - we create it yourself, and another judge, consider it enough or not sufficiently reasonable, in addition to our subjective feeling, it is impossible."
Alexander Melekhov

The meaning of life is the goal of the entire existence of a person. Life is the road and like every path, it should have a deadlock. A person comes to this world, with any purpose. But, unfortunately, many can not give their lives any meaning, so they live aimlessly, in empty consumer, without giving anything to humanity in return. Effective and effective method, finding the meaning of life - self-development. After all, in order to know the world and its destination, to begin with, you need to know yourself.

An individual who knows why he lives, meets every new day with enthusiasm, because he is known for the purpose that needs to be achieved. Simply put, there are such people for what to live.

The awareness of its life destiny has a beneficial effect on the mental and mental health of a person, gives strength in overcoming complex life situations and the motive for solving it would seem even not allowed problems. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote about this: "If a person has" why "to live, then he can withstand any" how. "

An excellent example of a modern man who definitely knows why to live, you can call Angelina Jolie. Mother, actress, Ambassador of the world - This woman sees his destination in order to benefit to someone who needs her life can not be called aimless and useless.

How she speaks by itself:

"Every day I live my life. I wake up like my mother is the one I am, this is my center. And then I am a citizen of the world, and I want to contribute to be a useful society. And, quite remote, the third part is an artist who is very lucky to build a successful career, which I consider creative. "

The problem of finding the meaning of life

But for many it turns out a big problem - find your life destination. The journey in search of the meaning of life may be so delayed that it will be long in life itself.

The main problem of finding the meaning of life is that the individual sometimes does not even see the need to give his life some meaning, to equip it with some real goal. In the case when a person is aware of the uselessness of its existence and does not see the ultimate goal of being, then there is a desire to fill the emptiness in the soul of alcohol, drugs, random sexual connections and other deviant manifestations. The lack of further life aspirations can lead to a protracted depression, an apathetic state. Gamers or people susceptible to detrimental habits in the form of alcohol or drug addiction, most often have not been determined with their life goals, their existence did not find meaning, therefore subconsciously such subjects are striving for self-destruction and burning of the released period.

If the individual does not feel happy, he also did not realize his life destiny, he did not know himself. After all, happiness is not a successful career or a profitable marriage.

Happiness is the road leading to the knowledge of your personality. And in order to reveal its individuality, its internal potential, it is necessary to engage in the constant development of its personal qualities. Self-development is the meaning of the life of people seeking agreement with its inner "I".

The man in search of the meaning of life is spent quite a large amount of time. How to make that these numerous hours have not been wasted and searched in the end crowned with success? In fact, the search for the meaning of life is much easier than it seems.

It is enough to adhere to some rules and do not focus on the fact that the awareness of its destination does not come:

  1. Move your favorite thing. Try to turn every day in a series of pleasant moments. When a person does what he really loves, he is happy. But it is precisely for this feeling that many people seek, the desire of most people - just be happy. "When I was 5 years old, Mom always told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, I was asked who I want to become when to grow. I wrote "happy." I was told: "You did not understand the task." I replied: "You did not understand life."
    John Lennon
  2. Love what you do. It is difficult to complete the case, the execution of which does not give any satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to try to give everyone a positive color.
  3. Learn to understand your feelings. Listen to yourself to understand that it is for you the meaning of life - self-development, family, career or religion.
  4. Take yourself as you actually have, with all your negative qualities and bad habits.
    "From the very childhood, some ideals are driven into the head that for some reason" must "correspond. If we are born in a Christian family, we must become a similar Christ, in a Buddhist family, the child must become a Buddha. We are born in an imperfect society, where people who brought up the same way, and who themselves could not accept themselves, soak our mind the vicious idea that we must become someone else, thereby distracting us from our own essence. "


It should be understood that the general and the same meaning of life does not exist. Every person who wants to understand his destination, you need to not look for a ready and affordable sense, but to create your own goals, to choose yourself, for what to live. Whatever you choose the meaning of life - self-development or philanthropy, creating works of art or birth or raising children - attach all your strength to its implementation, because nothing increases self-esteem, does not bring us to a psycho-emotional balance, as a feeling of well done work and achievement Set goal.

Remember that you can choose not one life path, but several. If you decide that the meaning of life is self-development, then you know that this endless process can help gain other life destinations, to realize what to live on and where to take the forces to move forward.

Love yourself, love life and appreciate everybody day, remembering him with joy and gratitude, motivate yourself to achieve goals - and you will certainly be happy. Achieve unconditional happiness is a goal worthy of becoming the meaning of life of any person.

"The meaning of life lies in the life itself, and not in the conclusions made from it. He is in the experience of the very flow of life. Therefore, it is necessary to relate to life as a continuously perceived experience, and not as a solution to the task that coincides or does not coincide with the answer at the end of the textbook. "
Mikhail Dronov

Friends, I bring to your attention a reflection of a specialist about the meaning of life. I would be grateful for the continuation of the discussion.
Meaning of life: What is the meaning of life? Doctor of Psychological Sciences Replies

B. S. Bratus | October 5, 2009

Meaning of life: What is the meaning of life?

What place is death takes in a person's life?

About death, probably written and said almost everything, and add something difficult to it. However, if we see what place is the death in the life of a person, in his real life, everyday worries, thoughts, subjects, then we will see that this place is negligible, significantly less than any change in the style of clothing or scandal around Rock stars. And, as one old author wrote, the biggest, most striking, the most terrible illogic in the life of a person - this is the one that he is not preparing for death, does not prepare for the fact that in his life it is the most faithful and inevitable.

The psychologist will explain this situation quite simple. He will say that death is supplanted from consciousness, from the psyche, and that this displacement is necessary and even useful, Fedor Efimovich Vasilyuk already said this in part. In fact, if we think about death, how can we continue this frequent life, how will we do all our affairs and divids?

And, indeed, it turns out such a collision, which today was told, which is still from the blissful Augustine: "While we are alive, there is no death, and when you die, there will be no life." These states are divided, and the question is how to search for them together.

But nevertheless, in a psychological plan, death meets with life. Moreover, it meets with life not somewhere on the periphery of collisions of mental reality, but in a very important, hardly central place. This place is a problem. the meaning of life.

Meaning of life

In order to somehow confirm these words, allow himself a small psychological retreat. What makes sense? The meaning is not the subject, the name, the word, the meaning is the captured by us, the reflected connection between the objects. This is usually the relationship between objects and the situation of less relative to the situation is greater. Let's say, understand the meaning of why you came to this conference, based on this conference, is impossible. In each case, we must go beyond the boundaries of this conference, and then it turns out that one, let's say, came to get knowledge, the other - to write the dissertation, the third - to show yourself, etc. That is, in each case, we must come out of This situation and enter the context of the situation is wider.

Further. Each meaning is made up, rises vertically into a kind of hierarchy, a staircase, because the answer that I came to show, immediately implies a new question: what do you want to show yourself? And there you have to answer: for the fact that I possess such a profession or something else. The question of the profession reiterates the question: and what is this profession?

And this sublimation inevitably leads to the last question: for what you live?

And here we reiterate ourselves in the situation: understand meaning of lifeBased on life, it is impossible to define from its context. Because by definition: the meaning is the ratio of smaller to more.

Meaning of life As a problem, as the question itself can be delivered only if we draw it to something that more than our life, which goes beyond the edge of our life. It is here that the real meeting with death is happening.

And this sublimation is meant in our lives, even when we do not exercise it. Just as in the Roman Empire, all the roads led to Rome, all questions about the sense, or more precisely, about the senses spilled in our lives, one way or another lead to this chief and significant meaning of life.

And the last when we talk about the senses, we are not talking about some declarations that a person says. We are talking about internal subjective reality. The meaning is the sovereign territory of the soul. Therefore, it is impossible to impose meaning, it cannot be taught. The truth is not trained, the truth is experienced. This is the old position of philosophers.

When is the meeting with death? In Ontogenesis, i.e., during individual mental development, this happens several times. After all, the question of the meaning of life is an eternal formulation. There is no certain answer for life. But the acuity of highlighting this problem is to the main, turning moments of human life.

Marshak has such a poem "four years without death." He recalls that up to four years he was immortal, that is, death at this time would not be present in his life, and at four years he suddenly realized that he would soon die, of course, in an infinite space-time, but will die. How he bitterly worried, cried.

Then death appears at a very important age - about 9-10 years. This is generally a rather mysterious age, because during these years a person is very often accompanied by severe diseases that bring it to the line of death. If you view the biographies of many people, it will discovery that during this period of life, many of them were seriously sick.

Then follows the teenage period. This is certainly the most dramatic age. The main drama of adolescence is that here for the first time with complete discrimination and clarity a person understands his mortality. In adolescence, the first suicides appear, first games with this face appear. And as we know, teenage age is the most exalted, the philosophical age when a person solves the problems associated with all its future, with all the semantic content of the meaning of life.

I remember the recording of the 51-year-old Tolstoy in the "confession". He writes: "Two mice - white and black - then and then the roots of the bush are pushing, on whose branches I wish over the abyss. I hold down the branch of life, knowing that the dragon death will be inevitably inevitably.

The question of the meaning of life

In addition to the patterns of age, there are structural patterns in solving the issue of the meaning of life. They are closely connected with the steps or structures of the semantic sphere that can be outlined.

You can talk about the egocentric level when a person perceives himself as a unit, the center, and others, all the environment fulfills an official role depending on whether they help their desires or not. If you help - they are good, if they do not help, then they are enemies. Death here is perceived as an end of personal well-being as a stimulator of egocentric work. Accordingly, the meaning of life is considered as an increase in the amount of personal achievements, regardless of the benefit of other people.

The death of such a person seems to destroy it, everything becomes meaningless after his death.

The next important level is a group-centric, where the central is a group, a community with which a person identifies. The attitude to other closely depends on whether it belongs to this group or does not belong. If it belongs, then another person is worthy of pity, regret, love, condescension. If not belongs, these feelings may not spread. In this case, the meaning of life is already over the verge of human death, and he is seen in life, the well-being of the group with which he identifies itself. We all lived in such a world, where such a center was official: "We have such a concern, we have a big job - the country would live, and there is no other concerns!" "Nails would do from these people, there was no tight nails in the world!" Etc. Here, the main meaning is to live a certain "piece" of community. It can be different - from the family to the country. It can be completely different in volume, but psychologically - this is the same thing: "mine" would live, "we" would live, "ours", and as for the rest, it is indifferent.

And finally, the next step, which can be called humanistic, promal. At this stage, any other person belongs to my group or not, it has the same value in the meaning of perception as I myself. At this stage, my moral appears for the first time, because before that we cannot talk about morality. You can talk about morality: group-centered or corporate. But Moral, as you know, are in all layers of society, starting from criminals and ending with the employees of trade, etc. Only at the level of moral consciousness begins to act the imperative of Kant or, if it is easier to speak, the old golden rule of ethics: do the same way as You would like to come with you. As an example of the experience of such a moral state, it is possible to refer to 37-year-old Einstein, which was wrote during a severe death threatening death: "I am so feeling with other people that I don't care where my life ends" from here and the meaning of life.

At the level of moral consciousness, the meaning of life is wider and bright than the one that is present in the group morality. He transforms human activity, although this meaning applies to all mankind, he, strictly speaking, is finite, because of course human existence and humanity as such is also of course. Another thing is on what scale and timing this limb is enclosed.

And finally, the last step, which can be denoted, is a spiritual or eschatological stage. At this stage, a person begins to consider itself as a creature associated with a spiritual world. Then he himself and any other person acquires not only humanistic, universal, but also a certain sacred value. Here, at this stage, its personal "formula" is established, the relationship with the spiritual world, a personal form of communication with God. At this stage, death is considered at all as an end of personal being, but as a transition from one state of life to another, the transition from changes from mentally bodies to changes in spiritual-disembodied. And in fact, at this stage, and only at this stage there is a possibility of an infinite meaning of life, the meaning of life that is not destroyed by the fact of physical death.

Life collision is allowed to find the meaning of life only in religion. Therefore, death is called a trump card of religion, in particular, comprehending our culture, a trump card of Christianity. Because other approaches can not cover this card.

In conclusion, I would like to return to the doubt that the old author was expressed about what people should think about death while they are alive. This doubt belongs to many psychologists who believe that the thought of death should be outstretched, because it only hinders life. In fact, this or that questioning the question of the meaning of life, which, as I tried to show, is necessarily associated with death, it is hardly plays a harder role in organizing a person's life, in organizing various manifestations of this life.

If we talk about medicine. Medicine can not exist outside the concept of life and death. I will allow myself to say that it begins with this concept. Moreover, let himself make a statement that if there is no this concept, then this is not medicine in general, whatever tools it has. Because the foundations of medicine were laid by a hippocracy, his oath. In the oath of speech there is no tool. It is a specific organization on the similarity of the Order. The doctor is not a profession along with other types of plumbing or engineer. This is a special profession in which people should include a special consciousness and vocation.

Take any manifestation of modern medicine, which Valentina Vasilyevna Nikolayev said very well, for example, the child's attitude towards the situation of the disease. Children in hospitals do not play, they are closed, they are fixed on their parents, they perceive the disease only as a restriction. All this applies entirely to the Soviet hospital.

All this corresponds to the level of group-center morality or a group-centered understanding of the meaning of life, because there is a disease in the center of the Soviet hospital, and not a man, not a child.

If a child was in the center of a normal hospital, then everything would be turned differently. Because the task of the doctor and the task of this kind of hospital, where children are, seriously sick children are, to make them live there, and not just treated. Now treatment is the center of the hospital schedule, to which the life of a sick child is escaped. Need to turn around. In the center - the life of the child, its meaning. Treatment is a means "which should be attached" and comply with the meaning of the child's life.

And there are such hospitals. We, however, I have not seen them. I saw them abroad. In such a hospital, the child can live, communicate with peers, joke. It will not be recorded on his parents.

All these questions are key. If they are not solved if the formation of physicians will not be built on the understanding of the meaning of life, then we will remain on the idea of \u200b\u200ba person as the body that should be manipulated, cutting down its organs, trade them or pass by inheritance, etc.

Understanding the meaning of life, the sublimation of this understanding to the level of genuine spiritual values \u200b\u200bis the basis of human medicine.

Seraphim Sarovsky so determined the meaning of the life of Christian: "The true goal of our Christian life is to comply with the Holy Spirit."

What is the sense of life - Perhaps this is one of the most important issues we ask yourself. Poets (Assistant poet), philosophers, scientists were trying to answer him, philosophers, and sometimes it seems that this question is like a philosopher's stone, and if someone once finds his formula, will give him an unambiguous answer, he will receive at least at least , Nobel Prize.

The answer to the question " "There are, and here we will try to strive with you about the meaning of life in different life situations. We will not deepen in history, religion or philosophy, and let's try to understand how we, simple mortals, understand - what is the meaning of life?

Navigating the article "What is the meaning of life?":

So, is there an answer to the question - what is the meaning of life?

Yes, the answer is! The answer to the question "What's the meaning of life" is really there, but it will be different for every person and at every individual point of time. It is probably a key - there is a meaning, but we define it yourself, and it can change. Those. We can find meaning in a certain action and find the meaning of every moment in your life.

In general, when we ask ourselves, what is the meaning of life, then you need to clearly understand, and what do we understand under life? If you get away from religious or scientific definitions, then life is what happens to us at every specific point in time. Therefore, the meaning can be different.

The search for meaning and even the need for a sense is one of the qualities of a person's consciousness. What distinguishes us from animals. Therefore, it is completely normal and correctly ask yourself about what the meaning of life is to seek and find your own answer, which will be true only for yourself and only at this particular time.

And this is probably the main thing - that we can make any action or condition, any point in time. We ourselves create our own meaning of life, unique, belonging only to us.

That is why there is no universal response, in which the meaning of life, and at different times for each of us the answer to this question may sound differently. But the main thing is that for each of us there is an answer, you need to look for, you can change it, you can live with him, think about it ... This is an important and necessary part of our life.

Very often, when I hear the question of a person - "And what's the point of this meaning?" - This means that it is most likely not satisfied with the situation or his position itself. He is just bad, and then really becomes incomprehensible, and what is the point in these suffering?

Notice, the question "What is the meaning of life?" It does not appear when you are very good and life seems to be solid happiness. As a rule, this question is a clear sign that something is not so that something needs to be changed. Just need to understand - what exactly is wrong? When you say yourself - "What's the point such life? What kind of in it is meaning?" - what do you mean?

Therefore, if you suddenly noticed that you start thinking about what the meaning of life and what is the point in such an existence, then your next step should be to ask yourself - what exactly is wrong? And look for ways out.

If you live with people hated by you, then it may be, to find ways to disperse, even if there are more complex living conditions? If there is no point in such respects - then make active steps towards changing relationships or stop them? If there is no point in your work, then look for another?

In short, sometimes the question is "what is the meaning of life?" May be associated with a specific area of \u200b\u200blife. Find it and start to change something there, because the situation itself will not change without your participation.

Yes, it happens. An incurable disease that does not depend on you extreme states around you. We are not able to change everything, and there are situations that you have to accept. Sometimes you have to go to some conscious sacrifices, or the situation changes too slowly. And then the search for meaning in life becomes one of the fundamental moments.

The famous psychologist Viktor Frankan spent several years in the concentration fascist camp, and seeing how people are trying to survive in completely inhuman conditions, he tried to understand, and what drives this desire to survive where all the conditions are against it, where it is impossible to survive or physically psychologically.

In his books, over which he began to work in the concentration camp, Victor Frankon described exactly how it is found to make sense even in the most difficult conditions helped people support the spirit and survive. Based on his observations, he made a number of conclusions and described his thoughts in the books - "a man in search of the meaning", "say life - yes."

You can find sense in the suffering itself if it is inevitable.

  • What is this suffering (or is it a state)?
  • What is the meaning of life in such circumstances?
  • In the name of what?
  • What will it bring to this world?

"All the difficulty is that the question of the meaning of life should be delivered otherwise. ... The point is not what we are waiting for from life, but what she is waiting for us. "

Victor Frank

Of course, there are very difficult moments in life. And then you need to not forget about the support you can get from any people - close, acquaintances or even unfamiliar to you. Find examples to help you understand that people can cope and find sense in the most difficult situations. And try to ask yourself yourself - and what am I, being in this situation, can I give this world? What challenge is thrown to me? What am I going through this, to give others?

What is the meaning of life when the grief is from the mind

Another important topics that is often found in psychological consultations and is associated with the search for the meaning of life, this is immersion in thought and care from reality.

Often, man begins to ask him more often - what is the meaning of life? - When he has a certain vacuum: no work, study, beloved business or hobby, no lessons with family or friends. Or do something scary, do not want to laziness, does not work…

Maybe there is no need to go to work or learn, but how to take yourself - it is not clear. And then often a person increasingly asks - what is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of the life of all people? What is the meaning in all this?

And in such situations, this question "What is the meaning of life" is the most direct nature. After all, it would be possible to make a lot of useful and interesting, and the man of days and weeks sitting at home, does not literally do anything and suffer from his thoughts. And the farther, the more a vicious circle arises - thoughts are exhausted, and there is no strength to do something.

A similar condition may occur and then when a person got used to live thoughts, not feelings

Of these situations you need to go gradually. Try to pay more attention to feelings, ask yourself - how can I now? What I feel? The purpose of these issues is to postpone part of attention from mental activity.

And it is very important to start doing minor actions. First, those that you at least somehow are pleasant. Go out into the street, go. To take a shower. Prepare something delicious.

When you get a little distracted by the cycle of thoughts, it will gradually become easier to concentrate on more necessary things, and gradually you can go to more serious tasks. The mind will cease to spin around the same questions, and the problem, in which the meaning of life will be far from paramount.

Of course, these are tips for independent work. And in individual consultations it is worth paying attention to the secondary benefits of your position and on the obstacles - what scares that it does not work, what you have ever "stumbled", and now you can't forget it.

We will look for what will be the answer to your personal question - "What is the meaning of life?", Pay attention to the hidden motives of this issue, and most importantly - we define those things that will help you feel more confident and

The meaning of man's life - It's all that, for what he lives on Earth. But not everyone really knows what makes him live. Each thinking person comes such a moment when the question arises in front of him: what is the meaning of a person's life, what goals, dreams, desire forcing people to live, overcome all life tests, to pass the school of good and evil, to learn mistakes, make new and so on. Different wise men, outstanding minds of different times and epochs tried to find an answer to the question: "What is the meaning of a person's life?", But no one has come to the only definition. The answer is individual for each person, that is, what sees its meaning of the existence of one individual, it may not be absolutely not interested in the other, by virtue of the difference in individual-character characteristics.

The meaning of the life of a person consists of aware of the values \u200b\u200bthat he subordinates his life, then for which he puts life goals and implements them. This is such a component of the spiritual meaning of existence, which is formed independently of social values \u200b\u200band constitutes an individual human value system. The opening of this meaning of life and the creation of a value hierarchy, occurs from each individual in his reflections, based on personal experience.

Objective and meaning of human life socialist Sees fully implemented, only in the case of the necessary conditions of society: freedom, humanism, morality, economic, cultural. Social conditions should be such that the person can realize its goals and develop, and not becoming an obstacle on his way.

The purpose and meaning of a person's life social studies also sees inseparable from social phenomena, so it can know what is its goal, but society may not share it and in every way to interfere with its implementation. In some cases, this is good when it comes to the goals that the criminal, or sociopath, wants to achieve. But when a private small business entrepreneur wants to develop, and socio-economic conditions slow down, and he is not allowed to express his opinion, this certainly does not contribute to the development of personality and the embodiment of its plans to life.

The meaning of human life is philosophy

The actual question in philosophy is the meaning of man's life and the problem of being. Another antique philosophers said that a person could philosophize, knowing himself, the whole mystery of the existence of the personality, lies in it. A person is the subject of gnoseology (knowledge) and at the same time, it is capable of learning himself. When a person frightened his essence, the meaning of life, he decided to have many questions in his life.

The meaning of man's life is a philosophy briefly. The meaning of life is the main idea that determines the purpose of any object, subject or phenomenon. Although the true meaning can be fully comprehended, it can lie in such deep structures of the human soul that a person has only a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe sense. He can know him, looking inside himself, or by certain signs, symbols, but completely the meaning does not go to the surface never, only enlightened minds can comprehend it.

Most often the meaning of a person's life is considered to be the importance of items and phenomena, which he emphasizes them, depending on its individual perception, understanding and degree of importance of these items directly for this person. Therefore, the same items may have many values, depending on the people with whom they interact. Suppose some thing may be completely unbelievable, and one person has no sense at all. But for another person, this, the same thing can mean a lot, it is filled with a special meaning. It can be associated with him with certain events, man, she can be dear for him in a material plan, but in spiritual. An ordinary example is the exchange of gifts. As a gift, a person puts his soul, despite its price. The main thing, he wants to be remembered about him. In this case, the most ordinary subject can acquire an unprecedented meaning, it is filled with love, wishes, charges the energy of the governing.

Just as the value of the objects, there is also the value of the actions of the individual. Every a deed of a person is charged with meaning when he takes a decision definite for him. This sense denotes that certain actions carry in themselves value, depending on the decision taken and its value for the person and others. It also lies in feelings, conditions, emotions and comprehensions that arise from an individual.

The meaning of man's life, as a philosophical problem is also studied in religion.

The meaning of man's life in religion - So contemplation, and the personification of the Divine began in the shower, its focus to the superhuman shrine and joining the highest good and spiritual truth. But spiritual essence is wondering not only the truth, which describes the subject, is its meaningful value, but the meaning of this subject for humans and the satisfaction of needs.

In such a sense, a person also gives the importance and evaluation of the facts, cases and episodes from his life, which were significant for him and through the prism of this realizes its value attitude towards the world around. The peculiarity of the relationship of the individual with the world, occurs due to the value attitude.

The meaning and value of the human life, This is the value of a person determines how everything that has significance for him, it makes sense, is his own, expensive and sacred.

The meaning of a person's life is philosophy briefly as a problem. In the twentieth century, philosophers were especially interested in the problems of the value of human life and put forward different theories and concepts. Theory of values \u200b\u200bwere also theories of the meaning of life. That is, the meaning and value of a person's life, as concepts, were identified because the value of one moved to another.

Value is defined almost the same in all philosophical currents and the lack of value is also explained by the fact that a person is indifferent and it is not interested in life in life between categories of good and evil, truth and lies. When a person cannot, determine value, or does not know what of them in his own life, he is guided by, it means that he lost himself, his essence, meaning of life.

The most important among the personal forms of the psyche of the Individual are value - will, determination, and. The most important value guidance of the person is - faith, as a positive aspiration of man. It is thanks to faith who feels herself, we live, he believes in the best future, he believes that he will reaches his life goal and that his life makes sense, without faith, a man's empty vessel.

The problem of the meaning of human life It became especially developed in the nineteenth century. Also formed the philosophical direction - existentialism. Existential issues are the problems of a person who lived everyday life, and experiencing depressive emotions and states. Such a person experiences the state of boredom, and the desire to free.

The famous psychologist and philosopher Viktor Flank created his own theory and school in which his followers studied. The object of his teachings was a man in search of the meaning of life. Frankl said that a person gained his destiny mentally heal. In his most famous book, which is called: "A man in search of the meaning of life," a psychologist describes three ways to understand life. The first way implies the commission of employment, the second - experiences and feelings associated with a certain person or object, the third way describes the life situations that the person actually deliver all his suffering and unpleasant experiences. It turns out to find the meaning of a person must fill his life with work, or some major occupation, care for a close person, and learn to cope with the problematic situations, learning from them experience.

The problem of the meaning of human life, the study of his life path, testing, gravity and problems is the subject of the direction in existentialism - logoratera. In the center it stands a person as a creature that does not know his destination, and the seeking calmness of the soul. It is the fact that a person has a question about the meaning of life and being, determines its essence. In the center of the Logotherapy - the process of finding sense in life, during which a person will either be purposefully looking for the meaning of his being, to think about this issue and try what - to do, or, he will be disappointed in search and stop doing any steps to determine his existence.

The purpose and meaning of a person's life

A person must reflect well what his destination is, what he wants to reach at the moment. Because during life, his goals may change, depending on the external circumstances and internal metamorphosis of the person, its desires and intentions. Changing life goals can be traced on a simple life example. Suppose a girl ending school, dreams of passing exams perfectly, entered into a prestigious university, she has a career and postponing a wedding with his guy to an indefinite time. Time passes, she acquires capital for his business, develops it and becomes a successful business woman. As a result, the initial goal is achieved. Now she is ready to make a wedding, she wants children and sees their future sense of life in them. In this example, two very strong goals were nominated, and regardless of their sequence, they are both reached. When a person knows exactly what he wants, his nothing will stop, the main thing is that these goals and the actions algorithm are competent for their achievement.

On the way to achieving the main life goal, a person passes certain stages, between which there are also the objectives of the so-called intermediate. For example, first a person learns to acquire knowledge. But the knowledge is not important themselves, but their practical applicability. Then getting a diploma with honors can contribute to obtaining prestigious work, and the proper fulfillment of their duties contributes to an increase in the career ladder. Here the transition of important goals and the introduction of intermediate, without which the overall result is not achieved.

The purpose and meaning of a person's life. It happens that two people with the same resources completely live their life path in different ways. One can achieve one goal and come to terms with that, he does not feel the need to go on, and the other, more purposeful, all the time sets himself new goals, achieving whom he feels happy.

Almost all people unites one life goal - the creation of a family, the continuation of the kind, raising children. Thus, children are the meaning of the life of many people. Because, with the advent of the child, all the overall attention of the parents focuses on it. Parents wish to provide a child with everything necessary and work for this, trying as best as possible. Then work to give education. But, most importantly, every parent wants to raise his child in the desired way to grow up a good, fair and reasonable person. Then children, having received all the necessary resources from parents, at their old age, can thank them and put their integrity about them.

The meaning of the existence of people is the desire to keep the trace on the ground. But not everyone is limited to the desire to continue the genus, some have more requests. They show themselves trying to stand out from the gray mass in a variety of life spheres: sports, music, art, science and other areas of activity, it depends on the talents of each person. Achieving some result may be a man's goal, as a plank, which he jumped. But when a person's goal is realized by the achievement and he understands that it brought this benefit to people, he feels much more satisfaction from the made. But the achievement and complete implementation of such a great goal may be a year. Many outstanding people have not been recognized for their lives, but they have suffered the meaning of their value when those were no longer alive. Many so dying at a young age, when they reached a certain goal, and did not see more meaning in life, having completed it. Among such people mostly creative personalities (poets, musicians, actors), and losing the meaning of life for them is a creative crisis.

Such a problem generates thoughts about the extension of human life, and it can be a scientific goal, but it is necessary to clearly understand what it is necessary. If you look from the position of humanism, life has the highest value. Therefore, its extension would be a progressive step towards society, and also separate people specifically. If this problem is considered from the point of view of biology, it can be argued that some successes in this area already exist, for example, transplantation of organs, and treatment of diseases that were once considered incurable. A lot is said about the elixir of youth, as a source to maintain the ever-young body, but it is still from the level of fiction. Even if they delay old age, adhering to a healthy and proper lifestyle, it will inevitably come, together with all its manifestations, psychological and biological. It means that the purpose of medicine should also be a kind of way that the arrangements of people did not feel physical discomfort and did not complain about the reason, memory, attention, thinking, to save mental and physical performance. But not only science should be engaged in the extension of life, the society itself must create the necessary conditions for the development of human talents, to ensure the inclusion of public life.

The life of a modern person is very fast, and he has to spend a lot of energy and strength to comply with the norms of society and have time for progress. When a person is in such a rhythm, he does not have time to stop, stop doing everyday affairs and learned, worked before the automatism of movement and think, and for which it all is done and how really it is really expensive, deeply comprehend life and develop the spiritual sphere Life.

The meaning of the life of a modern man - This is a chase for mirages, imagined success and happiness, introduced templates in the head, a false culture of consumption of modernity. The life of such a person does not carry value in the spiritual plan, it is expressed in constant consumption, squeezing all juice. The result of this lifestyle is nervousness, fatigue. People want to surround themselves a big piece, take a place under the sun, despite the needs of others. If you look at such an angle, then it seems that life rolls to the bottom, and soon people will become similar robots, inhuman, heartless. Fortunately, the likelihood of such an event is very small. This idea is very extreme, and, in fact, concerns only those who really took the burden of careers and all the difficulties associated with it. But you can consider a modern person in another context.

The meaning of the life of a modern person is the birth and raising of children who can be proud of, and improving the world. Each modern person is the creator of the future of the world, and every person's labor activity is in the development of society. Conducting its value, a person understands that his life makes sense, and he wants to give himself even more, to invest in the future generation, to make good actions for the benefit of society. Involvement in the achievements of mankind, gives people an understanding of their own significance, they feel the carriers of a progressive future, because they were lucky to live at such a time.

The meaning of the life of a modern person in self-improvement, advanced training, receipt of a diploma, new knowledge, thanks to which you can generate new ideas, create new objects. Such a person naturally appreciates as a good specialist, especially when he likes what he does and considers it his meaning of life.

When smart parents, then children, accordingly, should be such. Therefore, parents seek to develop, form their children to make decent members of society.

The meaning of life and the purpose of man

To answer the question: "What is the meaning of a person's life?" It is necessary to explain all the constituent terms first. "Life" is understood as the category of finding a person in space and time. "Meaning" does not have such a certain designation, as the concept is found in scientific works, and also in everyday communication. If you disassemble the word itself, it turns out "with the thought", that is, an understanding of some kind of subject or impact with it, with certain thoughts.

The meaning is manifested in three categories - ontological, phenomenological and personal. For an ontological look, all objects, phenomena and events of life make sense, depending on their influence on his life. The phenomenological approach states that in consciousness there is an image of the world, which includes a personal meaning, which gives an assessment of objects personally for a person, denoting the value of this phenomenon or event. The third category is the semantic constructs of a person who provide self-regulation. All three structures provide a person with understanding his life and the disclosure of the true meaning of life.

The problem of the meaning of the life of a person is closely intertwined with his destination in this world. For example, if a person is confident that his meaning of life is to make good and God's grace in this world - his destination is a priest.

The purpose is the way of human being, it determines its meaning existence from birth. When a person clearly sees his goal, knows what he should do, he completely all his body and soul gives himself to this. This is the purpose of the purpose if a person does not fulfill him, he loses the meaning of life.

When a person thinks about his destination in life, he approaches the thought of the immortality of the spirit of human, his actions, their meaning is now in the future, that after them will remain. A man in nature is mortal, but since he is given life, he must understand that everything that is connected with him in this short-term segment of his life is limited only by the date of his birth and death. If a person wants to fulfill his destination, he will make actions that will be socially important. If a person does not believe in the immortality of the soul, his being will be unthinkable and irresponsible.

The meaning of life and the purpose of a person is a vital decision. Each person himself chooses, how to perceive himself, as a person, body and soul, and then he think about where to go and what to do. When a person gained a true purpose, he becomes more confident in the values \u200b\u200bof his life, it can clearly build his life goals and refer to the world with kindness and gratitude for the gift life. The purpose, like a river, for which a person is swimming, and if he himself does not know what pier he sails, no wind will not be passing him. Religion sees his destination in serving God, psychologists - serving people, someone in the family, someone about the conservation of nature. And it is impossible to condemn someone for the path chosen by them, everyone comes, since he wants, as he feels.

About the fact that a person's life is given and for what purpose each of us is born on this earth, people began to think, probably, when they separated from nature and began to realize themselves as. During the time when Homo Erectus. Evolved B. Homo Sapiens,our ancestors were no longer enough to live exclusively for the sake of satisfaction of physiological needs, and it was precisely the desire of people to something more became the engine of the development of human civilization. However, despite the fact that philosophers and thinkers of all time tried to find the meaning of the life of a person, and to this day an accurate answer to the question, why does a person live, not given.

Today, there are many theories built on philosophical and religious doctrines that are trying to explain why there is a person. Psychologists, in turn, also do not remain aside and are trying to find their answer to the question, why are the life of people. Consider the most famous theories about the meaning of life and try to find an answer to the question, why does a person live.

The meaning of life in terms of philosophy and religion

The greatest philosophers and thinkers of the old days did not manage to the global issues, so many theories about the meaning of life were formed in several thousand years of the development of human civilization. The founders of these theories were both the greatest minds of the old days, and the whole philosophical schools, and part of the most famous theories echoes each other, while others are completely opposite. And from many philosophical doctrines trying to explain what the meaning of the human life is the most famous are the following:

Answers to questions about the meaning of life were trying to find not only philosophers and thinkers, but also the founders and ministers of various religious cults, ranging from low-prolonged beliefs and ending with global religions. However, if philosophers considered their conclusions no more than theories, the unconditional truth and unshakable teachings are a fundamental dogma, which cannot be questioned.

Christianity It teaches that a person's life is given then that he truly believes, following God's commandments and leading an awning lifestyle, he deserved a place after death in paradise. Islam The same argues that the meaning of life in the presentation of himself to Allah and worship him. Buddhism, like Hinduism , insist that a person is then born so that in one way or another (by means of good deeds, self-development, self-knowledge, ascetic, etc.) to achieve the state of enlightenment and higher bliss.

View of modern psychologists on what a person lives

Of course, in our time there are quite a lot of people, confident that the meaning of their lives is to serve God and in strict observance of religious laws and dogmas. However, most states are very small, and ordinary people are looking for meaning of life not in philosophical and religious exercises, but in their own - in their soul, thoughts, feelings and desires.

And more and more people who failed to find the true meaning of their lives either disappointed for their own purposes and aspirations, turn to psychologists so that they helped them to regain interest in life. According to psychologists, people lose the meaning of life only if they were initially improperly determined, for which they live, and considered any of the long-term goals for the highest destination. Therefore, the experts of human souls know exactly that it cannot be the meaning of life. In their opinion, they are mistaken by those people who are confident that life is given to man to:

But why is it given to a person life, if not for the birth of children, earnings money or achieving career peaks? More and more modern psychologists believe that there is no single meaning of life for all people, as each person is personality with its priorities and desires. therefore the meaning of a person's life is to live in harmony with you, step by step to achieve the goals set, discover new horizons and develop.That is, instead of looking for the global meaning of life, you just need to live in such a way to enjoy every day in the afternoon and do not waste time. Our life is finite, and only the incarnation into the reality of our goals will allow it to live it so that they do not regret in old age about the lost years and opportunities.