Situations of bad habits. Good human habits. Bad and good habits. Addiction to gambling

Rare habits are something that almost every average person can find in themselves! And many people prefer not to see this as a problem and simply do not notice their own addictions. You can often hear the excuse: "I have everything under control, this is not a bad habit, but a momentary weakness." In fact, a person often does not even realize how much negativity bad habits bring into his life and how good it will be if you get rid of them. Let's consider in this article the most common types of bad habits and try to figure out what you can do to get rid of them.

Bad habits: list

Before you start listing popular bad habits, it is worth defining what it is. So what constitutes a bad habit? The pattern of actions that are clearly repeated over a long time, characteristic of a particular person, is a habit. It can be called harmful if it carries a potential threat to health, mood, psychological, physical comfort, cleanliness of the environment, etc.

Here is a list of the most common bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • addiction to junk food (fast food, flour, sweets);
  • gambling addiction;
  • foul language;

But this is not a complete list of addictions that modern people suffer from. There are less global habits, like idle pastime. Many people do not see this as a bad taste, but consider it a special character trait. Like, he is used to taking everything from life, he knows how to enjoy life and have fun. But in fact, he is an ordinary lazy person, a "burner" of life and simply an infantile person. The habit of biting nails, a pen, biting a lip, etc. is small and not always noticeable to others. However, such a trifle can greatly annoy even the owner of the problem. And such actions, performed regularly, are harmful to health.

Habits are different, and some of them are especially interesting, which you want to pay attention to first of all.

What are the bad habits of modern people

Let's look at a few common and not very popular bad habits.

Tobacco addiction

Despite the fact that today a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, a lot of people are susceptible to the addiction of smoking. It should be noted, however, that the modern world has expanded the boundaries of this addiction. Today people are addicted not only to cigarettes, but also to aromatic tobacco that is smoked through hookahs. A newfangled trend - vaping is rapidly gaining momentum these days. Any form of dependence on tobacco products is harmful. And even the use of high-tech devices, vapes, does not solve, but aggravates the problem. People suffering from these habits endanger their own health, strike at the body of their own children, family members, and others.

Alcohol addiction

Drinking beer, wine, cocktails and spirits is unsafe for psychological comfort and physical health. Everyone knows about it. However, many people are subject to this addiction. It all starts with "harmless" beer, wine or other light alcoholic beverages, and over time, it often turns into a habit that lays the ground for the formation of pathological addiction.

Overeating tendency

It would seem that a person's need for food is understandable and is considered a normal phenomenon. However, gastronomy can also be the basis for the formation of bad habits:

  • overeating;
  • the habit of eating junk food;
  • passion for dangerous mono diets, etc.

You also need to eat right and you need to be able to control your gastronomic moods. Otherwise, you can form very dangerous habits that lead to obesity, the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and gastrointestinal problems.


It turns out that the habit of constantly buying something is also harmful. Pay attention to how often you make unreasonable purchases. Is there a shopping craving associated with a desire to suppress a bad mood? The answers to these questions will help determine if shopaholism is in your case. But this can also be a problem. Unreasonable spending of money damages the family budget, forms debts, and prevents the stabilization of welfare.

The habit of being lazy

There is also such a habit - to be lazy. A person who tries to postpone things for later, shirks some responsibilities, works, studies carelessly, should think. After all, this can become a stable manifestation of his character. Lazy people are rarely successful. No one will bring achievements and achievements in life on a platter with a gold border.

The habit of lying

Almost every person in his life resorts to lies to one degree or another. There is a so-called good lie. Sometimes an innocent lie is used in order to smooth out the consequences of some events for a person. However, there are also such individuals who lie simply because they like to tell a lie. Pathological liars often themselves lose boundaries and no longer understand where the truth is and where there is a lie. The presence of such a habit makes a person repulsive to others. Deceit often forms the basis for the formation of more serious problems.

Foul language

"Russian obscene" is known to all people who were born on the territory of our country. Almost from childhood, we have to hear bad words somewhere on the street, from TV, from peers, etc. There are people for whom swearing becomes a habit. But a "strong" word, spoken on emotions in rare cases, is not as scary as the habit of "expressing" out of necessity and for no particular reason. Young girls, from whose lips you hear dirty curses, immediately lose their charm. Guys and men who cannot speak without a mat are also not attractive to the opposite sex. Foul language repels and creates an unsightly reputation for a person, which cannot but negatively affect the life of an individual with such a habit.

The habit of chewing the tip of the hair

There are also such habits that are not associated with any harmful deeds and actions. However, they carry negativity. For example, people with long hair sometimes get used to biting, twisting on a finger, chewing the tip of a curl. On the one hand, there is nothing extra-dangerous in this. However, such an addiction looks very unpleasant from the outside. And it can be very annoying for the bearer of the habit.

The habit of collecting / storing unnecessary things

Have you met people who pull all unnecessary trash into their home and cannot part with things, storing a lot of outdated, outdated items in their homes? And this, by the way, is another very bad habit! A person litters the territory, which creates significant discomfort for him and his loved ones, neighbors. Sometimes this addiction to collecting unnecessary trash takes on pathological forms. The house in such a situation can turn into a natural dump. A person whose addiction has developed into pathology needs professional help.

Types of bad habits

Reading the above bad habits, you can track some signs by which you can divide addictions into types.

In modern psychology, there are:

  • physical addictions;
  • psychological habits;
  • psychophysiological habits;
  • psycho-emotional addictions.

For example, the habit of gnawing on a pencil or pen can be attributed to physical manifestations of habituation to patterns of action. But the craving for smoking cigarettes, hookah, vaping refers to psychophysiological pathological needs.

There are age-related habits, for example, children: sucking reflex, affection for parents, the habit of falling asleep in an embrace with a toy. Senile addictions: craving for discussing someone else's life, the habit of grumbling, addiction to going to the market, to the clinic, to the store without any apparent need for that. There are options for sex-specific addictions. For example, the habit of dieting and lamenting extra pounds is more typical for women. But the addiction to card games or other gambling, the habit of not observing the speed limit while driving a car is more common among men.

What to do? Preventing bad addictions

It is known that all negativity must be dealt with! What about bad habits? After all, it is clear that even the most harmless variation of addiction can take very frightening and repulsive forms. The main thing is to understand and acknowledge the existence of addiction. Only then will it be possible to cope with it. In some cases, it is possible to get rid of such a problem (smoking, alcoholism, gambling addiction) only with the help of a specialist. People who have a strong will and are seriously focused on the result, often find the strength to overcome unnecessary, negative character traits in themselves. Before you eradicate negative attachments in yourself, you need to know yourself, admit your shortcomings and find the right way to eliminate them. It is important to understand that the path to clearing bad habits can be difficult. However, with due perseverance, after some time the desired results will be achieved.

How to cope with harmful addictions with yoga

Choosing yoga and embarking on the path of self-improvement, self-development, self-healing, a person automatically takes a course to get rid of harmful addictions. Naturally, first you have to realize what exactly is superfluous and why it is so attractive. It is necessary to understand the nature of the emergence of certain attachments, habits.

Yogis believe that most of the habits are based on the craving for a kind of "doping" in the form of a special surge of positive energy. However, it is important to understand that while smoking a cigarette, drinking a can of beer, eating another donut, a person only gets a "snag" in the form of momentary pleasure. This pleasure does not give strength, does not improve mood, does not have a positive effect on a person's life. On the contrary, over time, payback comes for an immoderate addiction: health is leaving, psychological comfort is undermined, the carrier of addictions is increasingly faced with life failures.

With the help of hatha yoga practices, you can get a real charge of positive energy. Exercise will help you cleanse your spiritually and heal your body. Over time, the person will find complete liberation from the addiction. At a certain stage of yoga practice, you can learn to receive the necessary charge in the right amount and when needed. Vedic practices are aimed at self-regulation of energy flows and a conscious rejection of all unnecessary things that pollute the spirit and form karma.

Bad habits of a person are actions that are automatically repeated a large number of times and can harm the health of a person or those around him.

Bad habits of a person are the result of weak will. If he cannot bring himself to stop performing certain actions that may harm his health in the future, then gradually it turns into a habit that is rather difficult to get rid of.

What are the bad habits

The impact of bad habits on human life and health can be different. Some of them (alcoholism, drug addiction) are considered by modern medicine as a disease. Others are classified as unhelpful actions caused by an imbalance in the nervous system.

The following are the main bad habits of a modern person:

  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • gambling addiction;
  • shopaholism;
  • internet and television addiction;
  • overeating;
  • the habit of picking at your skin or biting your nails;
  • clicking joints.

The main causes of bad habits

The most common reasons for the development of bad habits in humans are:

Social coherence - if in the social group to which a person belongs to this or that model of behavior, for example, smoking, is considered the norm, then most likely he will also follow it in order to prove his belonging to this group, hence the fashion for bad habits;

Unsettled life and alienation;

Pleasure is one of the main reasons why the influence of bad habits is so great, it is the constant obtaining of pleasure that leads to the fact that people become alcoholics or drug addicts;

Idleness, inability to properly manage free time;


Avoiding stress.

Bad habits and their impact on human health

But of course, the habits of using drugs, nicotine and alcohol have the most serious consequences, which quickly turn into addiction and can lead to the development of a number of complications, up to and including death.

Tobacco smoking is one of the types of household drug addiction, the essence of which is the inhalation of smoke from herbal preparations containing nicotine, which quickly enters the bloodstream from the respiratory system and is carried throughout the body, including the brain.

The health risks of smoking are as follows:

  • the risk of developing cancer, pathologies of the respiratory system, CVS and so on increases significantly;
  • calcium is washed out of the body, the skin of the face ages, fingers turn yellow, teeth deteriorate, the structure of hair and nails is destroyed;
  • the work of the digestive tract worsens, the development of peptic ulcer is possible;
  • vessels become fragile and weak, lose elasticity;
  • the supply of oxygen to the brain worsens, hypertension develops.

Alcoholism is nothing more than drug addiction of the body, in which a person feels a painful craving for alcohol. With this disease, not only mental, but also physical dependence of a person on alcohol develops. With alcoholism, severe damage to internal organs (especially the liver) is observed and personality degradation occurs.

Alcohol intake does not always lead to the development of alcoholism. Whether a person becomes an alcoholic or not depends on many factors. These are heredity, willpower, frequency of consumption and volume of alcohol, habitat, individual characteristics of the body, mental or emotional predisposition, and so on.

The systematic use of alcohol leads to the following consequences:

  • the body's immune defense decreases, a person is often sick;
  • there is a gradual destruction of the liver;
  • the work of the nervous and digestive systems of the body worsens;
  • the content of glucose in the blood rises;
  • among alcoholics there is a high mortality rate due to accidents, suicides, and poisoning with low-quality alcohol;
  • brain function gradually deteriorates, a person begins to lose memory and degrades.

Drug addiction is, perhaps, the most powerful and dangerous bad habit that has long been recognized as a disease. Drug addiction is a person's dependence on the use of drugs. The disease has several phases of its course and gradually developing syndromes.

The harm that drugs cause to the human body is great. The most serious consequences of drug addiction are listed below:

Significant reduction in life expectancy;

Increased risk of contracting the most dangerous and often incurable diseases (HIV, hepatitis);

High mortality among drug addicts from accidents, suicides, overdoses and drug poisoning;

Rapid aging of the body;

Development of mental and somatic disorders;

Severe personality degradation;

Criminal behavior.

How to deal with bad habits

What are the methods and ways to combat bad habits, and which one is the most effective? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on many factors - the degree of dependence, the willpower of the person, the individual characteristics of the organism.

But the most important thing is a person's desire to start a new life without bad habits. He must fully understand his problem and admit that he is an alcoholic or drug addict.

Without the desire of the person himself to get rid of the addiction to treatment, it is extremely difficult, and often impossible.

All methods of dealing with bad habits are divided into three groups:

  • gradual reduction in the consumption of harmful substances;
  • fighting desires and giving up the habit;
  • replacing one habit with another.

For example, many people quit smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke each day. This is a protracted process and the last stage when it is necessary to completely quit smoking for many is very difficult.

But drugs must be abandoned immediately. This leads to a very difficult state of the body, breakdown, when the remains of drugs leave the body. There is no other way to solve the problem, in this case gradualism is not an option.

Prevention of bad habits

Unfortunately, until now, the prevention of bad habits is not given adequate attention. The effect of various videos, signs and posters is not great. Often a person in trouble is left alone with his problem. Friends and relatives turn away from him, which makes the likelihood of overcoming the disease extremely low.

The path to life without bad habits always begins with the awareness of the problem. If a person does not see harm in his actions (considering, for example, that he is not an alcoholic, but simply drinks sometimes, like everything and there is nothing wrong with that), then a cure is practically impossible.

In medicine, the prevention of bad habits is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Let us explain this with the example of alcoholism.

The essence of primary prevention is to prevent the use of alcohol by persons who have not previously used it. Such prevention is aimed at young people, adolescents, children.

The target audience for secondary prevention are people who already know the taste of alcohol or those members of society who are showing the first signs of alcohol dependence.

Tertiary prevention is predominantly medical and directed at alcoholics.

It should be remembered that in order for people to give up bad habits, it is not enough just to scare them with the terrible consequences of alcohol, tobacco or drugs. We need special comprehensive programs operating at the state level.

There is a need for state support for the development of sports, the creation of employment places for children and adolescents, the use of hot lines and telephone numbers for psychological assistance, the creation of new modern drug treatment centers.

The mass media should actively promote a healthy lifestyle, form in the minds of young people an understanding that it is fashionable not to drink and smoke, but to play sports.

It is necessary to conduct special classes on the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction in schools. Moreover, they should not be boring, but interesting. The classes should involve not only teachers, but also psychologists, drug addicts, former alcoholics and drug addicts, who can, by their own example, tell children about what bad habits lead to.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that in the end, the decision about whether to start smoking, drinking or taking drugs is made by the person himself. It depends on him how his life will turn out, whether he can become a full-fledged member of society or not.

Prevention of bad habits can help someone in making the right decision, and if even one person, after talking with a psychologist or watching social advertising, says no to bad habits, this will already be a sign that everything was not done in vain!


Man is a great miracle of nature. The rationality and perfection of its anatomy and physiology, its functionality, strength and endurance are striking. Evolution has provided the human body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability, interaction, the ability to adapt and compensate. The total information capacity of the human brain is extremely large. It consists of 30 billion nerve cells. "Pantry" of human memory is designed to store a huge amount of information. Scientists have calculated that if a person could fully use his memory, he would be able to memorize the contents of 100 thousand articles of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, in addition, learn the programs of three institutes and be fluent in six foreign languages. However, according to psychologists, a person uses the capabilities of his memory during his life only by 30-40%.

Nature created man for a long and happy life. Academician N.M. Amosov (1913-2002) argued that the safety margin of a person's "structure" has a coefficient of about 10, that is, his organs and systems can carry loads and withstand stress, about 10 times greater than those with that a person has to face in normal daily life.

The realization of the possibilities inherent in a person depends on the way of life, on everyday behavior, on the habits that he acquires, on the ability to reasonably dispose of potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state in which he lives.

However, it should be noted that a number of habits that a person can begin to acquire during school years and which then cannot get rid of throughout his life seriously harm health. They contribute to the rapid expenditure of the full potential of a person's capabilities, its premature aging and the acquisition of resistant diseases. These habits, first of all, include smoking, alcohol and drug use.


Alcohol, or ethyl alcohol, is a narcotic poison; it acts primarily on brain cells, paralyzing them. The narcotic effect of alcohol is manifested in the fact that a painful addiction to alcohol develops in the human body. A dose of 7-8 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight is fatal for humans. According to the World Health Organization, alcoholism claims about 6 million lives annually.

Alcohol has a deep and lasting weakening effect on the body. For example, only 80 g of alcohol are effective all day. Taking even small doses of alcohol lowers performance and leads to rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness, and complicates the correct perception of events.

Some people consider alcohol to be a miracle cure that can cure almost all diseases. Meanwhile, research by specialists has shown that alcoholic beverages have no healing properties. Scientists have also proven that there are no safe doses of alcohol, already 100 g of vodka kill 7,500 actively working brain cells.

Alcohol is an intracellular poison that has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs.

Disorders of balance, attention, clarity of perception of the environment, coordination of movements that occur during intoxication often cause accidents. According to official figures, 400,000 drunken injuries are recorded annually in the United States. In Moscow, up to 30% of those admitted to hospitals with severe injuries are people who are intoxicated.

The effect of alcohol on the liver is especially detrimental; with prolonged use, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver develop. Alcohol causes (including in young people) disturbances in the regulation of vascular tone, heart rate, metabolism in the tissues of the heart and brain, irreversible changes in the cells of these tissues. Hypertension, ischemic heart disease and other lesions of the cardiovascular system are twice as likely to lead to death of alcohol drinkers than non-drinkers. Alcohol has a harmful effect on the endocrine glands and primarily on the sex glands; decreased sexual function is observed in 1/3 of alcohol abusers. Alcoholism significantly affects the structure of mortality in the population.

Before you take a glass of alcohol, whoever offered it, think: either you want to be healthy, cheerful, able to realize your desires, or from this step you will begin to destroy yourself. Think and make the right decision.


Smoking tobacco (nicotinism) is a bad habit, which consists in inhaling the smoke of smoldering tobacco. We can say that this is one of the forms of substance abuse. Smoking has a negative impact on the health of smokers and those around them.

The active principle of tobacco smoke is nicotine, which almost instantly enters the bloodstream through the alveoli of the lungs. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains a large amount of combustion products of tobacco leaves and substances used in technological processing, they also have a harmful effect on the body.

According to pharmacologists, tobacco smoke, in addition to nicotine, contains carbon monoxide, pyridine bases, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, essential oils, and a concentrate of liquid and solid products of combustion and dry distillation of tobacco, called tobacco tar. The latter contains about a hundred chemical compounds of substances, including a radioactive isotope of potassium, arsenic and a number of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons - carcinogens.

It is noted that tobacco has a harmful effect on the body, and primarily on the nervous system, first arousing and then oppressing it. Memory and attention are weakened, performance decreases.

The mouth and nasopharynx are the first to come into contact with tobacco smoke. The temperature of the smoke in the mouth is about 50-60 ° C. To introduce smoke from the mouth and nasopharynx into the lungs, the smoker inhales a portion of air. The temperature of the air entering the mouth is about 40 ° lower than the temperature of the smoke. Temperature changes cause microscopic cracks on the tooth enamel over time. Smokers' teeth begin to decay earlier than non-smokers.

Violation of the tooth enamel contributes to the deposition of tobacco tar on the surface of the teeth, which makes the teeth yellowish, and the mouth cavity emits a specific odor.

Tobacco smoke irritates the salivary glands. Part of the saliva is swallowed by the smoker. The toxic substances of smoke, dissolving in saliva, act on the gastric mucosa, which can ultimately lead to ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Constant smoking, as a rule, is accompanied by bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi with a predominant lesion of their mucous membrane). Chronic irritation of the vocal cords with tobacco smoke affects the timbre of the voice. It loses its sonority and clarity, which is especially noticeable in girls and women.

As a result of the entry of smoke into the lungs, the blood in the alveolar capillaries, instead of being enriched with oxygen, is saturated with carbon monoxide, which, combining with hemoglobin, excludes part of the hemoglobin from the normal respiration process. Oxygen starvation sets in. Because of this, the heart muscle primarily suffers.

Hydrocyanic acid chronically poisons the nervous system. Ammonia irritates the mucous membranes, reducing the lungs' resistance to various infectious diseases, in particular tuberculosis.

But nicotine has the main negative effect on the human body when smoking.

Nicotine is a powerful poison. The lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, that is, about 50-70 mg for a teenager. Death can occur if a teenager immediately smokes half a pack of cigarettes. According to the WHO, 2.5 million people die from smoking-related diseases worldwide every year.

Note that, according to health professionals, addiction to tobacco smoking is akin to drug addiction: people smoke not because they want to smoke, but because they cannot quit this habit.

Indeed, it is easy to start smoking, but it is very difficult to break the habit of smoking in the future. Having started smoking, you can become a slave to this habit, slowly and surely destroying your health, which nature has given for other purposes - work and creation, self-improvement, love and happiness.

About drug addiction and substance abuse

Drug addiction is a serious illness caused by drug abuse and an acquired pathological addiction to them.

Narcotic substances of plant origin, which have a special intoxicating effect on humans, have been known to mankind for a very long time. The use of drugs was originally associated with religious and household customs. Many years ago, drugs were used by ministers of various religions to achieve a state of ecstasy when performing cult rites.

Another historical type of drug use is inherent in the field of medicine - as sedatives, pain relievers and hypnotics.

The third type of drug use is their use for the development of externally unconditioned mental states associated with the experience of pleasure, comfort, mood elevation, mental and physical tone, and high.

A sharp impetus to the spread of drugs throughout the world gave a rapid development in the XIX-XX centuries. chemistry, including the chemistry of medicinal substances.

Thus, a drug should be understood as chemical substances of synthetic or plant origin, drugs that have a special, specific effect on the nervous system and the entire human body, lead to the removal of pain, changes in mood, mental and physical tone. Achieving these states with the help of drugs is called drug intoxication. There are four types of drug addiction in our country: opium addiction (abuse of opium and its constituent alkaloids and synthetic substitutes for morphine);

hashishism (abuse of those varieties of cannabis that contain a sufficient amount of tetrahydroaccabinone);

addiction caused by stimulants (mainly ephedrine); drug addiction caused by certain hypnotic drugs related to drugs.

People who are easily susceptible to suggestion, devoid of interests, and poorly controlling their desires often become patients with drug addiction.

The rate of development of drug addiction depends on the chemical structure of the drug, the method of administration, frequency of administration, dosage and individual characteristics of the organism.

The initial stage of drug addiction is the transition from episodic to regular drug use, increasing endurance to it, the appearance of a craving for drug poisoning. If at the beginning of drug use a subjectively unpleasant state arises, then soon it disappears and each drug use causes euphoria.

Taking opiates (opium, morphine, etc.) causes a feeling of pleasant warmth, painless "jolt" in the head, a state of bliss. Then a quick change of pleasant performances begins against the background of blissful peace with dreamlike fantasies.

Hashish intoxication is accompanied by foolishness, unmotivated gigginess, mobility, disturbances in the perception of the environment and thinking.

After the introduction of a solution containing ephedrine, a state resembling ecstasy occurs (a feeling of lightness in the body, a special clarity of perception of the environment, a feeling of unity with nature and the world, etc.).

With the development of drug addiction, the endurance to the drug increases, the previous doses do not give euphoria. Further, the intake of increasing doses begins, the picture of the action of the drug changes. In particular, with morphinism and the abuse of other opiates, instead of blissful rest, a state of cheerfulness with a feeling of a surge of strength and a desire for communication appears. Hashish causes an elated mood in the addict with an overestimation of his mental capabilities, various disorders of thinking; with prolonged use of ephedrine, the duration of euphoria is shortened, some bodily sensations that arise at the beginning disappear.

Stopping drug use leads to painful conditions. With opium addiction, this is expressed in the appearance of anxiety, chills, excruciating breaking pains in the arms, legs, back, insomnia, diarrhea, and also in the absence of appetite. Ephedrine addiction is characterized by prolonged insomnia and depression. With hashishism, in addition to unpleasant bodily sensations, mood also falls, irritability, anger, and sleep disturbances appear.

Further consumption leads to a steady decrease in the euphorizing effect of the drug and an increase in mental and physical disorders of the body. In all cases, personality degradation is noted (narrowing of interests, cessation of socially useful activities, pronounced deceit).

The only goal of drug addicts is the acquisition and consumption of drugs, without which their condition becomes serious.

Substance abuse is a disease characterized by a pathological addiction to substances that are not considered drugs. There are no biomedical differences between drug addiction and substance abuse. Intoxication addicts achieve intoxication by inhaling vapors of gasoline, acetone, toluene, perchlorethylene and using various aerosol poisons.


drug addicts are bad workers, their physical and mental capacity for work is reduced, all their thoughts are connected with obtaining drugs;

drug addiction causes great material and moral damage to a person, family and society, it is the cause of accidents at work, in transport, in everyday life;

drug addicts, degrading physically and morally, are a burden for the family and society; drug addicts are at risk for the spread of AIDS.


1. What are the social consequences of bad habits?
2. List the main ways to prevent bad habits.
3. Prepare a message on one of the topics: "Alcohol and its impact on human health", "Smoking and its impact on your health and the health of passive smokers", "Drug addiction and substance abuse, their consequences."

The impact of bad habits on human health

Every day we come across different people who are different from each other. After all, everyone has their own character, habits and weaknesses that we like or annoy, but somehow affect our life, health and social status. But the worst thing is that sometimes weaknesses can turn into bad habits, which create problems not only for the person dependent on these habits, but also for the people around him, and for the whole society as a whole.

How smoking affects human health

Now let's take a closer look at the consequences of smoking.
Firstly, a heavy smoker has a lack of calcium in the body and this destroys tooth enamel, teeth turn yellow, the structure of hair and nails deteriorates, and the complexion becomes grayish.
Secondly, the vessels suffer from smoking and become fragile, oxygen exchange is disrupted and pressure rises.
Thirdly, smoking disrupts the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which can subsequently lead to stomach ulcers.
Fourth, smokers are more likely to have heart attacks, strokes and other heart problems.
Also, this addiction contributes to diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs, which can subsequently lead to cancer.
Smoking by a pregnant woman is categorically unacceptable, as this will negatively affect the health of the child.

How alcohol affects human health

Alcohol has even more dire consequences. When alcohol is abused, the body's immune system, liver activity, digestive organs are completely destroyed, blood sugar regulation, the work of the nervous system, etc. are disrupted.

But alcohol inflicts the worst blow to the brain. Subsequently, a person loses his memory, he begins to have mental problems and, as a result, can lead to complete degradation.

And besides, the life of an alcoholic drinker is much shorter than that of a person leading a healthy lifestyle.

Prevention of addictions

In modern society, bad habits are one of the pressing problems and therefore the fight against them is simply necessary.

Many people often do not realize that smoked cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are not only addictions that turn into addiction, but also cause irreparable harm to the health of a person, as well as to those around him.

It's good when a person realizes and understands what harm such an addiction to seemingly harmless weaknesses can cause and has given up bad habits. But some people believe that nothing terrible will happen from one smoked cigarette, a glass of vodka or drug pampering, and as a result, imperceptibly for themselves, turn into an addiction, which becomes stronger every time. And such people already need the help of specialists. But in order not to lead to such sad consequences, you need to know what a detrimental effect they can have on your health and realize their harm as soon as possible.

The fight against bad habits is still quite difficult, but extremely necessary. And the earlier a person realizes this, the easier it will be for him to overcome his addiction and give up addictions forever. And if your school friend suggests you go for a smoke or a drink, then it is better to stay away from such friends.

The most important thing is for a person to realize as soon as possible that bad habits harm his life and the lives of those around him and make every effort to part with them forever. After all, leading a healthy lifestyle is available to every sane person, the main thing is to have the desire, willpower, to overcome laziness and then it will be much easier to get rid of addictions.

Every modern person has bad habits. These addictions refer to unhealthy hobbies that have a detrimental effect on well-being, human psyche, relationships with others and family life. Often, a person does not attach serious importance to many of these addictions, considering them a manifestation of his own nature.

But some, considering the list of bad habits of a person, come to the conclusion that many of them are serious and dangerous deviations from the norm. Let's see what hobbies are considered harmful, why they arise and what should be done in this or that case.

Many bad habits of a person develop into deadly diseases

Most often, bad habits develop due to an unstable psyche or prolonged nervous disorders. But, other factors are also involved in the formation of these addictions:

  • own laziness;
  • unfulfilled hopes;
  • the disappointment received;
  • too fast pace of life;
  • financial long-term problems;
  • troubles occurring at home or at work;
  • difficult psychological situations: divorce, illness, death of a close relative.

Bad habits are also actively formed due to some global changes in the usual life. For example, the decline in the country's economic development, leading to widespread unemployment. Peculiarities of mentality and even climatic factors influence the formation of addictions.

The essence of the definition of "bad habit"

Any reason for the development of a certain bad habit in a person is not an excuse for addiction. It is the personality itself that is guilty of developing this problem in itself.

No matter how a person makes excuses, the presence of a pernicious hobby clearly speaks of his innate laziness, weakness, lack of initiative. To cope with the existing addiction and correct life, it is necessary to identify the prerequisite for addiction and, first of all, get rid of it.

What bad habits do a person have

What immediately comes to mind when talking about human addiction? Of course, cravings for alcohol, addiction to drugs and smoking. Indeed, these are the most dangerous bad habits for humans. But there are also other kinds of addictions that destroy the human psyche and the personality itself.

List of major bad habits

Alcoholism is the oldest human evil

An uncontrollable craving for drinking is one of the most dangerous and terrible human attachments. Over time, this bad habit turns into a deadly disease.

Drinking cravings are one of the worst bad habits in humans.

Alcohol dependence is formed at the level of physical and psychological craving. The last stage of alcoholism is an irreversible and incurable pathology that leads to the death of a person.

The development of this addiction is formed gradually and depends on the frequency and amount of alcohol-containing drinks consumed. A genetic (hereditary) predisposition is also related to the formation of this dependence. The causes of alcoholism can equally include all factors caused by any other addiction:

  • tendency to laziness;
  • money problems;
  • disappointment in life;
  • long-term unemployment;
  • lack of desire to develop and learn.

It does not matter which factor was the trigger in this addiction - the causes of alcoholism are terrible and merciless. First of all, the physical and mental health of the individual suffers. The alcoholic often plunges into drunken states. Becoming inadequate and insane, the patient is already a threat to society.

The transformation of a habit into a disease requires long-term treatment in specialized clinics. And sometimes it is no longer possible to completely get rid of alcoholism. Therefore, therapy should be connected already at the beginning of the formation of addiction.

Addiction is a deadly hobby

Addiction to drug use in 80% of cases leads a person to death or complete personality degradation. If we talk about the influence of bad habits on the human body, then in the case of drug addiction, this hobby becomes enormous.

Drug addiction leads to complete degradation of the personality

With the penetration of drugs into the body, there is a global destruction of the work of all internal organs and body systems. What will the addict end up with?

  1. Complete degradation of personality at the psychological level.
  2. Development of the most severe, often fatal diseases of the physical plane.
  3. Growing mental problems form psychoses, schizophrenia, depressive states. Suicidal attempts are a frequent result of this bad habit.

It has been established that the life of a drug addict is reduced by 25-30 years in comparison with a healthy person. This bad habit must be eradicated immediately, without giving it the right to exist.

Great attention is paid to the prevention of drug addiction among the younger generation. Indeed, according to statistics, most people suffering from drug addiction begin their “career” at a young age.

Tobacco smoking is a global problem

Another bad habit that is ubiquitous. People faced smoking at the dawn of mankind, and to this day this deadly addiction does not diminish its influence.

Tobacco smoking is one of the dangerous addictions, this bad habit has a global scale

The fight against tobacco addiction has long gone beyond the boundaries of one state. All developed countries have different types of anti-smoking laws that prohibit smoking in public places. There are also strict restrictions on the sale of cigarettes.

The consequences of tobacco dependence on the lung and cardiovascular systems are especially fraught. With constant smoking occurs:

  • arresting metabolic processes;
  • significant narrowing of blood vessels;
  • persistent decrease in the level of oxygen in human blood.

These symptoms form a global bleeding disorder, which leads to the formation of blood clots. The result is infarction, ischemia and heart failure.

The lungs also suffer - according to statistics, in 60% of cases of diagnostics of oncology of the respiratory system occur due to prolonged smoking.

You should part with this deadly habit immediately, without postponing the process on the back burner... You can try replacing tobacco cigarettes with electronic cigarettes, or gradually reduce the number of tobacco products you smoke.

Or, with the help of medications, plasters, coding and medications, forget about a dangerous hobby forever. Remember, there are healthier, healthier ways to get a sense of euphoria and relaxation.

Gambling addiction - as a need of the psyche

Addiction to various kinds of computer games is a special form of bad habit. Its formation takes place at the mental level. At its core, gambling addiction is a pathologically persistent hobby that develops in a person due to:

  1. Insolvency.
  2. Pathological timidity.
  3. Fatal loneliness.
  4. Dissatisfaction with life.

Fearing normal human communication, the gambler is completely immersed in virtual worlds. After all, only there he can feel like a strong and successful person. This method of self-realization deeply engages a person and develops from a bad habit into a permanent addiction.

Gambling addiction and gambling addiction are included in the list of diseases according to the international classification

Gambling addiction has its own kind - gambling addiction. This psychological dependence on various gambling (not computer).

Gambling addiction was widespread in Russia quite recently, before the general closure of gaming clubs and casinos. People with this habit took all their savings there. Fortunately, at the moment this hobby could be eradicated by banning slot machines and casinos.

Shopaholism is a female addiction

Shopaholism symptoms

This bad habit has another name - "oniomania". Shopaholism is a passionate desire to buy at least something, even unnecessary things. This is a purely female addiction that sucks almost the entire budget of the family. The development and formation of such a bad habit is associated with psychological factors:

  • loneliness;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • lack of attention to your own person.

Women find comfort in buying a variety of goods, sometimes meaningless and unnecessary. Such persons have to lie to their relatives, to the husband about the money spent. Often, shopaholics get into large loans that are unable to pay and serious debts.

Overeating is a habit on the verge of illness

The propensity to gluttony is most widespread in the modern world. Constant stress, life on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a frantic rhythm - all this has a heavy effect on the psyche and can provoke uncontrolled eating of food. More often, this problem is faced by individuals with already existing overweight.... The impetus for the development of this bad habit is:

  • experienced shock;
  • nervous shock;
  • stressful situations.

Seeing no way out of a difficult situation, people find comfort in eating food. This habit rapidly develops into a real addiction. What awaits a person? Obesity and global disturbances in the work of all internal organs, leading to premature death.

People who are overweight are more likely to overeat

This problem is relevant only for countries with developed infrastructure, where there is an abundance and variety of food products. This phenomenon requires compulsory and long-term treatment with the use of psychocorrection methods, and sometimes surgical intervention.

Other common harmful hobbies

In addition to addictions that have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of a person, there are other habits. They are not so dangerous, but sometimes they cause dislike of others. What else is a person inclined to?

Nail biting... A habit from childhood. It develops due to increased emotionality, stress and anxiety. Often, a child begins to bite his nails, imitating adults suffering from this addiction. Such a hobby, in addition to being unaesthetic, can lead to the development of nervous diseases and health problems. After all, pathogenic viruses and bacteria can be found under the nails.

Picking the skin... This habit is most common among women. Even at a young age, striving for an ideal appearance, young people are constantly trying to squeeze out pimples (even non-existent ones). This addiction can provoke severe skin diseases and various neuroses.

Rinotillexomania... This sonorous word means nothing more than picking your nose. In addition to the repulsive process (especially when the person enthusiastically also eats the contents of the nose), rhinotylexomania is fraught with constant nosebleeds. Severe forms of addiction are especially dangerous when the mucous membrane is seriously injured.

The consequences of bad habits

The influence on the human body and psyche of such addictions is so great that even developed, modern medicine sometimes does not find effective methods of getting rid of addictions. After all, addiction, formed at the psychological level, does not lend itself to drug treatment.

In this case, only an experienced and qualified psychologist can provide assistance. And this therapeutic course is long and rather complicated. Even in this case, it is far from always possible to free the person from the hobbies that overwhelm him. Without timely and comprehensive help, the consequences of these bad habits are quite unpleasant and lead to:

  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of oneself as a person;
  • global sleep disorder;
  • suicidal thoughts and attempts;
  • problems with communication, in the family and at work;
  • irreversible changes in the work of internal organs;
  • deterioration of mental and intellectual activity.

Methods for dealing with addictions

Ways to get rid of bad habits are sometimes tough and drastic. First of all, they require a person to completely abandon their addiction. And for this you need to have willpower and the desire to become a full-fledged person. An important role is played by the support of family and relatives, as well as the skill and qualifications of doctors.

Ways to eradicate bad habits depend on the presence of the problem itself, its features and degree of manifestation.

Some methods of struggle should be applied immediately, while others, additional ones, should be introduced into therapy gradually. The most effective methods of getting rid of bad habits include various psychocorrectional measures. Sometimes it helps to change the environment, place of residence. Sometimes doctors use medications as well.

In contact with

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits. Experts are increasingly referring this habit to drug addiction. Smokers inhale combustion products into their lungs and saturate the body with a whole range of toxic substances. In addition, all these nasty things are inhaled by the people around the smoker and very often they are also children.

Alcoholism long ago left the concept of a bad habit, alcoholism is a disease. With alcoholism, the work of not only the human body is disrupted, but psychological processes also occur, leading to the irreversible degradation of the personality. Treatment of alcoholism requires the participation of doctors of various specializations, including psychologists.

Addiction is one of the most destructive addictions / addictions. Drugs in a very short time can change a person beyond recognition. There are many types of drugs: stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, hemp drugs, ecstasy, and others. To understand and tell about the action of each of them, you will have to write a separate book. All these substances have one thing in common - first they will break your life, turn it into a nightmare, and then kill you. And if you use them, then you have two ways. Give up and return to normal life or die soon. And the choice is yours.

Very often, people suffering from bad habits do not know about the impact of these habits on health or do not realize the full danger that alcohol and tobacco pose in themselves. And there are often cases when a person, simply realizing what harm he inflicts on himself and others, breaks up with bad habits.

Impact of smoking on human health

  • The structure of nails and hair deteriorates, the color of the skin changes.
  • Teeth turn yellow and weaken, bad breath appears.
  • The smoker's vessels become fragile and inelastic.
  • Tobacco smoking promotes rotting of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The risk of stomach ulcers increases.
  • Oxygen metabolism in the body is disrupted and, as a result, blood purification becomes difficult.
  • Nicotine increases blood pressure.
  • The likelihood of strokes, heart attacks, angina pectoris and other diseases of the cardiovascular system increases.
  • The protection of the respiratory tract is impaired, as a result of which smokers are more susceptible to diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs, as well as they are more difficult to tolerate these diseases.
  • Smoking contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Smoking pregnant women has a very negative impact on the health of the child. Very often these children are lagging behind in development and are more likely to get sick.

The effect of alcohol on human health

In Russia, about 700 thousand people die from alcohol every year. This is the population of one large city. This is a terrible statistic ... Alcoholism affects people from all social strata of the population, regardless of gender, age, education and financial situation. Women and minors are most at risk of alcohol dependence.

  • The body's immune system is destroyed.
  • The activity of the liver, which has the main cleansing function in the body, is disrupted.
  • The work of the digestive organs is disrupted, which leads to severe diseases of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas.
  • The regulation of blood sugar levels is impaired.
  • Alcohol inevitably leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, because alcohol destroys red blood cells (blood cells), which no longer function properly.
  • Drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to dire consequences for the child, and also has a detrimental effect on all subsequent generations.
  • Alcohol shortens a person's life by 10-15 years.
  • Alcohol disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and leads to loss of memory and attention, problems of mental development, thinking, psyche, and very often to complete degradation of the personality.
  • The main "blow" of alcoholic beverages falls on the brain. Alcohol leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex and the death of entire parts of it.

The effect of drugs on human health

When drugs are used, the center responsible for the respiratory activity is suppressed, the functions of the vasomotor center are dysfunctional, as a result of which the addict's blood pressure decreases, and the pulse becomes less frequent. Atony of the intestinal walls. Constipation for ten days, disgusting breath, putrefaction in the intestines, feces, some of which is absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body ... intoxication. For example, the harm of amphetamine: severe depression, fatigue, debilitating insomnia, paranoia, hallucinations, delusional ideas, weakening of the immune system, disruption of all internal organs. Drug addiction is a long and painful death.


Fighting your bad habits is not easy, because fighting yourself is difficult. If you realize that tobacco and alcohol are harming your life and the lives of those around you, then make every effort to cope with this harmful addiction. Read the literature, watch programs, contact the experts and you will definitely find a method and cope with this task.

Prevention of bad habits among children and adolescents
Eliminating bad habits of adults is more difficult than the habits of adolescents. Teenagers are easier to perceive and assimilate information.
It is necessary to conduct conversations on the dangers of bad habits, familiarization with physical culture and sports, the development of creative abilities, and so on.

Smoking and the use of alcohol, drugs is evil for each individual person and for the whole society. By giving up bad habits, you make a choice in favor of health, happiness and longevity!

Bad habits are established ways of self-destructive behavior, the implementation of which in certain situations takes on the character of a need.

Refusal of bad habits is an indicator of willpower, independence, and a strong personality.