Often cause farting. Farts in adults: how to get rid of. Bloating foods

Do you know the saying "what is natural is not ugly"? Let's talk about why a person often blows gas.

We show tolerance

Is the situation familiar when someone farts smelly in the transport nearby? It's a shame, hostile thoughts like "could have tolerated" are immediately born. But he couldn't!

Most likely, the one who launched the "whisperer" suffered from bursting pain in the epigastrium, which accompanies flatulence. If you endure the whole trip, the pain will become unbearable.

In a "well-mannered" patient, the skin turns pale, sometimes cold sweat appears, the pupils dilate, the abdomen expands, and belching appears.

It is not worth judging in advance the one who attacked your sense of smell.

He may be suffering from:

  • Dysbacteriosis (pathogenic bacteria contribute to the production of smelly gases);
  • Intestinal obstruction or other disease that slows down the passage of food through the digestive tract;
  • Deficiency of digestive enzymes (food is not digested, rots, unpleasant-smelling chemical compounds are released);
  • Improper eating behavior (for example, swallows air when eating due to braces or does not know how to combine foods - eats yeast food along with a lot of sugar);
  • Food intolerance (does not digest dairy products, peanuts, soy, seafood, wheat);
  • Severe constipation, in which the accumulation of feces does not allow gases to escape normally, from which the stomach hurts and swells.

If a random fellow traveler on the bus suffers from this, then consider that you are simply out of luck. The main thing is to quickly get out of the same confined space with him.

But if flatulence and gases torment you or your loved one? The problem is getting dramatic.

How to cure gas

In each of the above cases, the difficulties are surmountable, but it is required to find out exactly why a person often lets gas.

If the fault is sharp or chronic constipation, a laxative is used that is not addictive even with long-term use.

With dysbiosis, serious treatment is carried out, which includes diet therapy and the intake of pre- and probiotics that stimulate the growth of positive microflora.

An enzyme deficiency can be easily corrected with drugs that either increase the secretion of enzymes or contain them.

Intestinal obstruction is treated exclusively under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. You never know what caused it? It can be fecal stones, polyps and tumors, stenosis, inflammation.


And in case of food intolerance, it is more correct to exclude unwanted products from the diet and carefully monitor so that they are not included in the store semi-finished products.

Effective fight against intestinal troubles

Regardless of why a person often lets gas, with flatulence it is necessary:

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Soak the beans before cooking to prevent gas build-up. Everyone knows that eating beans and other legumes can lead to gas. However, pre-soaking will help you avoid this problem. Eat dried beans instead of canned beans. This will reduce gas production.

  • Use fresh water to boil dried beans. Using water that has soaked the beans will increase gas production.
  • Eat fewer vegetables and fruits that contribute to flatulence. While fruits and vegetables are very important for maintaining good health, some of them can cause gas production. Therefore, by eliminating these foods from your diet or reducing their use, you can get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

    • Eat fewer apples, peaches, bananas, pears, apricots, and raisins. You should also avoid prune juice, which can cause bloating and gas in your digestive tract.
    • Also, reduce your intake of artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green peppers, onions, radishes, celery, carrots, and cucumbers.
  • Also, reduce your intake of dairy products, in particular milk and cheese. Many dairy products cause gas and bloating. Reduce your intake of cheese, milk, and ice cream.

    • You should also avoid packaged foods that contain lactose, such as breads, cereals, and salad dressings.
  • Reduce your carbonated drink intake. Carbonated drinks are high in gas, which can lead to gas in the intestines. Therefore, drink as little carbonated drinks as possible. Drink as much water as possible to stay hydrated.

    • To reduce the amount of gas in a carbonated beverage, open the lid and let the gas escape for several hours. After that, you can drink your favorite drink.
  • Reduce your alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine can cause bloating, indigestion, and flatulence. Traditionally, carbon dioxide is used to gasify beer, so drinking this beverage can lead to increased gas production.

    • If you still can't stop drinking alcoholic beverages, drink them slowly, especially beer and wine. Thanks to this, you will swallow less air, and, accordingly, increased gas production will not be a problem for you.
  • Who messed up the air?

    Friends, have you ever asked yourself the question: "Why do I farts so often?" So I didn't ask. True, without false modesty I will tell you that I had no reason for this, fortunately. I hope you do too. That is why my article is devoted only to those who allow themselves to spoil the air of others quite often! In general, nepokalshchiki, let's - goodbye, and everyone else - follow me!

    Is this normal?

    "I fart very often. Tell me, is it okay?" - once I heard such a question in the well-known TV show "Living is Healthy", which is being hosted on Channel One by Elena Malysheva herself (therapist, professor). Of course, I'm not going to retell you the content of this TV show, but I will note the significant words of Elena Vasilievna, I quote: "Personally, I puff out two liters of air a day." So, we can assume that farting is, in principle, a normal, natural process. I think none of you doubts this. But how many times in one day do we need to turn on the gases so that we don't have a reason to sound the alarm? More on this later.

    I often fart all day long! This is normal?

    Of course not! Doctors have voiced the standard rate according to which it is natural to fart from 6 to 20 times a day, but not all day, friends! Increased gas production indicates an improper diet or a latent disease, of which this fart, in fact, is a symptom. And here a twofold situation arises. Consider her.

    I fart often. What am I ill with?

    Friends, as I said above, there is no single answer to this question. The fact is that this problem is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, increased gas production is the result of any external factors, and on the other, a symptom of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, all this is called flatulence (bloating), which, in turn, can be caused by both normal overeating and any disease; more on that later.

    I often farts after eating. Why?

    It is in this case that we can talk about the very external factors that contribute to increased gas production:

    I often farts on business and without business! What caused this flatulence?

    As I said, flatulence is any excess of gases accumulated in the intestines of a person. With this, everything is clear. The question is different: for what reason do they accumulate in intestinal loops in such large quantities? Only a qualified doctor who will conduct a number of relevant studies can answer this question. From myself I will only add that flatulence can be caused by the following reasons:

    • you could overeat, which is why eat in small portions, but often;
    • one of the possible causes of flatulence is intestinal dysbiosis (lack of beneficial microorganisms involved in the digestion of food);
    • you have any disease of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, helminthiasis.

    It is an indicator of a healthy and well-functioning digestive system and a balanced level of intestinal bacteria.

    When you release gases, you leave:

    • 9% nitrogen
    • 21% hydrogen
    • 9% carbon dioxide
    • 7% methane
    • 4% oxygen
    • 1% hydrogen sulphide (this is what gives the "flavor").

    * According to one medical publication, statistically one person releases gases on average 10 times a day.

    * Most gases come out during sleep.

    * Foods that cause gas contain high levels of carbohydrates. These foods include beans, artichokes, dairy products, sweet potatoes, oats, nuts, soy, and wheat.

    * To stop farting, you only have to eat refined sugar, which is not very good for many people.

    * No matter what people say, women often release gases as often as men. What's more, one study found that when the same food was consumed, women's gases were more concentrated and odorous than men's.

    * During the "shelling", the gas temperature can reach +37 C.

    * The speed with which we emit gases from the intestines is approximately 3 m / sec.

    Farting is useful

    Here are some reasons why releasing gas is good for a person:

    Reducing bloating

    Bloating is caused by the accumulation of gases that should be vented. If your panties start to squeeze, try pogoing.

    It helps balance your diet

    By blowing the wind, you can tell if your diet is balanced, as your body reacts differently to different foods. If, for example, you eat red meat, then your gas will smell more strongly. If you eat foods rich in carbohydrates, your gases will be less odorous, but you will whisper more often.

    It reduces abdominal pain

    If you hold back the gas, you may experience abdominal pain. So, by releasing gas, the pain will subside. However, if there is neither space nor time for the process of releasing the winds, try simply stroking your belly so that the gas does not stagnate in the digestive system.

    Healthy gut

    Holding the gas or trying to release it in small doses can damage your colon. And if you suffer from hemorrhoids, then by holding back gas, you will worsen your condition. Also, if you have problems with the colon, then in no case should you restrain the impulses.

    There are no people in the world who never farts - this is a fact. On average, a person per day produces up to half a liter of intestinal gases, which are released 14 times a day. However, for some people, gassing becomes excessive, which negatively affects their quality of life. What to do with a fart in this case?

    Causes of frequent farts

    What causes the fart? Main reasons flatulence (and this is exactly what the fart is scientifically called) only five:

    Diseases of the digestive system (such as ulcers, gastritis).

    Consequences of surgery (the intestine is mechanically damaged).

    Stress (which leads to contractions of the intestinal muscles).

    Dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics.

    An excess of products that increase the formation of gases.

    What to do with frequent farts?

    We figured out the reasons, but the problem remains! Let's figure out how to get rid of the farts.

    First, it is worth excluding the first two causes of farting - for this, see a doctor!

    When farting from stress, a herbal sedative will help get rid of, remember the same valerian.

    With dysbacteriosis, take a course of drugs with lacto - and bifidobacteria.

    If there is still a nutritional problem, then try to limit the following foods:

    Do not drink beer, kvass, carbonated drinks. To get rid of farting, replace the contraindicated foods with the following:

  • fermented milk (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese);
  • cereals (millet, buckwheat);
  • boiled vegetables (especially beets and carrots);
  • gray bread;
  • boiled meat.
  • How to get rid of farts on the advice of yogis?

    An ancient yogi proverb says: "Eat liquid food as solid and solid as liquid"... To get rid of farting, chew each bite thoroughly - enjoy the taste to the end. The number of times in the ideal case is 100 chewing, but do at least 20-40, and only with your mouth closed (to avoid swallowing air). After all, digestion begins in the mouth. And only drink small sips... You will avoid flatulence and its consequences.

    Give preference to natural food! It is easier to digest. Avoid all additives. Do not buy instant porridge, use regular oatmeal or buckwheat. There are preservatives in packaged juices, they also contain a lot of sugar - the reasons for farting - it's better to make the juice yourself or eat the fruit whole.

    Notice which foods you digest poorly and limit them. You may be lactose intolerant - in which case dairy products are undesirable for you. Eat less fatty foods - digestion suffers from it. Always listen to your body, as we are all individual. It is best to write down what you eat and how you feel in a food diary. Adjust your diet until you find the best one.

    Rest after eating! Get in the habit of resting for 30 minutes after eating. The process of digesting food requires increased blood circulation. When you move, blood rushes mainly to the muscles, from which oxygen starvation can occur in the digestive organs. And for whom is it easy to work hungry?

    Take care of your body! Watch out for alarms (such as farting). It is better to prevent disease than to cure it!

    P.S .: Good news for carminers and fart sufferers

    Textile engineers from a Japanese company have released a new invention - men's and women's pants that absorb the smell of intestinal gases. Odors are effectively eliminated by ceramic inclusions with a high adsorption capacity for fart odors.

    The company started developing innovative underwear after a doctor consulted. He proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bhelping people who cannot get rid of the farts. Businessmen liked this idea, and after a few years the work was successfully completed.

    Interestingly, this product is purchased not only by hospices and hospitals, but also by ordinary people, apparently, simply wanting to protect their business image from extraneous odors.


    Flatulence - how to solve a delicate problem?

    With increased flatulence - excessive formation of intestinal gases, they begin to think about how to get rid of farting, since such a problem begins to cause serious inconvenience.

    Some women refuse to live with a partner, not knowing how to get rid of farting at night. Men on such "insignificant" reason almost do not have complexes.

    What is the reason for the increased gas emission, and is it possible to get rid of farting at home, without resorting to official medicine?

    It is possible to get rid of constant farting if you find the reason why it is caused.

    Gases in the intestines accumulate when you eat foods that increase gas production or slow down the metabolic process.

    The first group includes: legumes, cabbage of all kinds, fruits and vegetables, carbonated drinks, kvass. Fermentation processes in the body are stimulated - black bread, kvass and kombucha. When dairy products are consumed in adults, gases often accumulate in the intestines - there are not enough enzymes to digest lactose.

    Diseases of the digestive system also cause gas formation, in which gases are released too often.

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis and colitis of various etiologies;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • violation of intestinal motility - including after surgery.
  • When infected with intestinal infections, fermentation and increased gas production constantly occur.

    The individual reaction of many people to stressful conditions is an increase in intestinal motility. How to get rid of frequent farts in emergency situations is possible only with the help of auto-training.

    There is also a completely "harmless" reason for the increased accumulation of air in the stomach, and then in the intestines: it is swallowed during meals, if they are in a hurry to swallow food without worrying carefully, or when they talk. No wonder the old saying teaches: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb!" ... Talking while eating is indecent and unhealthy.

    Signs of flatulence can be as follows:

    1. Abdominal pain caused by intestinal cramps.
    2. The characteristic bloating of the abdomen, causing an increase in diameter - which is very upsetting for the fair sex.
    3. Eructation - within 1-2 hours after eating.
    4. Unpleasant sounds in the stomach - gurgling, rumbling - the liquid contents of the intestine, bursting with gases, practically "boil".
    5. Frequent digestive disorders accompanied by nausea.
    6. Periodic flatulence - or farting. Gas exit from the rectum, accompanied by a sharp sound and unpleasant odor.
    7. Bloating is also associated with more dangerous symptoms such as heart pain and difficulty breathing. Gases increase the internal volume of organs in the abdominal cavity, it begins to prop up the diaphragm. Arrhythmia begins, shortness of breath appears.

      When the vagus nerve is pinched by intestinal loops, intolerable pain may appear.

      Diagnosis of diseases

      To find out the reasons causing increased flatulence and flatulence, the following diagnostic measures are taken. A colonoscopy, FGS is carried out, feces are taken to be checked for dysbiosis, to exclude helminthic invasion, to find out which enzymes are not enough to digest food. Before the research, the patient's diet is carefully studied and products that cause increased gas formation are excluded from it - otherwise the indicators will be unreliable.

      It is necessary to exclude bowel cancer - its main symptom is rapid flatulence.

      To find out whether there is lactose deficiency, special lactose tolerance tests help - the patient can confirm or exclude pathology without analyzing feces for a coprogram.

      But gases cannot completely stop being produced - natural noises and movements in the intestines indicate that it is working. "Silence" in the peritoneum indicates that there is paresis in the intestines. This condition requires medical attention - if the gases do not go away, but remain in the stomach, then the digestion process is disrupted. The accumulation of toxins in the stomach causes intoxication of the body.

      Medication for flatulence

      After finding out the causes of flatulence, a complex treatment of the disease begins and the elimination of its unpleasant symptoms: belching, flatulence, increased rumbling.

      How to get rid of frequent farting with medication?

      With the help of antispasmodics, the pain symptom is removed - "No-shpa", "Papaverine", "Spazmalgon" ... To reduce the portions of air swallowed during meals, they reduce the amount of food swallowed at a time, try to eat concentratedly.

      Prescribe sorbents that remove intonation - "Fosfalugel", "Enterogel" and others.

      During the meal, they take enzyme preparations - "Mezim", "Pancreotin", "Creon", etc.

      Modern drugs that affect intestinal motility are effective against excess gas formation. These funds are called "defoamers" - "Simethicone", "Dimethicone".

      Sometimes excess gases need to be removed - then "Cerucal" is prescribed, probiotics are used to eliminate dysbiosis.

      One of the safest and most effective drugs that eliminates increased gas formation and helps to cope with the problem - how to get rid of farting at night - is "Espumisan". It is enough to take a pill an hour before a night's rest, and extraneous sounds will not bother roommates.

      This drug can be taken by elderly people, women during lactation, pregnant women, and - what is very important - patients with diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis.

      Self-elimination of flatulence

      The problem of how to get rid of farts at home begins with the correction of nutrition.

      It is necessary to completely exclude fatty foods, carbonated drinks, grapes, sweets, legumes, cabbage from the diet, and reduce the amount of baking.

      Spices that help avoid flatulence: dill, parsley, anise, coriander. Flaxseed can be added to taste the dish - it has a calming effect on irritated intestines.

      In order not to leave the body without fiber, you should eat more cereals, include bran in the daily menu. This food speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse the intestines.

      It is recommended to arrange fasting days: first, once a week, then 1-2 times a month. Since it is rare when frequent flatulence occurs with healthy digestive organs, it is impossible to keep the body on a "starvation diet". On fasting days you need to “sit” on boiled unsalted rice and kefir.

      In order not to release gases in public, periodically - in seclusion - you should perform exercises that will remove excess gases.

      The exercises are so simple that no prerequisites are required to complete them.

    8. It is necessary to massage the abdomen clockwise.
    9. Then, 15-20 times, pull in and release the abdominal muscles.
    10. You need to pat yourself on the buttocks, and do the exercises 35-60 times to draw in and weaken the muscles of the anus sphincter.
    11. These simple exercises will help tone your gut muscles and expel excess gas.

      Decoctions and other folk remedies

      To prevent public embarrassment, traditional medicine offers medicines from herbal raw materials.

    12. After eating, you should chew anise or caraway seeds, drink half a glass of mint tea.
    13. As tea is brewed with fennel or dill - the effect of the infusions is so mild that they are even given to infants.
    14. Carminative tea recipe - mix equal amounts:
    • immortelle;
    • dill seed;
    • chamomile;
    • yarrow;
    • peppermint.
    • Brew a teaspoon into a glass of boiling water.

    1. Licorice tea. The only difference in cooking is that it is infused after boiling for 10 minutes.
    2. Dandelion root infusion - insist in a thermos, pouring 1 spoonful of herbal raw materials with a glass of boiling water in the evening. Drink during the day, having previously filtered.
    3. Fresh potato juice. The course of treatment is 10 days, 1/3 cup before meals. Acts gently, recommended for the treatment of erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa with increased acidity.
    4. If flatulence is associated with constipation, then it is recommended to insist tea on toadflax. Take 1/4 cup before bedtime.

    Frequent gas emission can be fought on your own, but you should first consult a doctor.

    If flatulence is caused by diseases of the digestive system, you should start treating the cause, simultaneously getting rid of unpleasant symptoms, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of the fart.

    Folk remedies for flatulence in adults

    Gas formation in the intestines is natural and normal. They are released during the breakdown of food and the vital activity of microflora, both harmful and useful. Normally, there is 0.9 liters of gases in the intestines at any time, and about the same amount is excreted naturally per day. However, errors in nutrition and various disruptions in the digestion process lead to the fact that the number of pathogenic bacteria increases several times. This is manifested by flatulence when the volume of gases reaches 3 liters or more.

    Today we want to talk about folk remedies for flatulence, but the issue of causality cannot be ignored. After all, a person should understand why he experiences such unpleasant symptoms.

  • The first reason is the consumption of foods that contribute to the formation of gas. It should be noted that everything is individual here. Someone's gastrointestinal tract does not react at all to beans or cabbage, while others experience severe bloating. This list also includes pears and apples.
  • Unbalanced diet, eating disorders.
  • Various malfunctions of the body. These include problems of the nervous system, dysbiosis and other problems of the intestinal microflora, gastrointestinal diseases.
  • As you can see, there are enough reasons, which means that folk remedies for flatulence will not remain without their consumer.

    Often, several causes are added together, which leads to an increase in unpleasant symptoms. In this case, one is superimposed on another and the clinical picture is blurred. Now only a doctor will be able to deal with what is happening and prescribe treatment. So, what the patient usually complains about:

  • Great heaviness and pain in the abdomen. Moreover, it can give to the left and right sides, which confuses the diagnosis. And if a woman applies for an appointment, a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist will be required in order to exclude diseases specific to her body.
  • Bloating. Everything seems to be clear here.
  • Rumbling and fermenting.
  • The patient may say that he is puffy. And there are two options. The gases constantly go away, creating inconvenience for others, or, conversely, inflate the intestines to pain and do not leave it.
  • Belching and hiccups.
  • Constipation.
  • In fact, these are not symptoms of an independent disease, but only a bell that signals that something is going wrong. So a wise body points out to us violations in the digestive tract and metabolic processes. Therefore, folk remedies for flatulence can significantly alleviate the condition, but they do not solve the problem, so it is very important to get diagnosed by a doctor.

    Crohn's disease and dysbiosis

    They are quite often found in pairs. In this case, in addition to severe flatulence, pain is observed, and a small amount of mucus and blood leaves with the feces. Such symptoms should not be ignored, be sure to consult a doctor. In addition to medicines, folk remedies for mucus are also used for intestinal flatulence. Herbal preparations that combine the action of several folk remedies give a good effect. To do this, you need to take 30 g of chamomile and peppermint, crushed caraway seeds and dill. Pour one spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. This tea can be used as often as needed. It relieves bloating and constipation, and helps the intestines get rid of mucus.

    Flatulence in pregnant women

    This is a phenomenon that is almost impossible to avoid. Even if you adhere to a balanced diet, and the body is completely healthy, bearing a child makes its own adjustments. Increased gas production is a problem for most expectant mothers. There are enough reasons for this. The fetus presses on the intestines, the hormonal background changes, the woman is constantly experiencing stress and excitement.

    As a result, at one point, she is faced with severe discomfort, pain in the abdomen. In this case, it is best to refuse medication. Folk remedies for flatulence will be the best and most gentle option for getting rid of discomfort.

    Treatment will require an integrated approach. If these symptoms are the result of stress, then you need to change the environment and be distracted by more pleasant things. In addition, gas formation is associated with a number of processes occurring in the intestine. This is fermentation and absorption of nutrients. Accordingly, it is extremely important that they return to normal.

    Therefore, folk remedies for flatulence in adults give a good effect only in combination with a proper diet. All fatty, sweet, salty and spicy foods are removed from the diet; food is divided into 4-5 meals. In this case, it is imperative to chew very carefully each piece.

    There are a number of products that can greatly reduce the likelihood of gassing. These are fish, rice and eggs, poultry and meat. By limiting your diet for the period of exacerbation and including these foods in it, you can achieve good results. Alternatively, you can use folk remedies for flatulence in adults. And dill comes first. Aromatic herb can not only improve the taste of ready-made dishes, but is also on guard of your health.

    Dill cooking options

    This garden greens can be eaten neat, sprinkled with fresh vegetable salads, and added to soups. There will be no harm from this. And if you decide to use it as a medicine, then one of the following recipes will come in handy:

  • You will need mature dill seeds, which can be harvested in large quantities on the site and stored for future use. For 2 cups of boiling water, you need to take a tablespoon of raw materials and insist under a tight lid for 3 hours. The dose for an adult is 150 ml three times a day.
  • Folk remedies for flatulence and bloating based on dill are widely known. The next can be called his broth. For this, a teaspoon of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water. Now the mixture needs to be darkened under the lid. The resulting broth must be filtered and cooled. This is a single dose for an adult. It is recommended to use it in the morning and in the evening.
  • Dill oil also showed itself well. It is well stored, and if necessary, you do not need to spend time preparing broths and infusions. It is enough to drop seven drops on a piece of refined sugar and eat it. You can mix a teaspoon of oil with 50 ml of pure water. You need to drink the mixture 15 ml three times a day.

  • Who doesn't love the amazing taste of gingerbread? Probably there are not many of them. However, today we want to tell you that it is also a powerful drug. If you are looking for a safe and reliable way to get rid of flatulence with folk remedies, then be sure to try ginger. This is a wonderful food that has anti-inflammatory properties, aids in digestion, reduces the amount of gas produced, and also soothes bloating and belching. But that's not all. Ginger ensures the normalization of all digestion processes, as well as bowel movements.

    Ginger is very easy to use as a medicine. To do this, take a ready-made tincture and take 30 drops before meals. Or you can grate the root, pour boiling water over it. Three cups of this tea a day will provide excellent bowel function. It is useful and easy to chew a piece of ginger root after meals.

    Gorgeous cardamom

    Speaking about which folk remedies to remove flatulence, do not forget about other oriental spices. Cardamom is great for helping to control gas production. You can easily buy it in any store, but here many housewives do not even know what to use it for. In the countries of the East and Asia, it is added to green tea to improve digestive processes. You can use this property too. A cup of flavored drink will reduce the production of gases and improve the process of their passing. It is worth recalling that normally it occurs without noise and odor.

    And we continue to consider the option of using aromatic herbs as a medicine. The fight against flatulence with folk remedies can be carried out without a doctor's prescription, since such methods will not harm. The only thing to consider is the possibility of allergic reactions, so evaluate the state of your body for the first time.

    So, mint tea is a delicious and healthy treat that many people like. It is especially good in the heat, with ice. You can add fresh leaves directly to a cup of fresh tea. Alternatively, boil water in a saucepan, add fresh or dried mint to it, and then drink the broth chilled. 2-3 cups a day are enough after each meal.

    What can you buy at the pharmacy

    Of course, there are many specialized drugs that are quite effective in dealing with increased gas production. True, in most cases, they only remove the consequences. This is the famous "Espumisan" and its analogues. In addition, antispasmodics can indirectly help in solving the problem. This is "No-shpa" or "Duspatalin". This group of drugs does nothing with gas formation, but, by relaxing the intestinal walls, they contribute to the speedy passage of gases and the passage of feces. As a result, discomfort is reduced.

    But today we are more interested in folk remedies for flatulence and constipation. Among all the variety, the following can be called:

    • 3-4 teaspoons of crushed cumin seeds are poured with boiling water (2 cups), insisted for 2 hours in a sealed container.

    The filtered infusion is taken 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup every half hour.

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped wild carrot seeds with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist 5-6 hours at room temperature.

    Strain the infusion, slightly warm and take in small sips for 1-2 hours.

  • Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped dill seeds with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes.

    Take the filtered agent in four doses, 1/2 cup every hour.

  • take 2 teaspoons of fresh or dry roots of parsley and dill seeds, grind, pour boiling water (1 glass). Insist 4-5 hours.

    Filter the infusion and take 2 tablespoons every half hour.

  • Various options can be used to treat bloating depending on the available home arsenal of medicinal plants. medicinal fees (in parts):

  • Herbal collection number 1: calamus rhizome - 2, valerian rhizome - 2, buckthorn bark - 2, dandelion root - 1, dioecious nettle leaves - 1 Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over two tablespoons of the chopped mixture. Simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes.

    Strain the warm broth and take 0.5 cups for bloating.

  • Herbal collection number 2:fruit caraway seeds - 3, anise - 2, dill - 2, fennel - 2, parsley seeds - 2, chamomile flowers - 1, mint leaves - 1. Preparation and taking remedy for bloating, as in the previous recipe.
  • Herbal collection number 3:rhizomes gentian - 2, calamus - 1, rhubarb - 1, angelica root - 1, St. John's wort herb - 1, centaury herb - 1.

    Prepare a decoction for treatment and take it in the same way as collection No. 1.

  • Herbal collection number 4: marshmallow roots - 3 and rhubarb - 3, licorice root - 3, fennel fruits - 3, buckthorn bark - 2, flax seeds - 1, chamomile flowers - 1.

    Prepare the broth and take in the same way as collection No. 1.

  • Herbal collection number 5: angelica roots - 3 and chicory - 3, odorous rue leaves - 2, caraway seeds - 2, juniper fruits - 1, oat grains - 1.

    Cook and take the broth as in recipe number 1.

  • If bloating is associated with weak motor activity of the intestines, in particular, after operations on the abdominal organs, the following remedy from medicinal plants (in parts) is used in folk medicine for treatment:

    blackberry leaves - 3, grass thyme - 2, oregano - 2, strawberries - 1.5. Two tablespoons of the chopped collection are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

    The remedy for bloating is filtered and taken in 100 ml 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.